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Sir Vincent III.1286

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Everything posted by Sir Vincent III.1286

  1. If you're looking for fun build, then you can always go for Hybrid. I'm really a big fan of Panic Strike ever since they've added poison to it. Dagger Training and Swindler's gives 80 and 120 power, respectively, even when using a Rifle. So I take those too. You also need to take M7 for that 10 stacks of might at full Malice. Using Skirmisher's Shot with Don't Stop gives you almost full CC immunity. If you gear up using Viper, you can extend those conditions for easy Initiative management. Then take whatever rune that fits your playstyle. I personally use rune of the trapper and bring at least one trap for stealth. Most of the time I take Tripwire due to low CD, but I also take Needle trap sometimes. With this build, Binding Shadows is devastating. This build doesn't rely on stealth, but on CC and evasion. Also loading your target with a lot of conditions automatically puts them on a defensive. Obviously, if you opted to use Rifle, you have no AoE.
  2. The problem with D/D is you're facing two extremes -- non-DE D/D is extremely underpowered, while DE D/D is extremely overpowered. Any buff non-DE D/D gets will only amplify the OPness of DE D/D. Malicious BS just deals too much damage. With that said, instead of "fixing" D/D, you should be playing DE D/D. Now if you're talking about Core D/D, then there is nothing you can do about that since Core S/D is really, really good right now. If you buff Core, that would apply to both D/D and S/D so it would relatively not change anything between the two. The same goes if you buff D/D, that would apply to both Core and DE so there will be no difference between the two either. The gap will always exist between D/D and S/D no matter what you do. However, if ArenaNet finally decided that D/D (by extension, P/P) deserve to have a full 5-skill dual-wield, then they can tweak, not only skill #3, but the whole set to balance it with other weapon sets. Until that happens, Core S/D > Core D/D and DE D/D > Core D/D.
  3. Not true. P/P is not "viable" with whatever build you can come up with. It's a weapon set for fun build, not for competitive. You only think about viability if you are competing and if you are competing, why are you using P/P?
  4. I'd actually really enjoy this version of daggerstorm, as long as it reflected for the 1/2 second as well still you could even remove the damage (or make it a one shot per cast fan of bouncy knives sort of thing) and I'd be fine with that. Would make for some fun plays. Damage, conditions, and reflect would not change. The change will only affect that perimeters mentioned.
  5. This would prevent the E-spec to function with other Weapons though, unless after using the stolen skills they'd flip to either their core weapon skills or special versions of them. There will be no flipping with other non-GS weapons. The flipping mechanic will be exclusive to GS. However, using stolen skills with other weapons will just be a boring buff just like M7. The GS weapon skills need to be unique and should not be overshadowed by S/D or D/P. S/D and D/P will not gain much from this E-spec.
  6. Here's one way to implement a GS for Thief. Base weapon skills will be shurikens just like what @Ghostt.1293 suggested.Then whenever the Theif gains a stolen item, he uses that stolen item to empower the GS.Once the stolen item is used, all 5 weapon skills will flip to GS skills and give the Thief 5 special initiatives.Each GS weapon skill will cost 1 special inititive. Then the skill bar goes back to shurikens once all the special initiative were spent.The damage of the GS weapon skills will be balanced comparable to the damage output of DE at full M7 stacks.Different stolen skill will grant different effects to the GS skills. This way, traits like Improv will be a good competition against Exec for damage output. Just a thought.
  7. I doubt that. My Assassin in GW1 can swing a 2-handed hammer or 2-handed scythe. So lore-wise, the Guild Wars professions are super heroes. What doesn't fit the lore is how the ability of Tyrians digressed over the years -- losing the Monk profession and the inability to use any weapon, for instance.
  8. You re begining to sound more and more like a certain Vincent on these forums who also claims Fantasy can solve evertything you just need to have enogh ot it ( °-°) And sure i agree Fantasy is fine and all but it is a combat dude. You cant simply put so much fantasy in it. It has to make sense Did you say my name? One valid reason why Thief will not get GS is because the next Elite Spec must be Shadow Mage, dual-wielding wands. The end.
