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Posts posted by Harfang.1507

  1. Given your listed credentials, @Walker.7204, it is whatever you feel like. If story is important, pick up where you left. I guess that would be sometimes during S4 or maybe early IBS. Unless you want to do S1 remastered first.

    Whether you own a skyscale mount may also be an important factor to consider; it is arguably the best mount in the game and well worth priorising. That would mean owning the whole of S4 and spending a lot of time on its maps after completing that particular story.

    The main benefit in getting EoD right away ihmo is access to its elite specialisations. Completing maps and and earning mastery is dead easy. How much would you enjoy Cantha? Let's just say that one can be controversial, as people complain a lot about map population and the metas, especially Dragon's End.

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  2. 12 hours ago, trev.1045 said:

    As for finding content difficult, it was a long time ago, but i vaguely remember it was tangled depths i found tough and a specific encounter (morderemoth or something like that).

    Let's face it: HoT is usually considered to have the biggest learning curve by far in the game. It still remains challenging and rewarding after all these years. Look at it this way: if your make it through HoT, everything else that follows will feel at least manageable.

  3. If you played your previous characters for a good while at level 80, using the boost might be called for. Otherwise, yes, the general advice is that levelling a character the hard way is probably the best way to ease back into the game after such a long hiatus.

    As for your original question, it is extremely subjective. If you are looking for sheer survivability, pet classes are certainly a strong option: ranger and necromancer. Once at 80, engineers join that select club as mechanists. On the other hand, as an MMO vet, you may not need your own personal meat shield.

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  4. I do not play GW2 to be a rich stock broker. I want to be in the field, having adventures. This being said, I accept the fact that devoting a few minutes daily to maintain a certain level of income (i.e., gold) enhances one's enjoyment of the game. For years, the bulk of my daily 'pocket money' has come from doing my dailies, using my Ley-Energy Matter Converter, harvesting my home instance (chiefly sprockets and powdered rose quartz) and reselling Trophy Shipments, obtained in good part thanks to my Volatile Magic tools. In short, stuff I can easily obtain in 10-30 min of gameplay.

    I noted how little money Trophy Shipments are now bringing in. For the longest of time, the rule of thumb was that every 1 gold invested in them brought you back 1.5 gold, a 50% return on investment (ROI). As of the time of writing, it is a mere 15% ROI. [Source: Fast Farming Community]I have seen in the 5% ROI range last week. In short, it is quickly nearing the 'not worth my time' category.

    Curious, I checked gw2bltc.com on T6 trophies selling prices over the last year. Most have decreased by 30 or 40%. Piles of Crystalline Dust were the worst (13 s to 7 s), while Vicious Claws were the sole ones to increase (11 s to 13 s). All appear to have stabilised at the new, low prices, or are still in decline.

    So . . . I am not sure where to go from there. Do people have solid theories as to why we observe this decline? How to make up for it? Sadly, I cannot participate daily in instanced group content, and I am not interested in having to play the tp. Suggestions?

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  5. I can only speak for myself, but I would bet what I list below echoes with others.

    First, the DE meta left a bitter taste in my mouth, making me want to avoid that zone forever more, unless I absolutely need something there.

    Second, both the New Kaineng City and Echovald Wilds' metas require very annoying navigation over large distances. Not my cup of tea.

    Third, New Kaineng City feels like a ghost town, and not in a good way.

    Fourth, completing the maps and farming the mastery points was so easy, I can check done and gone in very little time. I feel an overcorrection took place there: from endless IBS grind to Speedy Gonzalez EoD rewards.

    Fifth, I have no reason to farm for third generation legendaries. They just don't appeal to me aesthetically.

    Sixth, the original GW Factions campaign was gripping and it felt to me so authentic as a Far East adaptation. By comparison, EoD feels too much like a candy cane wonderland.

    Seventh, Season 1 release took my mind somewhere else. Now that it is done, there are so many more things I enjoy and want to progress through that Cantha is a poor contender.

    In conclusion, I wish that had ended IBS properly rather than divert resources to a new expansion. I feel both suffered from the rushed reallocation.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

      You can use karma + eternal iceshards (daily farm the big chests) from Bjora Marches map to buy season 4 materials (like mistborn mote or difluorite crystal) and consume those materials to earn volatile magic and use gold + volatile magic to buy trophy chest or leather chest in season 4 maps, and sell those at gains (albeit the value fell over 60% in the last 3 months😞


       Is not terribly lucrative, but at least the conversion is easy and fast. But personally I think that stacking throphies for legendary crafting is better due you save the taxes of the transactions.

    I added the emphasis in the quote. Not long ago, I could get 1.5 g out of every gold put on trophy shipments that way. In the last few weeks, it has been more like 1.2 g. As of tonight, it is 1.08 g.

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  7. I only have one achivement missing from HoT Act 2: Leave It to Me in the City of Hope story instance. The gist of it: you get transformed into a rabbit and need to slay a veteran mordrem wolf without reviving any of the Vigil recruits in the room. I can clear a couple of wolves patrolling near the starting point, but those beyond lose aggro and heal up after killing me. Anyone has done this in the not so distant past and care to share tips above and beyond those already in the wiki?

  8. 2 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

    I believe you. I just found the "nine playthroughs, nine times this bug" astonishing. 100% of the time, happening to the same person, that's quite unlucky (and therefore made me wonder whether you has to do something specific to trigger it everytime).

    It has happened to me to various degrees on most playthrough, though none as infuriating as on my seventh. I have two hypotheses.

    First, I suspect the packs respawn is on a timer and you need to clear a pack quick enough and have Evon move through fast otherwise the next one drops on you. Dealing with the cc-happy thugs is what I find slows me down the most.

