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Posts posted by nosleepdemon.1368

  1. Man what a blast from the past this thread is! I actually turn combat camera off for this puzzle, I prefer to make small camera adjustments only when needed by holding rmb. I still maintain that low framerate is the absloute killer here. If you are not pushing at least 40 you will be suffering input latency leading to missed jumps, and you will get that sense of "I swear I jumped at the right damned time!".

  2. HoT was just perfect when it came out. As OP mentions it required teamwork. Unfortunately, there's a rather deep anti-social vibe permiating the gaming community now - possibly an artifact of the preferences of younger players to avoid social contact, who shun teamwork in anything but the most basic sense. Thus, the rise of the "Massively Single Player RPG" evidenced with for example, Warcraft's various iterations on player Strongholds and LFG queues. The onus in modern MMOs is a little less on discovery and co-operation, and more on spoon feeding, hand holding and constant back patting. Un-nerf the difficulty I say, force players in HoT zones to actually partake in the "massively multiplayer" part of the genre, and ignore the cries of those who cannot go half an hour without the game giving them something for the simple act of existing.

  3. @Sigmoid.7082 said:

    @Yggranya.5201 said:I still don't know why streamers are popular anyway. Why does anyone want to watch someone else play?

    I mean you could make the same argument about sports and that's massive world wide.

    Because athleticism is hardwired into our DNA, there's an intuitive desire in people to be active or to admire those who are. Even if you don't think so, there's hundreds of thousands of years of selecting for the people most likely to be able to hunt, fight and survive acting against you.

    Watching some pastey little man babies punch their soon to be arthritic fingers onto some plastic keys? Not so much.

  4. Errmagherd! errrr maah gherd!! A stRRREeEEmer iz playin mah ghaame! Stardom! Celebrities!! Tell me what to thiiink!

    Man I thought gamers were above celebrity worship. Keyword there is definitely thought, because as it turns out gamers seem to worship celebrities more than any other demographic. Oh well.

    I hope Mr Mountain-top has fun playing the game though, it's good.

  5. Well that's an interesting thing to say; Legendary weapons were sellable, and groups currently do sell raid runs for players without the ability/time/whatever to do it themselves. I don't think it would be a detriment to the game to allow all items to be sold and bought by players. Perhaps though, for such rare items, there should be some slight cosmetic difference between an item worn by its original crafter, and one that is sold. The only argument I can think of really against sellable legendaries is economic - who knows what will happen to the worth of those items when they flood the market? End game content would be trivialised in its reward and while it could still be completed for enjoyment's sake, it would not have the same psychological value.

  6. @titje.2745 said:

    @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:You know there was a time when I was naive, that I really really wanted to be a game developer. Heck, I
    work on graphics programming at my day job, but the work we do isn't for your average AAA customer. Thank
    for that I think now, looking at all the entitled and frankly childish responses in this thread. "We weren't affected! But we
    compensation! We demaaaand it! Because somebody somewhere else got some so we automatically deserve it tooo! It's not fair!". Crikey ladies and gentlemen, when did acting with a quanta of emotional restraint exit videogame fandom? It's not just the GW2 community of course who are actually, usually, rather good. I've seen this sort of thing everywhere in other games too. But for once, just once, can't we all just realise that it's
    just a game

    That is called injustice, that you apparently can live with that is your thing. but I can't stand injustice. (I'm not saying you're like that but that's an assumption) Since I played the game there have been several mistakes, but never a reward that actually has anything of value. and this time it is, a reward of 1200 gems.people are not logged in on purpose because it was recommended. and then they miss out on this reward. I can not stand that.actually all players should get this reward now, not necessarily from this rollback. but of all other times when something was not right but nothing was opposed to it.

    I also see it as a bit of appreciation. yes a revive orb is nice but it goes into the bank. with that mount license, when I use it I think back every time what a great gift I got.and with such a good feeling I am also willing to use my wallet. further have a nice day

    No, having your home bombed to pieces in a pointless proxy war due to political ideology is injustice. Missing out on a bauble not intended for you is nothing at all.

