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Everything posted by LadyMari.7920

  1. The other night my static was doing our first pulls at the Kaineng Overlook CM. Zip lines have always forced an unmerge... which is mildly annoying. In the Kaineng Overlook CM it is downright punishing. Will this be fixed soon? Anyone else having this issue? I tried searching keywords but couldn't find mention of this.
  2. This. The idea that this will be abused is absurd. Speedclearing groups aren't going to take the time to /gg. It's faster to just kill it. My static does CMs which this won't even work with. For people/groups that are learning, this will give them some breathing room to see the mechanics and hopefully not 1-shot die just because they didn't avoid the red circle. It is a massive time penalty for a party to wipe in raids. If anyone reading doesn't know, the boss resets completely in raids after a wipe. You have to do all the pre-event things for bosses like Dhuum all over again before he even stands up and you can begin hitting the actual boss. It takes a lot of pulls on a boss for you to begin noticing the mechanics. Hardstuck.gg has a great post and image showing all the information on your screen that you have to pay attention to inside a raid. Having a little bit of space to make mistakes can help you learn it better on each pull (or boss attempt). I really like this and think it is a positive change and will hopefully lead to more people trying the content and wanting to progress in it. Every pull they do, they'll do a little bit better.
  3. I've been something like this for a while. A brief little stutter and a wide spectrum of colours. It is very similar to weird DX11 texture issues that I have had. Like this: https://imgur.com/Hz5yzLu Being blasted by a massive pixellation of colours on my whole screen as the camera leaves the water.
  4. For players just coming here for useful help: These are helpful posts in this thread. Since, as the OP has admitted, the purpose for this thread is not actually about Viper's being condi or not. It's really about what "good at DPS" means and the difference between open-world thinking and high-end group content thinking. The salient points: Don't be a toxic leech in end-game group content. Play well or be honest about your skill. Don't be a toxic performance critic. Just move on.
  5. Skin idea for EoD: Siege Hippo Because hippos are incredibly cute, deadly, and also do happen to fit the idea of a siege turtle walking on the bottom.
  6. I would love a tome to store all my other tomes in... or something like that. I have six different teleport scrolls (Lily of the Elon, etc.) or travel tomes (Icebrood Saga, Living story tomes, etc.) taking up space. How much nicer if they could all be put inside one big tome... perhaps one that interfaces like the LFG menu? Thank you. :)
  7. This is 100% correct. It is all about where the money comes from that will dictate how the programmers and developers can spend their time. I LOVE ranger. But it is really the idea of a ranger that I love. I play a class that really isn't that great but I figured out a playstyle that sort of works for me. What is sad is that you are limited if you want to actually be a good player as a ranger. I really hate that for wvw or pvp I would have to use a different pet setup- why can't the pets that I want to use benefit from quickness? I hate that my class as a whole has such major problems that it is almost entirely disregarded for current end content gaming. I also hate knowing that it is such a big problem that it is unlikely for the company to want to spend the money to fix it. They get more money making expansions, cash shop items, etc.. This pet issue is huge. But where is the profit in fixing it? Currently I am finding other classes more fun to play. I still love my ranger, but it's problems with base mechanics make it less fun. Which is sad... because games are supposed to be fun.
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