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  1. Chillout guys, I'll bet my lungs they are already working on it 🙂 But... ...same 😄
  2. "Stop locking story progress behind masteries" Another box checked in my "People complaints" bingo, lol Seriously now, eat some food for XP boost, banner or booster itself and stop complaining. It's gonna take a few minutes, you'll explore a bit of map and it's not like there are some OH MY GOD level spoilers anyway
  3. Guess they ran away from all tne stalkers, not paying gold in order to check their cosmetics 😄
  4. Oh ye sure, why they don't give us all the POIs for free...seriously people are really getting upset by everything these days. Locked behind an event? People getting upset by noone showing up and failing the event if going in solo Fine, so they locked it behind a story step. You dont even have to finish that, just pop in, get the POI and pop out. But no, people getting mad again. Question of few minutes... And yes, Im one of the people that just *have to get that for completion happy brain juices*. And I dont see a problem
  5. As revenant player I can say that I do know, what is in my retribution line.
  6. I feel like most of the times the last storystep, where we beat the Big Bad, was tied to last map. Zhaitan, Mordy, Kralk, SooWon I don't think we *need* any warning, IMO it's obvious - meta is part of the story. And I also think that this approach is the lesser evil. Some people might get mad because their story is out of order (by one "step" mind you, it's not like you're having computers in medieval times kind of jump), but the other way around? That'd pissoff way more people. Especially, if the meta is unbeatable first few days (looking at you, SooWon) Or OR make the META-stotystep as it was during Scarlet invasion - the final instance was locked behind meta but there was a point of access that let you in, after you did *something* (I think that one particular instance was tied to obtaining spinal backpack)
  7. Hi, me again... I don't know how many of you noticed, but I HIGHLY reccomend checking our lovely Wizard's Tower after completing epilog story step with Aurene (which I suppose is the trigger)... More stuff like this devs, please! Love looking for breadcrumbs (though I'd call this a whole bread, not a breadcrumb :D)! P.S.: In the village, there is a weird tremor happening from time to time. Not sure what it is, sure seems suspicious /tinfoil hat off
  8. Hi, noticed I have permanent quickness on my revenant. I am not going to write down here, how it's being replicated - seems semirandom - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt (though I can tell you, devs). Already submitted the ticket, so if any dev need more info, I play on Aurora Glade (currently online) The bug tldr: Permanent quickness without -6 energy upkeep (even works on 0 facets turned on - with 5 pips of regeneration)
  9. Ooor the Tower is giant portal HUB between worlds and they were protecting our world from something based and living on a different world. As long as dragons were eating magic here, Wizards couldnt get back, but hey, now drogons are gone and portal can be opened again. Wizards can come home. Alas, something is going to follow them.. /tinfoil hat off 🙂
  10. Saame, bought the ultimate version in a heartbeat. I don't care about no specs, easy skyscale and whatnot. Love the game and I have no problem supporting it once a year with "larger" sum of money. Also Wizard's Court? Right into my cup of tea, really looking forward to this.
  11. As I said in different topic. In my opinion, herald passively providing quick was a great change. Herald is supposed to be this boon pulsing machine, so beeing rewarded if pulsing right, is neat. Also, the quick being tied to energy management instead of ability spam is also great change, as energy and its management is kind of revenant thing. Cant say about other classes, didnt try them yet. Just tossing in my two cents about rev.
  12. Unless it's somehow twohanded scepter. I mean we already have ranged hammer, why not more shenanigans. Next time, we might get onehanded melee rifle 😄
  13. Fun or not, it fits the whole herald-is-pumping-boons-all-around-him playstyle. Also providing quickness by spamming my facets off cooldown (as it was before patch) seems worse then watching my remaining energy (as its The Thing about revenants, right). Yes, it IS almost permanent without concentration (3secs of quick every 3 seconds) but so is harbringer's quickness from shroud. At least the shroud isnt being reduced by every skill you use....
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