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Sir Vincent III.1286

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Everything posted by Sir Vincent III.1286

  1. I think you mean Ember. She was commanded by Almorra from the Vigil, not from the High Legion. She joined on the Ash Legion's instructions. (Should be page 223, if you have a copy handy.) The Imperator wanted a reliable informant to keep an eye on what the Vigil was up to. My recollection failed me. Thanks. Which also reminds me that Almorra no longer have a warband.
  2. Charrs have magic the same way humans have technology. They are not magic oriented culture nor is there any indication that they posses significant magical prowess. Only significant magical feat they ever did was Searing Cauldron and that was gift from the titans. I disagree. The Charr has many Legions and you're basically comparing humans magical capabilities to Blood, Iron, and Ash, which are mostly physically oriented Legions. However, the Legion that specialized in magic was the Fire Legion, which proves that the Charr posses magical prowess that rivals the humans. Thats indeed True and found everywhere in the game. sure there are Magic meddlers in all legions but u have to consider that u cant Count the Player Population for that because the Player are not representative for their legions but one individual of the Legion the PC Chose at the creationMagic in General is distrusted a lot in charr Society for the flame Legion incidents in the pastEven if magic is distrusted, it doesn't really change the fact that the Charr posses magical prowess that can rival the humans. In an event of a Human-Charr war, it's not unlikely that the High Legion will issue a truce with the Fire Legion and employ their magic users, even as fodder in the front line. The Fire Legion hates humans more than they hate the High Legion and more than likely will be glad to cooperate. However if this event unfolds, the Fire Legion will find this as an opportunity to gain power proving that the alliance with the humans was folly from the very beginning that the judgment of the High Legion is flawed. This will rally more Charr under the leadership of the Fire Legion putting them in command. This is a scenario that the Charr Legion I assumed have already considered, that a war with the human would mean the return of the Fire Legion in the position of power. This is why the Legions, even grudgingly, agreed to make peace with the humans. The alternative is not something they want. The only group that is more likely to start the war is the humans by attempting to retake Ascalon. I don't see the Charr starting any war despite of their militaristic culture. The humans, even though they want to retake Ascalon, is in no position of starting a war. So, that's that. Nobody from either side wants it. Yeah, I don't believe that the Norn will pick a side either. They didn't pick a side then, they won't pick a side now. Although, a few might join as mercenaries for the sake of glory. I think you mean Ember. She was commanded by Almorra from the Vigil, not from the High Legion. I'm sure the members of the Order and the Pact will stay neutral since their purpose is different. However, I would expect some members will abandon their Order/Pact duty to return home for the war. Nah, the Commander will be a relic of the past from this point on. If the Commander failed to prevent the war from happening, that means he already lost his voice and they no longer respect his opinion. Nobody would want his counsel knowing fully well that the Commander don't want the war in the first place. The race of the Commander will not change this.
  3. Charrs have magic the same way humans have technology. They are not magic oriented culture nor is there any indication that they posses significant magical prowess. Only significant magical feat they ever did was Searing Cauldron and that was gift from the titans. I disagree. The Charr has many Legions and you're basically comparing humans magical capabilities to Blood, Iron, and Ash, which are mostly physically oriented Legions. However, the Legion that specialized in magic was the Fire Legion, which proves that the Charr posses magical prowess that rivals the humans.
  4. There is nothing in the game that would indicate that humans are not developing technology because they don't want charr to see them as a threat. Don't forget that humans are magic oriented race, much more than charr who are more oriented towards technology. Humans have far less need to develop large machinery since they have culturally different approach to magic. People often forget that in fantasy worlds magic has similar usage and role as technology has in real world. However, Charr has both magic and techs. That's where the disparity comes in. Since both sides will have access to magic, it is pointless to discuss that topic, thus I focused on military techs, training, and numbers. They fill the tank with gas which makes it float.