  9. The Hall of Monuments was in the far north, where Jormag rose and took over. The hero of Gw1 lived 250 years ago, what details exist are vague for a reason. That's a lame excuse. My GW2 account is linked to the GW1 account. They could have made the Hall an instanced where my GW1 achievements were preserved. Not only it would serve as a respect to your hard work in GW1, it would also incentivize new players to play GW1. Yes, an instance you can only use by playing GW1. (You can apparently get to it now without having played, which is new, but before you couldn't.) And making it tailor to every persons Gw1 account would be a massive amount of work. They've done that already with the home instance. It would not be any different. Ever heard of instancing? Where they can tailor the narrative to match your character? What do you think happens in yous home instance where you join the Whispers instead of the Vigil? If I did the math right, it'd be at the bottom level, at least 60 different variants for the player char alone, not counting "Did X content/title" stuff (purely gender, start point, and profession). Then you run into the problem of "What character" As the link is to your entire GW1 account, not a specific character. Do you select what character you want it to show each time you go in?Sigh. They did all the Hall of Monument achievement so that every character you made will get the achievement reward. When you claim those rewards in game, it didn't really matter if your Charr character was claiming it. So you're just using your hypothetical variants just to make things look complicated than it actually is. The "factors' means nothing since the technology is already in the game. It was a design decision and that decision was unfair. It's really that simple. Even if nobody lives in the Hall, it should have been protected with some kind of magic. The Eye stood there way before the Vanguard made a base out of it and it should have stood even for another 1000 years or forever. The Scrying Pool is proof that there is magic there. Techincally the Eye still stands. It's merely abandoned.Technically, it's not. All sad and tragic story. Gwen's story is the saddest. Growing in captivity only to die while Ebonhawke is under siege. That says nothing. how is it tragic and sad? Gwen died in Ebonhawke, having founded and secured the city to last through 200+ years of siege. Her gravestone implies nothing tragic or sad about her death.If you played through her story in GW1, you'll know that she hated the Charrs. Dying while under siege by them is a sad story. She's always their prisoner. Mhenlo, Cynn, Aiden, Zho, Sousuke, Melonni, Gwen, Keiran, MOX, Vekk, Stefan, Orion, Alesia, Reyna, Anton, Herta, Zinn, Oola, Livia, Salma, Yakkington, Nicholas the traveler, Kimmes, Devona, Frodak Steelstar. No proofs. That's just your speculation. For instance, there are no records of Mhenlo, Cynn and Devona even though they can be considered main characters besides the GW1 player character. Sure we see Jora's statue in Hoelbrak, but that's an exemption, however where are Mhenlo's, Cynn's, and Devona's statues? Even with Jora, no records can be found what happened after killing her brother. She was remembered for this act and that's it. I said heroes/henchment/npcs were implied to live long lives/not tragic ones. You asked me to name five. I listed off well over five, of characters including ones we know have currently living descendants. Are you literally saying because there isn't giant statues and npcs/things gushing over them that the character lived a tragic and sad life?You listed name, but did not show proof where is was implied that they didn't lived a tragic life. On the contrary, there are plenty of evidence that shows that they did. How is Mhenlo not relevant? He could have explained why Monk is no longer a profession. None of the GW1 heroes died in glory. They were not treated fairly. What does "Died in glory" even mean? Explain. Are you saying that because a character didn't die in a huge crowning moment of awesome they aren't being treated fairly or had a sad or tragic ending? The idea of Gwen dying among family of old age is bad?Dying in glory means not dying to something stupid. How did you even know that Gwen died among family of old age? If you look at her ghost, she's at the same age as we left her in GW1...meaning she might have died soon after giving birth to her first child. Compare that to the age of Eir's ghost and Dunkoro's ghost. Gwen died young. lol, how? Just look at Kos and Tahlkora and the zero records about the all of the heroes. Relevance for one thing, and again, are you saying that "Because we aren't buried in records about these characters and actions." that they lived a sad and tragic life and had a sad and tragic end?All these are heroes. Their stories are told for generations. The fact that their stories are not being told shows that they were not treated fairly. Sad because nobody remembers them. Tragic because some of them literally died tragically.