  7. You know there was a time when I was naive, that I really really wanted to be a game developer. Heck, I do work on graphics programming at my day job, but the work we do isn't for your average AAA customer. Thank God for that I think now, looking at all the entitled and frankly childish responses in this thread. "We weren't affected! But we want compensation! We demaaaand it! Because somebody somewhere else got some so we automatically deserve it tooo! It's not fair!". Crikey ladies and gentlemen, when did acting with a quanta of emotional restraint exit videogame fandom? It's not just the GW2 community of course who are actually, usually, rather good. I've seen this sort of thing everywhere in other games too. But for once, just once, can't we all just realise that it's just a game?

  8. @Dante.1763 said:

    @"Friday.7864" said:If you do make a new world:
    • don't make the zones horribly long/annoying like 202 & 203
    • don't add any time wasting elements like raft in 201, octopus feeding or puzzles (gets real boring after 1st time)
    • no sliding on ice or doing mechanics while a psycho cloud is chasing you please
    • don't make bauble collection achievement a royal pain in the you know what
    • fix your trampolines & bouncing mushrooms or scrap any future plans for those

    Although annoying enough by itself W1 was OK in terms of length/difficulty in tribulation. W2 is too much of an annoyance and a waste of time if you want to get everything done in a reasonable GW2 festival timeframe...

    Maaan getting mashed by trib clouds was the best part of w2z2 and 3. I do agree about the trampolines though, it's one thing being deleted by lightning, but running off a ledge because it decided not to launch you is simply infuriating.

    I refuse to even try Tribulation mode in world 2 after watching some play through videos. Its a festival, things are supposed to be fun, not rage inducing. Theres only two festivals i can think of with hard achievements beside this one, and neither take as much time or as much effort as these(Halloween, clocktower. Queens Pavilion, Liadra and King.). Tbh i agree with some other posters about breaking those zones up, and i really agree with them about making future zones not anywhere as hard.

    I've never understood why some people simply cannot allow others to have fun doing something they themselves are incapable of. Dude, you don't have to do tribulation mode, so no not everything has to "be fun". It's OK to have difficult bits too, sometimes bits that are too difficult for most. By all means make world 3 infantile mode as silly as the first two, but normal and especially tribulation should be rock solid.

  9. @Friday.7864 said:If you do make a new world:

    • don't make the zones horribly long/annoying like 202 & 203
    • don't add any time wasting elements like raft in 201, octopus feeding or puzzles (gets real boring after 1st time)
    • no sliding on ice or doing mechanics while a psycho cloud is chasing you please
    • don't make bauble collection achievement a royal pain in the you know what
    • fix your trampolines & bouncing mushrooms or scrap any future plans for those

    Although annoying enough by itself W1 was OK in terms of length/difficulty in tribulation. W2 is too much of an annoyance and a waste of time if you want to get everything done in a reasonable GW2 festival timeframe...

    Maaan getting mashed by trib clouds was the best part of w2z2 and 3. I do agree about the trampolines though, it's one thing being deleted by lightning, but running off a ledge because it decided not to launch you is simply infuriating.

  10. @"ElforTheLandStander.7052" said:I feel like a sword is gonna be the world 4 upgrade. It'll just be the Super Adventure Sword model, in whatever color. Hopefully rather than a % over 10 seconds DPS boost like the nunchaku, it'll just be a straight double damage per swing over the pointy stick. Being able to 2-shot the ninja assassins is gonna be sooo sweet.

    No idea what the right interim weapon between "chain sticks" and sword would be, though. A dwarven hammer, maybe?

    Nah, this isn't Lord of the Rings. Obviously the interim upgrade would be the Bigger Stick.