  5. I won't be surprise if the engineer behind their design is a Charr since the watchknight looks like Charr tech. It is actually well known that they were designed by humans who studied the Steam Creatures in the shiverpeaks which were originally designed by Scarlet Briar. No part of their construction was of charr origin. While humans were on the losing side of the war, they were scrappy and were somehow always stay just far enough ahead od the charr to avoid destruction. Minus the Kryta scenario which was trading one slave master for another. I'll remain skeptic until they revealed the engineer behind the design. When they introduced the watchknights, they should have introduced the engineer also since it is a historical achievement. But the hush hush about it makes me suspicious. Well then, might as well assume that their hot air balloons and the dome that protected them during the siege of Divinity's reach are charr tech also... I mean humanity has shown no capability to actually produce anything over the last few centuries aside from sustaining a multiple centuries siege while keeping their siege capabilities at the same level as that of their enemy. Obviously they have no skills whatsoever.It's not a matter of whether they have the skills or not, it's a matter of their intent. There is no sign whatsoever that they have any intention to go to war with anyone. Thus, there is no need to build war machines. All the war preparations and equipment were delegated to the Pact. I think the Charr will find DR a threat if the human start amassing military personnel, supplies, and war machines. That is why I doubt that the watchknight is design and built by humans, since the Charr will find that as a threat. For the last century, the humans could have invented their own war machines, but didn't, even when facing the threat of Zhaitan being able to infiltrate the throne room. This is because they don't want to pose as a threat to the Charr, so they rely more on magic and manpower. Since the Charr didn't reacted negatively when the watchknight was announced, I am incline to believe that it is Charr-approved since they had a hand on designing and building it. It may be the humans who put the pieces together, but humans don't have a forge or furnace to build all the cogs and gears of the watch work. Such furnace can only be found in the Black Citadel. Now, I am also incline to accept if they tossed some rare items into the Mystic Forge and got a watchknight in return.
  6. I won't be surprise if the engineer behind their design is a Charr since the watchknight looks like Charr tech. It is actually well known that they were designed by humans who studied the Steam Creatures in the shiverpeaks which were originally designed by Scarlet Briar. No part of their construction was of charr origin. While humans were on the losing side of the war, they were scrappy and were somehow always stay just far enough ahead od the charr to avoid destruction. Minus the Kryta scenario which was trading one slave master for another.I'll remain skeptic until they revealed the engineer behind the design. When they introduced the watchknights, they should have introduced the engineer also since it is a historical achievement. But the hush hush about it makes me suspicious.
  7. I won't be surprise if the engineer behind their design is a Charr since the watchknight looks like Charr tech.
  8. Humans was on a losing streak and Divinity's Reach is the last bastion for humanity. Humans do not train for war like the Charrs. From a small cub, Charr already know danger and trained to be in a warband. Humans in Kryta don't have the same culture. Elona is close to war-ready than Kryta but Joko have persecuted the Sunspears for years. All they have left are a small band of resistance than can actually fight. In addition, Kryta has ballista made of wood. How is that going to work against the Charr tanks? Asura golems is the only thing that can match the Charr tanks. However, just like the Humans, Asura has a scholar culture, not a war culture. Same goes with the Sylvari, they are explorers, not warriors. I disagree.
  9. The only scenario for a Human-Charr war is if the Humans marched to retake Ascalon from the Charr after the Foefire was cleansed. Since the Charr outnumbers the Humans 3-1 and by marching to Ascalon will leave Divinity's Reach unprotected, I really doubt that the Humans will do something suicidal. The Charr has no interest in Kryta, that was the Flame Legions, so even if the treaty expires, Charr will stay within the Ascalon border and Humans will stay within the Krytan border. I just don't see the possibility of war as it stands. They have to throw in an outside influence to stir things up. I doubt racial tension would be believable enough.