  10. The Hall of Monuments was in the far north, where Jormag rose and took over. The hero of Gw1 lived 250 years ago, what details exist are vague for a reason. That's a lame excuse. My GW2 account is linked to the GW1 account. They could have made the Hall an instanced where my GW1 achievements were preserved. Not only it would serve as a respect to your hard work in GW1, it would also incentivize new players to play GW1. Yes, an instance you can only use by playing GW1. (You can apparently get to it now without having played, which is new, but before you couldn't.) And making it tailor to every persons Gw1 account would be a massive amount of work.They've done that already with the home instance. It would not be any different. Ever heard of instancing? Where they can tailor the narrative to match your character? What do you think happens in yous home instance where you join the Whispers instead of the Vigil? See above. Factor in now you can be male/female from any of three origin points, with 10 class options. It's the same reason why people get shot down when they want living story to factor in all the player choices. Five races, 9 classes, three orders. This is also assuming that a singular structure with nobody living in it would be the same after 250 years.The "factors' means nothing since the technology is already in the game. It was a design decision and that decision was unfair. It's really that simple. Even if nobody lives in the Hall, it should have been protected with some kind of magic. The Eye stood there way before the Vanguard made a base out of it and it should have stood even for another 1000 years or forever. The Scrying Pool is proof that there is magic there. All sad and tragic story. Gwen's story is the saddest. Growing in captivity only to die while Ebonhawke is under siege. That doesn't explain anything.You can disagree, it's totally fine. If you don't get it, then never mind. Just don't try to argue against something you cannot prove wrong. Mhenlo, Cynn, Aiden, Zho, Sousuke, Melonni, Gwen, Keiran, MOX, Vekk, Stefan, Orion, Alesia, Reyna, Anton, Herta, Zinn, Oola, Livia, Salma, Yakkington, Nicholas the traveler, Kimmes, Devona, Frodak Steelstar. No proofs. That's just your speculation. For instance, there are no records of Mhenlo, Cynn and Devona even though they can be considered main characters besides the GW1 player character. Sure we see Jora's statue in Hoelbrak, but that's an exemption, however where are Mhenlo's, Cynn's, and Devona's statues? Even with Jora, no records can be found what happened after killing her brother. She was remembered for this act and that's it. None of the GW1 heroes died in glory. They were not treated fairly. Again.. how?lol, how? Just look at Kos and Tahlkora and the zero records about the all of the heroes.
  11. This one sounds good, but it should be spelled as "wikitaurs"
  12. The Hall of Monuments was in the far north, where Jormag rose and took over. The hero of Gw1 lived 250 years ago, what details exist are vague for a reason. That's a lame excuse. My GW2 account is linked to the GW1 account. They could have made the Hall an instanced where my GW1 achievements were preserved. Not only it would serve as a respect to your hard work in GW1, it would also incentivize new players to play GW1. Ever heard of instancing? Where they can tailor the narrative to match your character? What do you think happens in yous home instance where you join the Whispers instead of the Vigil? All sad and tragic story. Gwen's story is the saddest. Growing in captivity only to die while Ebonhawke is under siege. "Several heroes are implied to have lived long lives" -- really? Name five! None of the GW1 heroes died in glory. They were not treated fairly.
  13. A helicopter is the superior aircraft in many circumstances. Is that your point about the Skyscale? That it is often superior to the other mounts? Yes and no. I was replying to a post stating that the Sktscale is better than the Griffin. Which is an obvious "no". However, the Griffin is not better than the Skyscale either. The last sentence in my post basically says, "you're comparing apple to a tomato".
  14. I have to call that baloney. Flying speed is dominated by the Griffon, land speed is dominated by Rollerbeetle, and over the water speed is dominated by the Skimmer. All the other mounts are utility mounts. The Skyscale does nothing that other mounts can already do better. It's not a combination of all mounts into one. It's a mount that has no identity other than being a dragon.Did you read the paragraph you quoted? If you are into speed that's good for you, but for me, skimmer and beetle are the biggest offenders when it comes to motion sickness, with the griffon joining their ranks if I ever dare to try and land on a specific spot. I don't care about speed, I much prefer to play without having to lie down in a dark room with a splitting headache and ready to vomit after 10 minutes of gametime. And once you take speed out of the equation (why would I care about speed anyway? I'm here to enjoy myself, there's more than enough hustle and bustle in my life outside of gametime) everything I said stands. I was not arguing against your other points. I specifically highlighted what is factually untrue.Sorry, but you have a very weird definition of the phrase "movement ability" then. It can go up like the springer, across gaps like the raptor, can glide like a griffon ... why is speed suddenly the defining factor of "movement ability"? To me it's all about getting somewhere, and often a very precise somewhere, and the skyscale gets me places more comfortably and precisely than all of the other mounts combined and without the hassle of having to switch mounts on the go (and possibly in hostile territory). That's a fact. The movement ability of the griffon, for example, is the dive and boosted speed, not gliding. The movement ability of Springer is the super jump. And no, Skyscale cannot go up like the Springer, nor fly like the Griffon, nor accelerate over water like the Skimmer, nor boost land speed like the Rollerbettle. The movement ability of Skyscale is hovering and that's not even close to a combination of all mounts like you claim it to be. Your claim is, plain and simple, false.If its all about speed for you that's fine. It's all about getting places for me, and I have yet to find a place (outside of jackal portals and beetle doors and possibly skimmer on longer journeys, since I simply can't use it without getting sick) I want to go that the Skyscale doesn't get me more comfortable and with less micromanagement than the other mounts. That's not false, that's the plain and simple truth.That's not the false statement that you made. In fact I do agree with you on that point. High-speed mount is not for everyone. Mounts are used to get from point A to point B the most efficient way possible in a short amount of time. And the way to make the Skyscale more efficient is if it can crawl up the walls.