  11. I wouldn't be surprised if it was altered, or if market supply drives drop rate. GW 2 has a very closely monitored and controlled economy, with many cleverly designed methods of acquiring and sinking gold. A concept that's worth drawing attention to is the idea of volatility, in the slot machine world, this refers to the ratio of high paying prizes to low paying prizes while maintaining the same overall return to player. A slot machine with high volatility will payout fewer but much more valuable prizes. However it's perfectly possible to go on winning streaks even on a high volatility machine. The drop rate for glitched weapons may be rather low, much lower than what is indicated here from the small sample size we have. Players posting about experiencing a sudden glut in drops may actually just be seeing the more realistic chance of acquiring a weapon after experiencing a winning streak.

  12. @Wisty.4135 said:

    @"Linken.6345" said:w2z2 take short cut eagle then jump off a ledge to get put at checkpoint just before the glitch point spawn dont make it overly long tho.Same with w2z3 in infentaile you just have to run on rainbows abit.

    I got the glitched collection complete, as a preface.

    But yeah, it's 2-2 and 2-3 I don't do. I just don't do those zones at all. Ground out the trib mode skins for last year and said "no thanks" to doing them again this year. I hate them with a passion. 2-1 is fast enough to do in like 4-5 minutes, but the other two? Nah, not worth an extra continue coin and a ~20% chance at a cheap skin I already have.

    I got really efficient at zone 3 by the time I was done, but the God. Damn. Goats. Oh my God. Fuck them in their every incarnation.

  13. @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

    @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:Finished my 32 runs, I did 6 on infantile and the rest on normal. I got one drop. I noticed that on normal mode, you get prompted to open the main chest one extra time than in infantile, I'm not sure what that's about.

    The chests are nested together - the "big" one for show with just baubles, the daily chest (only available on Normal and Trib) and the Glitched Chest (available if you destroy the glitch once a day). If you did a mode where you get a daily and a glitched chest, you have to loot it twice to get everything (Glitched Chest loots first).

    Thanks for clearing that up!

  14. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @Ayrilana.1396 said:I’ve seen some people comment about having to dodge jump. This actually is only required in one specific place at the end of W2Z3 when doing TM. Nowhere else in SAB on any mode is this required.

    Yes, but considering all the perversions being thrown at you it can make life a lot easier.

    you can consistently pull it off but many cannot.

    It's actually easier (not easy, just easier) to pull off dodge jumps than some of the
    theoretically normal jumps that require perfect precision in order to reach
    . At least dodge jump lets you have some leeway there.

    I haven't encountered that but then perhaps I'm just used to jumping in this game and don't notice it. The only jumps I dislike are anything with mushroom or trampoline. I spend about 20 seconds last night jumping on a trampoline waiting for it to actually bounce me.

    There are some jumps on the faster routes in tribulation mode that require a dodge jump to succeed, because you are flying not only farther but also through danger such as bouncing blocks or hand missiles. A good example is crossing lava after the forest in world 1 zone 1. You will be smashed by a bouncing block midway through your jump.

  15. @Jojo.6140 said:

    @nosleepdemon.1368 said:No, you either need to complete the assassin weapon collection (ridiculous, the infusion should
    be acquired so easily) or be a man and smash world 1 in tribulation mode 16 times.

    Except the assassin weapon collection is harder to complete. Buying all crimson assassin weapons costs 200 assassin tokens. With 8tokens/16days it means you get an average 2 tokens per day and thus need 100 days. Given that the festival is only there for a limited time each year, this means it takes 4-5 years to complete, assuming you are there every time to do your dailies.

    Meanwhile you can do the storm wizard weapon collection within a weekend or so. All you have to do is watch a guide beforehand and copy what you see there. Not even to mention that in the first year the infusion got released people were able to just buy tribulation-completions from other players.

    But for OPs question, yes there are only those two ways of getting the red infusion.

    Just because it takes longer does not mean it is harder, you can brute force the assassin collection but you need a greater level of ability to complete tribulation mode 16 times per zone.

    @Jojo.6140 said:Not even to mention that in the first year the infusion got released people were able to just buy tribulation-completions from other players.

    No need to mention it then, since it isn't relevant - you cannot do that now.

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