  10. Humans are in no position to go to war with anyone, either now or in the future. The strength of the humans hinges on their faith to the Six and since they're no longer around, assuming that they won't ever come back, then humans are powerless and will come to extinction. This is why peace is very important to the Humans. As far as the Charr goes, they only care about Ascalon, only the Flame Legion wants to expand and fortunately they no longer in power. Unless the Humans tries to retake Ascalon, they won't be at war with the Charr. However, assuming that they threw reasons and their senses out the window and went to war anyway, the Human will lose against the Charr. The Norn will be neutral. The Asura will join the Humans as arms dealer since Charr makes their own techs and the Sylvari will also join the humans due to their spiritual connections through Ventari. Despite having this alliance, Charr live and breath war, while Humans are not well trained, thus Humans will be annihilated if they charge head on in the field of battle. Charr is simply superior in training, strategy, tactics, and weaponry. The Humans would need the blessings from their gods in order to fight a Charr 1-to-1. Without the blessings from the Six, it would take 3 Humans to match a single Charr since Charrs are battle hardened. The only way for the Humans to match the Charr is to have the support of both Sylvari and Asura. This is of course assuming that the Charr will be alone in this. The Charr might seal a pact with the Centaurs since Humans will be their common enemy. The primitive Centaurs and their wooden Trebuchets are already too much for the Humans, now imagine facing the superior war engines of the Charr. With the Centaurs allied with the Charr, the Human-formed alliance will have no chance of winning without their gods. This is of course limited in the continent of Tyria without including the Humans from Cantha and Elona. Since Elona and Kryta has a historical connection, Elona might help Kryta, but they too are in no position to go to war that's why I doubt that will be able to. TL;DRNorn - neutral, wants everyone to be friendsAsura - sides with Humans as arms dealerSylvari - sides with Humans due to spiritual connection through Ventari's teachingCentaurs - sides with Charr, Humans as common enemy No Human gods, Humans loses.
  11. I would like that as well. I was thinking more on the lines of getting dual foci and using them like claws/ brass knuckles. On the other hand if we ever get a whip in the game I would like thief to get it as a dual wield or at least a main hand weapon. It doesn't matter what weapon really, as long as it is a Shadow Mage.
  12. "Way of the Empty Palm" specialist. No weapons. Casts shadow magic.
  13. from the wiki that I linked earlier. "The Thief, Burglar, Scoundrel, or Rogue is a character class in many role-playing games, including Dungeons & Dragons, Final Fantasy, World of Warcraft and many MMORPGs. Thieves are usually stealthy and dexterous characters able to disarm traps, pick locks, spy on foes, and perform backstabs from hiding. " a good chunk of the gaming community, and not just GW2, agrees with Redline and my definition of thief...they are rogues. lol.. they are the same thing The Final Fantasy Thief is very different from GW2 Thief. Just as the WoW Rogue is very different from GW2 Thief. Sure they has skills in common but there are many thing that makes them very different. Example:Rogues will use their charm and talk their way to swindle or steal, while the Thief will rather not be seen while stealing. If you don't understand that simple difference, then the problem is on you. Lucky for us the game isn't based around your "lore".Luck for ArenaNet for designing their Thief outside the norm and not just another Rogue archetype by giving them the ability to use Shadow Magic. That's called creativity.
  14. from the wiki that I linked earlier. "The Thief, Burglar, Scoundrel, or Rogue is a character class in many role-playing games, including Dungeons & Dragons, Final Fantasy, World of Warcraft and many MMORPGs. Thieves are usually stealthy and dexterous characters able to disarm traps, pick locks, spy on foes, and perform backstabs from hiding. " a good chunk of the gaming community, and not just GW2, agrees with Redline and my definition of thief...they are rogues. lol.. they are the same thing The Final Fantasy Thief is very different from GW2 Thief. Just as the WoW Rogue is very different from GW2 Thief. Sure they has skills in common but there are many thing that makes them very different. Example:Rogues will use their charm and talk their way to swindle or steal, while the Thief will rather not be seen while stealing. If you don't understand that simple difference, then the problem is on you.
