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Everything posted by Mic.1897

  1. So far I believe the point is being missed. I am not trying to force use a racial, but there have been times when Sylvan Hound has been meta and I was wondering if anyone thinks it's possible we may have a situation like that again some day.
  2. Still? Sylvan outperformed it in PoF for core I don't see any changes in either ability for EoD so I imagine it'd still be superior in this case
  3. But for core Ranger is Sylvari still the best? Yeah but sometimes they shine through. Become the Bear in that fractal I forget the name of for example.
  4. But Sylvan Hound outparsed Entangle, at least prior to EoD Do people here not really know?
  5. Is this the twilight zone lol
  6. Last time I was playing Sylvan Hound was higher dps than all other elites for core and condi Ranger. Is this no longer the case?
  7. Hello all. Coming back after a few years and starting fresh on a new toon. Was wondering if Sylvari was still the strongest race for Ranger with the occasional Sylvan Hound use. Yes, I know the difference is extremely minor and don't need the "play what looks good" stuff. Thanks in advance!
  8. Race does not matter, and yes I intend to use better/meta pets. Just looking for the best starter pet that may be used for some cases endgame, regardless of race.
  9. I'm not asking for a pet that would be the only pet I'd use. I'm asking if there's a starter pet who doesn't eventually end up never being used.
  10. So I'm considering a return to GW2 and Ranger and was looking for people's opinions on the best starter pet, as none of the options seem too useful end game. This is not me asking best pet to start with for a new player or for leveling - this is me wondering if any of the starter pets find use in endgame be it open world, raiding, fractals etc. One example would be brown bear finds use on Dhuum I think. Essentially I feel a bond with the first set of pixels my toon will start with, and want to make sure they don't end up permanently shelved as time goes on. Character race does not matter. Thanks for your time.
  11. Been playing alone for a while and wanting to find a new home if recruitment is still open
  12. Nice thread but Norn have so much more culture than this :-(
  13. Druid here. Seems like a great fit. I'll try to get in touch with someone tonight or tomorrow.
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