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Everything posted by EmperorMoth.2709

  1. Hey there, Schmole! I am not sure what server you are on, or if you are still looking, but you might check us out. We raid three days a week, so we don't raid every day but our guild members are in WvW every day. We run Monday, Thursday, Saturday at 8 EST for about 2 hours. There are also other guilds on our server that run around the same time you could go hang with. That being said, Jade Quarry is currently full on transfers. We may open back up on Monday (Mondays are when the server populations are re-balanced), but if you don't find another guild you could transfer to our link which isn't ideal but it is an option. You can find some more information about us here. Feel free to shoot me a message if you are interested!
  2. I have been having this happen as well, but on elementalist. So not just a rev issue, a multiclass issue. I do, however, have rev builds saved to my build storage.
  3. Looking for a new home with friendly members and an environment that promotes teamwork? Check us out, feel free to reach out to me with any questions you have. We are always looking for new members, no matter if you have been playing for years or you started just last week.
  4. Seeing lots of new faces in WvW lately! HERE takes members of all experience levels, even if it is your first day in WvW you can find a family with us. Check out our new video !
  5. If you don't happen to find a guild on FA give us a look over, our link is not full but I know you would probably like to stick with FA. Here is a link to our forum post, feel free to have a look at some of our videos which can be found there. If you like what you see and don't mind the transfer hit me up and I can go into some more detail on the guild. Happy hunting!
  6. Hey there Zye! If you don't happen to find a guild on Dragonbrand feel free to give us a poke. We don't currently have thief in our group as an accepted class but we do have many other options. Here is a link to our forum post, feel free to have a look at some of our videos which can be found there.
  7. Looking for something to do during the shut down? Come play some WvW with HERE! Jade Quarry is full but Devona's Rest is our new link, if you are looking for a new WvW guild to call home send me a message in game.
  8. Hot off the press, the next WvW video is ! Give it a watch and if you like what you see come join us.
  9. @greenlights.7960 I will send you a mail in game with when we are running next and our discord information. @Dazzle.4617 I have spoken with you already but will send you a link for our discord in your mail as well. Can't wait to chat!
  10. Balance patch hype! Out here figuring out what is good, what is bad, and what is big brain.
  11. Balance patch when? Another while we wait patiently for our lord and savior cmc to bring us new content.
  12. Hey there! Give HERE a look and see if we fit your schedule. We are currently linked with SoR, and so you would be able to play with us. You can read about us here if we aren't your style I can also point you in the direction of some other SoR guilds.
  13. Relinks for the win! JQ and SoR are out here putting in work. Please enjoy another . Balance patch incoming soon, we are preparing to get down to business with new strategies!
  14. Hey there! Check HERE out! We start our raids at 8EST, we are a fight based guild. We are currently on JQ, so getting to us might mean transferring to a link for the moment but all of the classes you listed fit what we run during raid. Here is a link for general information about us.
  15. Guess what! We're back in T1 again! Keeping this thread alive by bringing all the latest news. We have a fresh new video hot off the press . Fights have been a bit scuffed but we out here! We have a Halloween event in the works, because who doesn't love Halloween? Come join our merry band of mischief, new players, old players, we'd love to have you!
  16. I wanted to extend a thanks to the developers with how Jormag has been handled. Honestly, my most hype part of the trailer was Jormag's voice and dialog. The voice acting was fantastic, and I am very excited to see where their story leads us. After reading the superbly designed new magazine and Tom's tweet I got a chance to appreciate Jormag even more. Diversity is important in any game, especially for minorities so it was great to see something that encouraged the re-evaluation of past beliefs. I particularly liked where Tom said "It all derives from thinking of EDs not as animals but as people". As a side note, if Jormag's gender doesn't matter to you feel free to spend your time posting on a thread that is not this one. This is not an the thread for you.
  17. There are several reasons why this is difficult. Take a journey with me, let's pretend that you have been throwing out recruitment messages in PvE land and you have finally gotten someone talking to you about joining. First issue, they might not be on your server, meaning you will either have to point them to where they can find a WvW guild or encourage them to transfer. Transfer fees are expensive for your casual player, and it is asking a lot of them to transfer to a server when they are new to WvW. Most people will not do so. Say they are on your server, what then? Well, then you walk them through the typical recruitment requirements such as discord, and guild builds. Now, let's say this person is a casual player, guild builds, and the idea of downloading discord is a lot. You are asking them to make gear specifically for a game mode they have never played or have only dabbled in. They don't even know if they like it. So if they agree to the requirements, tell you they will work on gearing, and you give them a guild invite then you need to take time to train them. Don't get me wrong, I am more than willing to help out new people and spend a good chunk of my time doing so but say you manage to find three new guildies that have never played WvW before. You need to explain to them how to play, what objectives are, how to stay on tag, what callouts mean, needless to say it is a large chunk of time. The biggest issue is that these people that you are trying to recruit in PvE need to have enough of a thirst for the game mode to keep them going though all of the gearing, the learning, and the many times that they will die because they are familiar with where their stun break is. You could put in all that time and the player could decide the game mode is too much for them, they could have real life pop up and they have to leave the game, they could be disheartened due to a bad matchup. All that time that you have invested in them can go to waste quite easily. You have brought up an interesting idea though, if there was a way to reach these people, particularly the people who are on your server such as some kind of server chat it would make the process a bit easier because you could find potential new recruits or even lead some kind of event for them so they can get a taste of WvW. Megaservers have kind of taken away the ability to do that.
  18. Friends, may I point you to a tweet from Tom on this topic? It appears you failed to include another option in your poll. I hope this helps everyone that was wondering! I know Jormag's gender may not be important to some people but for the lore buffs wondering how the ancestry of dragons work and how they approach things like gender I think this is an interesting find. Also in this quote, Tom says "we’re treating it as a “how do they identify?” thing rather than a physiological question. It all derives from thinking of EDs not as animals but as people" and I think that is super great. Edit: For those who are a bit confused about the question, "gender" can differ from biological sex characteristics. In fact, in many cases "gender" is an entirely different facet of someone's identity. I encourage those who are a bit puzzled on this issue to go through some googling because (as the scholars of the Priory would say) "Knowledge is the greatest treasure".
  19. Hello, friends! We are continuing to go strong and do our best even though WvW is a bit rocky right now. If you are looking for a guild we would love to have you! Due to the low population in general in WvW it is pretty cheap to transfer over to JQ. Feel free to send me a message in game if you want to learn some more about us.
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