  15. nah, GW2 pretty much went with standard thief/rogue definition in this game when they created the class Not even close. Daredevil is a Rogue class having physical skills. Just because I have the skill to speak Spanish, doesn't make me Spanish. Yes, Thieves has skills of Rogues, but that doesn't make them Rogues. You're confused and dishonest. If you review my post, I never said that the source of stealth is exclusive to Shadow Magic. Rather I said, Engineer uses tools (e.g. gyro) to go in stealth, Ranger uses camo, Mesmer uses Illusion Magic, and Thief uses Shadow magic. Further proof that you really do have reading comprehension problem. Wrong. No matter how many times you try, the fact is, Mesmer uses Chaos magic and Thief uses Shadow magic. That is the fact. You're not only being dishonest about my position, you're also being dishonest about the Thief and the Mesmer. Well, that is so freaking obvious. No one is making a parallel of the two profession. That is your failed attempt to misrepresent my position again. Yet again you're confused. Compare thief to a thief? What? Of course they will be similar, they are both thief. There is more to being support that just healing and protection. Example: Having a friend hold your target in place so you can punch the target unhindered is a very good support skill. No different that the Thief immobilizing the target so that your team can spike the target is an effective support skill that is often overlooked. Where does it say what type of magic each class uses exclusively? You are making up rules to suit your claims. The only person here that is dishonest is you. So, your idea of support thief is just another type of +1ing....lmao. The mesmers "steal", they use stealth. The use trickery and illusions. They are arcane. They are duelists. They are magic thieves, and originally "magic" thieves. Even the description of the mesmer and their skills are closer to what you conjured up on page one then GW2 thief is lmao. Accoriding to this description https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/mesmer/ "Mesmers are magical duelists who wield deception as a weapon. Using powerful illusions, clones, and phantasmal magic to ensure that their enemies can’t believe their own eyes, mesmers tip the balance of every fight in their favor." hmmm....that's not chaos magic....hmmmmmmWhat do you think the Chaos trait line is? lol The key trait that shows the source of the Mesmer's stealth is the GM Chaos trait called Prismatic Understanding - "Increased stealth duration from mesmer skills. Gain random boons while you are in stealth. " So much for your understanding of what the Mesmer is. Again, your argument is moot. Moving through the shadows.Vanish into thin air. Other professions like the Engineer requires a gyro to vanish into thin air, yet the Thief uses nothing. That is Shadow Magic. Shadow Gust has revealed the type of magic that the Thief uses; "Knock away nearby foes with a burst of shadow magic..." There is no denying that fact which includes the fact that "Deadeye is a Thief". Denying that fact is utter dishonesty.
  16. Yup, not even close since 55 monk don't even need items.
  17. nah, GW2 pretty much went with standard thief/rogue definition in this game when they created the class Not even close. Daredevil is a Rogue class having physical skills. Just because I have the skill to speak Spanish, doesn't make me Spanish. Yes, Thieves has skills of Rogues, but that doesn't make them Rogues. You're confused and dishonest. If you review my post, I never said that the source of stealth is exclusive to Shadow Magic. Rather I said, Engineer uses tools (e.g. gyro) to go in stealth, Ranger uses camo, Mesmer uses Illusion Magic, and Thief uses Shadow magic. Further proof that you really do have reading comprehension problem. Wrong. No matter how many times you try, the fact is, Mesmer uses Chaos magic and Thief uses Shadow magic. That is the fact. You're not only being dishonest about my position, you're also being dishonest about the Thief and the Mesmer. Well, that is so freaking obvious. No one is making a parallel of the two profession. That is your failed attempt to misrepresent my position again. Yet again you're confused. Compare thief to a thief? What? Of course they will be similar, they are both thief. There is more to being support that just healing and protection. Example: Having a friend hold your target in place so you can punch the target unhindered is a very good support skill. No different that the Thief immobilizing the target so that your team can spike the target is an effective support skill that is often overlooked.
  18. Anyone who argues that Thief is like a Rogue does not fully understand how Guild Wars really works. The best tank in GW1 is a 55 monk. The best healer in GW1 is debatable between the Monk and the Elementalist. The best elemental caster is the uninterruptible Fast Casting Mesmers. Assassins that uses a sword and a shield and never equip a weapon skill instead casting spells. So on and so fort. This is the identity of Guild Wars and redefining it to look like any other MMO makes GW lose its identity. The Thief is not a Rogue, it never was. Thief specializes in stealing, not brawling, sniping, or assassinating. The sooner that the Thief gets back into focusing in stealing, the better.