  15. I worked hard to fill my Hall of Monument the best I could to only find it in ruins. That is not a fair treatment of the hero character of GW1. That was the first indication to me that none of the GW1 hero characters would be treated fairly. I was right. All of the characters so far have had sad or tragic story. Meh.
  16. I have to call that baloney. Flying speed is dominated by the Griffon, land speed is dominated by Rollerbeetle, and over the water speed is dominated by the Skimmer. All the other mounts are utility mounts. The Skyscale does nothing that other mounts can already do better. It's not a combination of all mounts into one. It's a mount that has no identity other than being a dragon.Did you read the paragraph you quoted? If you are into speed that's good for you, but for me, skimmer and beetle are the biggest offenders when it comes to motion sickness, with the griffon joining their ranks if I ever dare to try and land on a specific spot. I don't care about speed, I much prefer to play without having to lie down in a dark room with a splitting headache and ready to vomit after 10 minutes of gametime. And once you take speed out of the equation (why would I care about speed anyway? I'm here to enjoy myself, there's more than enough hustle and bustle in my life outside of gametime) everything I said stands. I was not arguing against your other points. I specifically highlighted what is factually untrue.Sorry, but you have a very weird definition of the phrase "movement ability" then. It can go up like the springer, across gaps like the raptor, can glide like a griffon ... why is speed suddenly the defining factor of "movement ability"? To me it's all about getting somewhere, and often a very precise somewhere, and the skyscale gets me places more comfortably and precisely than all of the other mounts combined and without the hassle of having to switch mounts on the go (and possibly in hostile territory). That's a fact.The movement ability of the griffon, for example, is the dive and boosted speed, not gliding. The movement ability of Springer is the super jump. And no, Skyscale cannot go up like the Springer, nor fly like the Griffon, nor accelerate over water like the Skimmer, nor boost land speed like the Rollerbettle. The movement ability of Skyscale is hovering and that's not even close to a combination of all mounts like you claim it to be. Your claim is, plain and simple, false. For the record, I do not want the Skyscale to replace any of the other mount, nor to have an ability similar to the other mounts, nor a combination of the other mounts. Its unique movement ability should be grabbing and climbing walls in addition to hovering.
  17. I have to call that baloney. Flying speed is dominated by the Griffon, land speed is dominated by Rollerbeetle, and over the water speed is dominated by the Skimmer. All the other mounts are utility mounts. The Skyscale does nothing that other mounts can already do better. It's not a combination of all mounts into one. It's a mount that has no identity other than being a dragon.Did you read the paragraph you quoted? If you are into speed that's good for you, but for me, skimmer and beetle are the biggest offenders when it comes to motion sickness, with the griffon joining their ranks if I ever dare to try and land on a specific spot. I don't care about speed, I much prefer to play without having to lie down in a dark room with a splitting headache and ready to vomit after 10 minutes of gametime. And once you take speed out of the equation (why would I care about speed anyway? I'm here to enjoy myself, there's more than enough hustle and bustle in my life outside of gametime) everything I said stands.I was not arguing against your other points. I specifically highlighted what is factually untrue.
  18. That was already a given, it's fairly obvious that we're talking about difference in personal opinion, but whatever. I have to call that baloney. Flying speed is dominated by the Griffon, land speed is dominated by Rollerbeetle, and over the water speed is dominated by the Skimmer. All the other mounts are utility mounts. The Skyscale does nothing that other mounts can already do better. It's not a combination of all mounts into one. It's a mount that has no identity other than being a dragon. If the Skyscale can grab the wall, climb that wall a few feet in all direction, then launch from that new position, I can see a lot of uses for that ability. As it is now, it does nothing important.