    Second, I think that if Evon takes too much damage, it takes time for him to come back to his senses and/or resets his pathing to his previous stop.

    I am not willing to run the experiments needed to check these hypotheses. Only three more characters and I am done with that story instance.

    • Like 1
  9. Escape from Lion's Arch (story)

    Escort Evon through the Grand Piazza

    Done with six different characters. Yes, I can be obsessive-compulsive. Yes I can do it.

    Seventh character: quit in disgust.


    I cleared the first Aetherblade pack at least twice, the second one at least once. I just finished clearing the third one. I turn around: Dolyak-brained Evon is back to the first pack's position, getting mauled again. In the meanwhile, the second pack has spawned on top of me. Rage quit.

    I am well aware of the pathing issues. But why do you need to respawn the enemy packs? It is a story instance! Bug or feature? Just get it over with!

    Rant over. Sorry for taking up your time.

  10. Veteran, but not elite player here. I am on the older side, with a school-age kid and am looking for a later-evening guild; my other two guilds seem to be all about 'at reset'. My main problem has been getting blocks of quality time to perform this kind of group content. Hopefully, your night-owl side could help there.

    I am about to break into T4 fractals as a tempest and would love to eventually get into raiding as a revenant--time permitting.

  11. I slew two dolyaks tonight and this daily's progression is still at 0%. Something somewhat similar happened to me once in the last couple of weeks. It took a few minutes before the game caught up with the idea that yes, I had completed a WvW daily and gave me my reward. Not tonight.

  12. Update. It's been three weeks and I have not had nearly as much opportunity to do fractals as I would have wanted to. Nevertheless, I can report that as long as we have a decent healer in the group, Mr. Mystic's Button Mash Tempest is performing adequately; thank you, @Infusion.7149 and the others. I have gone from barely keeping up in T3's to being competitive. In fact, I often come up on top in dps, though usually not outrageously so.

    Still some 270 fractal relics to go . . .

    • Like 2
  13. The Doomsayers are upon us!

    Actually, for a game that age, it still offers a lot to explore and enjoy, despite the negativity of a portion of the player base. It is the Internet after all.

    HoT comes as a freebie for buying the second expansion, PoF. It is PoF that offers the mounts. HoT offers gliding and an (un)healthy dose of wall to the unsuspecting newbie--or long-gone veteran. Once you get over that hump, HoT has aged well and still provides some of the most interesting and rewarding open world meta events.

    Yes, mounts are totally worth it. I found PoF a nicer expansion than HoT for a first playthrough and a more relaxed time on the maps. Its open world meta events unfortunately do not have the same replay value as those of HoT. It is also required for Seasons 4 and 5. Season 4 is imho the pinacle of GW2 in terms of story, fun and reward.

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  14. 13 hours ago, squeegee.4320 said:

    You don't actually need to complete the Tower for the story IIRC.

    No, you don't need to complete it, just fill up the progress bar of events completed. It is still painful. Dead? Maybe not. Long-term healthy population of players? I do not think so.

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  15. That's the reason I am hurrying up to complete that episode on various characters. (Obsessive-compulsive on story completion.) So far I managed to still do it last week, but it is getting more and more hit and miss in terms of success rate. It was fine in the first couple of weeks, but people will now move on to newer and better things. New players trickling through the story will have an unsatisfactory experience.

    If they someone eased up the pain of running the gauntlet to reach the zerg, it would do wonders. That would mean either weaker foes or a much lower respawn rate. Maybe have Kasmeer port you to wherever the current event is taking place if there are at least, say, three people there?

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  16. On 10/20/2022 at 9:46 AM, Svampsi.8043 said:

    Returning player from 2012 that bought LW 3 and 4 and Icebrood Saga yesterday on sale. I just started my journey on LW S3 and although I haven't even completed my first chapter yet I have already died more times than I did my during my whole experience in Heart of Thorns.

    I cannot help you with your build, but at least I can sympathise. I returned to the game 4½ years ago, did S2 and HoT for the first time. OK, some bits proved challenging. Then I did S3 on my warrior. I had the same experience as you. And back then, getting defeated in a story instance broke your armor. This is the only time I ever used repair cannisters before their recent change in functionality.

    A big issue I found in early S3 is mob density and aggro radius. The White Mantle are just insane in that regard. Episode 1 was the worst at least. OK, the final fight in Episode 4 is on my short list of worst fights in the whole game.

    Don't give up. You will get through. Things will ease up and seasons 4 and 5 are more enjoyable in terms of difficulty and give better rewards as well.

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  17. Do what you enjoy. It is a game. I came back 4½  years ago and it took me a year to catch up on all the stories from mid-season 1 to the end of season 4 by then. I still have not run out of new content to explore.

    Whether you want to do primarily PvE, WvW, sPvP or a mix of these modes can probably influence the response you will get. I cannot speak of sPvP and barely at all of WvW. What comes to my mind:

    1. Unlock your glider (one mastery point in the HoT maps) as well as your raptor mount asap. (I think raptor mount is  unlocked by dedault now. If I am wrong, do the first mission in the PoF campaign.)
    2. If story continuity matters to you, pick it up wherever you left and complete it chronological order, not skipping Living World seasons if you happen to have its episodes unlocked. Alternatively, do it all from scratch with a brand new character.
    3. Unlock the four basic mounts, then go for the more advanced ones. The griffon will require 250 gold and completing the PoF campaign. The skyscale requires the whole season 4. The roller beetle (mid-season 4) and siege turtle (EoD) are optional imho.
    4. If legendaries are at all on your radar, Gifts of Battle can only be obtained through WvW, but you can do so just with easy dailies with minimal PvP action. Starting early is a good idea.

    Give yourself some breathing room. Catching up will be a marathon, not a sprint. And smell the roses.

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