  19. Just because you failed to conceive Thieves in support role doesn't necessarily means it cannot happen. Warriors, wearing heavy armor, with daggers are dumb, yet we get a Spellbreaker. In GW2, a heavy armored class Guardian can cast magic spells as easy as a light armored class Elementalist. The armor each profession wears has no bearings in their capability of casting spells. So making an argument based on class difference is moot. In GW1, Assassins are using Shadow Magic offensively from the Deadly Arts tree (e.g. hexes), while Shadow Arts is Shadow Magic for defense. Dancing Daggers are spells in GW1 and seeing that Dancing Daggers applies Torment in GW2 shows that it is still a spell. Torment is an effect that is easily applied by magic users and very limited, almost non-existent, to physical professions like Warrior and Engineer. If the Thief is not allowed to use magic, giving them access to Torment doesn't make any sense. What makes logical sense is that Thief infuses their daggers with Shadow Magic which allows them to apply poison using Lotus Strike without the need to apply Venoms. In the same way they are infusing their daggers with Shadow Magic that allowed them to go in stealth after using Cloak and Dagger. Shadow Strike, aptly named, is a Shadow Magic attack that allows the Thief to apply Torment and at the same time Shadow Step away. There are so many evidence that proves that Thief uses Shadow Magic and Shadow Gust is another proof that the Thief can specialize in using it. Denying the overwhelming evidence is what you call dishonest.
  20. The existence of these skills and traits proves you wrong;Shadow Refuge, Merciful Ambush, Venom Aura, Shadow Protector, Thrill of a Crime, and Bountiful Theft. Mesmer does not use Shadow Magic. Implying that Mesmer is a Shadow Mage is absurd. The only professions that have access to Shadow Magic are Assassins and Thieves. There you go again. Rangers are adventurers who also employs Nature Magic, just as the Thief is an adventurer who employs Shadow Magic through Shadow Arts. Necromancer's and Mesmer's magic are not built around Arcane arts.The only Scholar that has access to arcane arts is Elementalist, thus the Arcane trait line. The Guardian is not a Scholar, yet they have access to magic."As the rest of our professions began taking shape around the Guardian, she started becoming more magical, and we brought in some elements from the protection Monk and Paragon from the first game. The current Guardian feels very magical in nature...To me, the Guardian feels a lot like playing a caster who wears heavy armor. " - Eric Flannum (Jan 2011) You don't have to be a scholar to use magic. Ranger uses Nature Magic, thus the Nature Magic trait line. They don't just use tools and skills. The Ranger just keeps debunking your argument. I'm now adding the Guardian for good measures. Let's quote you again;"The whole magical and/or support ideas are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen. for one thing, an Adventurer is different in this game from a Scholar" You don't even comprehend your own post. Druids are Adventurers who use magic very similar to Scholars. Astral Force is the Force of Nature and is a specialized form of Nature Magic. Just as the Daredevil is a specialized form of Acrobatics. To command Nature, the Druid has to be magically attuned to it. The Druid was introduced in HoT by giving the Ranger the ability to magically attune to the jungle. "Attune to the LandTrudging with heroic determination into the wild lands of the Maguuma jungle, the druid comprehends that the beauty of the wilderness conceals great danger. As they gain greater experience in Mordremoth’s domain, from the sprawling depths to the soaring canopy, they’ll be able to enhance their celestial form, glyphs, and staff skills to better take the battle to the heart of the jungle." - Meet the Druid: Ranger’s Elite Specialization (Sept 2015) If the Rangers do not know Nature Magic, they will never be Druids.