  19. I'm not finding it lackluster at all. I'm not solely using it because of the effort taken to get it, more than I'm using it because it facilitates the actions of most of the other mounts to my needs. And there is still room for those other mounts, based on the needs, as I mentioned. If you have the gryphon, and love the gryphon, is the Skyscale better? Arguably. Yet, I also loved my Gryphon, and loved the dive bomb ability of it. I still prefer the Skyscale, and I don't even use the gryphon any more (or at least, until that need comes up.) This isn't to you directly, but more in general for anyone -Do you need it? No. Do you want it? If not, don't worry about it. You're not going to miss too much without it (for now, I guess?) I don't picture anyone lesser for not having one. I mean, is it really elite anymore? Anyone can get it, but how much time/effort it's going to take depends on them individually. I 100% agree on the unlock PITA. It was very much a PITA. And I feel rather unnecessary . However, it is what it is, and community feedback will change it for the better going forward. By all means, anyone who wants it, but rather wait to see how Anet changes the criteria...wait. It's ok to wait. But don't let it stop you from slowly picking away at it because perhaps you're fighting the bias of the criteria needed for it, rather than the end result. Was it worth it for me to spend several days in a row, hard grinding to get everything needed? Not really. I could have easily waited, and took my time. Am I happy I have it now? Yes. Yes, I am. Would I do it again? Well, of course. But I may or may not put as much effort into it as I did. That's all I'm advocating now. I personally think it's a great mount, and worth an effort to obtain it. Just like the gryphon. As I said, I don't mind jumping hoops, rolling in mud, eating kitten, if the mount is worth all that crap. For instance, unlocking the griffon is also a PITA, but is it worth it? HECK YEAH!!! Is Skyscale worth it? What Skyscale? EDIT: The Skyscale should be able to climb cliffs and walls, even if it's just a few feet.
  20. I build P/P as hybrid leaning more towards condition damage than power. So I would take DA/CS/DE or DA/TR/DD, depends on what I want to do. The way I play my P/P is to build might with Unload and apply poison through venom and immob (Panic Strike), then stack bleed (+torment with DE) with sneak attack. I would not claim that my builds are meta and I am aware of its weakness (that's why I carry an off-set weapons), however, it is a fun build. At least for me. DA/CS/DEDA/TR/DD (swipe broke this build)
  21. It's really not about how PITA the unlocking process is. It's about getting something for all the kittens you have to put up with. The griffon was worth all the kittens, while I do not see that same value with the Skyscale. Too much work for a lackluster mount. Mounts are suppose to ease traveling, not make it more frustrating. Sure you can hover and reach high places with the Skyscale, but there is no need for hovering or reaching those high places. If my bunny cannot reach a height, it's probably a waste of time to get up there anyway. I rather have a Spider mount that can climb walls and cliffs, any day for this kind of PITA unlocking process.
  22. Doesn't sound like nerf to me It is an evade time nerf, which is what everyone is complaining about. But yes, to most of us, this is not a hard nerf.
  23. Daggerstorm will only have a 1/2s evade, one spin per ammo, 3 ammos, 30s ammo CD, 3s skill CD, applies swiftness. As it should have been from the beginning.
  24. I have heard it as consipracy but not as unkindness. You can kind of tell at a distance, crow tails tend to fan out like a U in flight where a raven's is more like a V shaped wedge, if they're on the ground or perched it's beak shape and color that gives them away. Also the sound, most crows "caw" but ravens usually "rawk". I'm a bit of a bird nerd when it comes to corvids. So at least I know for the Clouded Corvus griffs they are either a murder or a conspiracy collectively. By the beak shape (I'd say Clouded Corvus is raven based more than crow on account of the arch in the beak but I'll listen to it next time it makes a sound and try figure out if it's more a caw or a rawk. But from memory I don't think it sounds like either tbh just standard griffy chirps.) Decided to actually check, and I'm pretty sure it's a conspiracy of Clouded Corvus. For an untrained eye and ears, one cannot tell the difference, so I'd leave it to the experts. :) So one question, does the color of the bird changes the groups name? For instance, is a group white Ravens is still unkindness? That's kinda mean isn't it?
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