  21. Druid says hi and disagrees with you. @Crab Fear.1624 said: Scholar . Even if they were to make another support mid-line role, it would fall onto rangers or engineers without a doubt. No he doesn't. Owned Sorry but that shows that he proved himself wrong in the same post. Saying "HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen" then referring to the Druid is self-ownage - no need to point that out, but thanks for highlighting it. no. you are wrong.the context was that it is highly unlikely a thief will get a support role.you said druid says hi as if I didn't acknowledge that there could be mid-line support, but I did. It will be engi or ranger. so, you are wrong. OWNED. and own it, don't try to twist the narrative. No. You are arguing that it is "HIGHLY UNLIKELY" for a magical Thief because they are adventurer, not scholar. Then in the same post you use Ranger, who is an adventurer, not scholar, who has the Druid Elite spec as a support role highly using magic. That is what you call self-owned. I don't need to argue against your points since you're doing an spectacular job. Proving yourself wrong in the same post is simply epic. Chronomancer says hi and disagrees with you. Shadow Refuge, Merciful Ambush, Venom Aura, Shadow Protector, Thrill of a Crime, and Bountiful Theft also says hi and they all disagree with you. you have poor reading comprehension or your are just straight up ignoring words and context. i said if they make midline support it will be what? place answer here__ i said read "core" descriptions you are wrong bro. https://guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/thief/ read that, find the word ally, allies, or others you got owned. LOL. now you just straight up dropping words out of my quotes to make it feel like you are right. read some more books, not just memes. your comprehension needs some work It seems you don't even read what you post. You said;"The whole magical and/or support ideas are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen. for one thing, an Adventurer is different in this game from a Scholar" Then you contradict yourself in the same post;"Even if they were to make another support mid-line role, it would fall onto rangers or engineers without a doubt." Guess what? Both Ranger and Engineers are Adventurers. That is called kicking your own as...behind. I'm simply pointing out that it is NOT HIGHLY UNLIKELY since Druid exists. If anyone is having a hard time reading, it's you. You don't even comprehend your own post. highly unlikely =/= impossible and so I acknowledged it, and i also pointed out which classes will get that option if it were to occur. Also is astral force magic? is star wars force magic? also we are in the thief forums, the context was in regards to thief. I also amended that before you responded here: You see? But, it should have been obvious that it was in context to thief because we are in the thief forums, in a thief thread discussing the next thief elite. I didn't say it's highly unlikely that druid exists. I said it's highly unlikely that support and magical ideas are going to happen (and again in context of the thief). I pointed out the descriptions of the classes, the profession types, and their respective roles to further demonstrate how unlikely it is for thief to get that role. Also, I pointed out why their core specs would not lend so well to the ideas of support. A magical thief / shadow mage already exist in game. You see, you are the one that has bad reading comprehension. We are not in the all professions forums, we are in thief forums. That's the context. You misunderstood, and it is confusing to me how you do not see that. The words are saved in quotes.... Spin. spin. You said:"The whole magical and/or support ideas are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen. for one thing, an Adventurer is different in this game from a Scholar" Now you're spinning it to:"I didn't say it's highly unlikely that druid exists. I said it's highly unlikely that support and magical ideas are going to happen (and again in context of the thief)." Tsk tsk. Unless you retract this statement;"for one thing, an Adventurer is different in this game from a Scholar" You are self-owning yourself. This is the statement that still contradicts with your new spin. Nice try though. Here's a bit of Guild Wars history, a Paragon is a Warrior with a backline support abilities and a Dervish is Warrior with a frontline support abilities. If they can be support, a Thief has a very high chance of being one. EDIT: typo Why are you leaving how the second part? "Even if they were to make another support mid-line role, it would fall onto rangers or engineers without a doubt.That statement further proof that Adverturers can be support which further contradicts your initial statement. That statement is not your saving grace. Mesmers do not use Shadow Magic. They use Chaos Magic. Shadow Magic is exclusive to Assassins and Thieves through Shadow Arts. I don't have to do anything. Everyone can read for themselves how you owned yourself by making contradicting statements. That does not agree with your statement; "for one thing, an Adventurer is different in this game from a Scholar" If that is true, then neither Ranger nor Engineer can be support. The existence of the Druid proves that your claim is false. You're trying to argue that Thief cannot be support because Adventurer is different from Scholar. Then stating that Ranger, which is an Adventurer, can become a support fully contradicts your argument against the Thief. You can't have it both ways. Either Adventurer can be support or not. If not, then you're wrong since Druid exists. If Adventurer can be support, then you should welcome the idea of a Thief Elite Specialization, Shadow Mage or Arcane Thief, as support. That would be best since you only keep digging a deeper hole for yourself.
  22. Druid says hi and disagrees with you. @Crab Fear.1624 said: Scholar . Even if they were to make another support mid-line role, it would fall onto rangers or engineers without a doubt. No he doesn't. Owned Sorry but that shows that he proved himself wrong in the same post. Saying "HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen" then referring to the Druid is self-ownage - no need to point that out, but thanks for highlighting it. no. you are wrong.the context was that it is highly unlikely a thief will get a support role.you said druid says hi as if I didn't acknowledge that there could be mid-line support, but I did. It will be engi or ranger. so, you are wrong. OWNED. and own it, don't try to twist the narrative. No. You are arguing that it is "HIGHLY UNLIKELY" for a magical Thief because they are adventurer, not scholar. Then in the same post you use Ranger, who is an adventurer, not scholar, who has the Druid Elite spec as a support role highly using magic. That is what you call self-owned. I don't need to argue against your points since you're doing an spectacular job. Proving yourself wrong in the same post is simply epic. Chronomancer says hi and disagrees with you. Shadow Refuge, Merciful Ambush, Venom Aura, Shadow Protector, Thrill of a Crime, and Bountiful Theft also says hi and they all disagree with you. you have poor reading comprehension or your are just straight up ignoring words and context. i said if they make midline support it will be what? place answer here__ i said read "core" descriptions you are wrong bro. https://guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/thief/ read that, find the word ally, allies, or others you got owned. LOL. now you just straight up dropping words out of my quotes to make it feel like you are right. read some more books, not just memes. your comprehension needs some work It seems you don't even read what you post. You said;"The whole magical and/or support ideas are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen. for one thing, an Adventurer is different in this game from a Scholar" Then you contradict yourself in the same post;"Even if they were to make another support mid-line role, it would fall onto rangers or engineers without a doubt." Guess what? Both Ranger and Engineers are Adventurers. That is called kicking your own as...behind. I'm simply pointing out that it is NOT HIGHLY UNLIKELY since Druid exists. If anyone is having a hard time reading, it's you. You don't even comprehend your own post. highly unlikely =/= impossible and so I acknowledged it, and i also pointed out which classes will get that option if it were to occur. Also is astral force magic? is star wars force magic? also we are in the thief forums, the context was in regards to thief. I also amended that before you responded here: You see? But, it should have been obvious that it was in context to thief because we are in the thief forums, in a thief thread discussing the next thief elite. I didn't say it's highly unlikely that druid exists. I said it's highly unlikely that support and magical ideas are going to happen (and again in context of the thief). I pointed out the descriptions of the classes, the profession types, and their respective roles to further demonstrate how unlikely it is for thief to get that role. Also, I pointed out why their core specs would not lend so well to the ideas of support. A magical thief / shadow mage already exist in game. You see, you are the one that has bad reading comprehension. We are not in the all professions forums, we are in thief forums. That's the context. You misunderstood, and it is confusing to me how you do not see that. The words are saved in quotes....Spin. spin. You said:"The whole magical and/or support ideas are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen. for one thing, an Adventurer is different in this game from a Scholar" Now you're spinning it to:"I didn't say it's highly unlikely that druid exists. I said it's highly unlikely that support and magical ideas are going to happen (and again in context of the thief)." Tsk tsk. Unless you retract this statement;"for one thing, an Adventurer is different in this game from a Scholar" You are self-owning yourself. This is the statement that still contradicts with your new spin. Nice try though. Here's a bit of Guild Wars history, a Paragon is a Warrior with a backline support abilities and a Dervish is Warrior with a frontline support abilities. If they can be support, a Thief has a very high chance of being one. EDIT: typo
  23. I quit i will not aruge with you further more. It is pointless => OYou will constantly say that thieves have magic and i will constatnly prove to you they dontAnd as i said multiple times Deception is not magic. If you decieve someone you dont use magic you use skill and tricks.I am done with this BS. No more responses to you. You have proven nothing. And Deception is magic and you have not disproved that fact seeing that Mirage has access to it. Trickery is trickery and stealth is not associated with that trait line despite the fact that you have been trying to make it so. Both stealth and shadowstep are Shadow Arts, an art of using Shadow Magic. The undeniable fact remains true is that the Thief has been using Shadow Magic adopted from the Cathan Assassin's Shadow Arts which is a gift from the Human Goddess Lyssa. Those are the facts, yours are just speculations trying to change the narrative.
  24. Druid says hi and disagrees with you. @Crab Fear.1624 said: Scholar . Even if they were to make another support mid-line role, it would fall onto rangers or engineers without a doubt. No he doesn't. Owned Sorry but that shows that he proved himself wrong in the same post. Saying "HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen" then referring to the Druid is self-ownage - no need to point that out, but thanks for highlighting it. no. you are wrong.the context was that it is highly unlikely a thief will get a support role.you said druid says hi as if I didn't acknowledge that there could be mid-line support, but I did. It will be engi or ranger. so, you are wrong. OWNED. and own it, don't try to twist the narrative. No. You are arguing that it is "HIGHLY UNLIKELY" for a magical Thief because they are adventurer, not scholar. Then in the same post you use Ranger, who is an adventurer, not scholar, who has the Druid Elite spec as a support role highly using magic. That is what you call self-owned. I don't need to argue against your points since you're doing an spectacular job. Proving yourself wrong in the same post is simply epic. Chronomancer says hi and disagrees with you. Shadow Refuge, Merciful Ambush, Venom Aura, Shadow Protector, Thrill of a Crime, and Bountiful Theft also says hi and they all disagree with you. you have poor reading comprehension or your are just straight up ignoring words and context. i said if they make midline support it will be what? place answer here__ i said read "core" descriptions you are wrong bro. https://guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/thief/ read that, find the word ally, allies, or others you got owned. LOL. now you just straight up dropping words out of my quotes to make it feel like you are right. read some more books, not just memes. your comprehension needs some workIt seems you don't even read what you post. You said;"The whole magical and/or support ideas are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen. for one thing, an Adventurer is different in this game from a Scholar" Then you contradict yourself in the same post;"Even if they were to make another support mid-line role, it would fall onto rangers or engineers without a doubt." Guess what? Both Ranger and Engineers are Adventurers. That is called kicking your own as...behind. I'm simply pointing out that it is NOT HIGHLY UNLIKELY since Druid exists. If anyone is having a hard time reading, it's you. You don't even comprehend your own post.
  25. Druid says hi and disagrees with you. @Crab Fear.1624 said: Scholar . Even if they were to make another support mid-line role, it would fall onto rangers or engineers without a doubt. No he doesn't. Owned Sorry but that shows that he proved himself wrong in the same post. Saying "HIGHLY UNLIKELY to happen" then referring to the Druid is self-ownage - no need to point that out, but thanks for highlighting it. no. you are wrong.the context was that it is highly unlikely a thief will get a support role.you said druid says hi as if I didn't acknowledge that there could be mid-line support, but I did. It will be engi or ranger. so, you are wrong. OWNED. and own it, don't try to twist the narrative.No. You are arguing that it is "HIGHLY UNLIKELY" for a magical Thief because they are adventurer, not scholar. Then in the same post you use Ranger, who is an adventurer, not scholar, who has the Druid Elite spec as a support role highly using magic. That is what you call self-owned. I don't need to argue against your points since you're doing an spectacular job. Proving yourself wrong in the same post is simply epic. Chronomancer says hi and disagrees with you. Shadow Refuge, Merciful Ambush, Venom Aura, Shadow Protector, Thrill of a Crime, and Bountiful Theft also says hi and they all disagree with you.
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