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Everything posted by Ardyth.9286

  1. I'm trying to make a very easy jump up a very small (20 ft) cliff from level ground, but my springer just jumps straight up and down, not forward. I have the High Vault mastery, so there is no reason why this isn't working. Any ideas?
  2. I'm envious of the fact you have a griffon. I've been working towards that and all I have left to do is to get the Runes of Justice and Honesty, but I find them tough to get. In any case, this thread gives me all sorts of ideas of other things to pursue while I work through LV4 and griffon. Thank you!
  3. I left for several hours. When I came back, the fight was over and we were successful. I'm glad of the outcome, but I'd sure like to know what happened.
  4. The portal is open to welcome my allies, but I cannot secure the area because there is one NPC enemy that I can't select to kill, so the ring remains red and no more allies can come through. I've clicked on him multiple times but he is cannot be selected. Help!
  5. How do I get a temporary griffon? I know I get one once I get an egg, but is there another way?
  6. Is there a sand portal that takes you directly into the Sanctum? I'm after the griffon egg, and the portals around the Sanctum don't seem to take me inside.
  7. I just got the High-Vault for the Springer, which helped me get a couple of mastery points I couldn't get before. The frustration is that I need mastery points to get the traits but I need the traits to get the mastery points. I will be more diligent about following the story and working my way through.
  8. I've gotten most of the hero/mastery points in Crystal Oasis, but as I move south into Elon Riverlands and The Desolation, I simply can't get to them. You seem to need mounts with higher levels of mastery (high vault for Springer, for example) to reach them, but to get those levels you need mastery points, which I can't get to. One mastery point in Crystal Oasis requires transport through Shifting Sands which requires Jackal mastery. Everything I try to do seems to depend on 10 other things first. I've looked online for instructions on "how to get to such-and-such mastery point" but there isn't much. Right now, I'm specifically going after the hero/mastery point at Shoals of Sovereignty. Any advice?
  9. First, make sure you have bags for all four slots. If you don't have enough, you can purchase them at most vendors. Second, when your inventory is full, click on the "options" button (top right) and select "Deposit all materials." This will transfer crafting items, collectables, etc., to the bank. As a last resort, you can right-click on an item (usually a junk item) and select "destroy." Finally, make time to visit sellers and clean out your inventory.
  10. I'm one of those people. I'm very reluctant to join a guild or participate in dungeons, etc., because I know I have little finesse when playing. I know this limits what I can do and where I can go in the game, but I'm not a super intense player and I don't want to drag down those who are. Nor do I want to expose myself to nasty comments.
  11. I've seen videos where a character is on a mount (raptor, skimmer, etc.) and it looks like they jump off the mount as they are dismounting, allowing them a little hop up and over. I've managed to do it a couple of times by accident but I can't get the right key combination. I'm thinking "x" to dismount and then "space bar" to jump, but it's not working. I'm talking specifically about master points, where I can almost get there with a springer or skimmer mount but need a little jump to reach it. Hopefully you know what I'm talking about.
  12. I second and third Guardian Dragonhunter. That's what I'm playing now, and she is AWESOME!
  13. I've been a casual/occasional player for years, and I'm easily bored. I'll create a character, play up to lvl 30-60, then quit and make another character. I've tried all races and most professions. Then I decided to create a character outside my comfort zone: a human guardian. Wow! I LOVE guardian! I got her to lvl 80 in about two weeks and now I'm working through Heart of Thorns. My point is, it make take time to find what really "fits" for you. Try them all, all races and all professions, and eventually you will find your "tribe."
  14. Just knowing that I was misinterpreting things and not understanding the sequence of events was enough to push me through to final success. Thank you, everyone, and again, I apologize for my attitude. I'm learning how beneficial patience and perseverance are in this game.
  15. I'm on the NA server, and I apologize for my tone and attitude. Up to now I've been a fairly casual occasional player, but with this character I find myself caring, very much, about her success, and it's the first time I've methodically worked through the story. I will shut up now and listen to the masters...8 0
  16. I'm sorry, but that IS what happens. I got as far as killing the boss, next thing I know smothering shadows appeared and doused the flames and I'm back to the beginning having to kill tendrils.
  17. The shadows have to be killed twice, once when you are lighting the fires (a single shadow goes after the one you just lit, so stand in the divine fire to kill it; ok, got that) and again when the dragon comes up from underground in the center. FOUR shadows spawn, and if you don't kill them all, the fires go out and you have to start over.
  18. I'm doing the last episode of LW2, the Mystery Cave, and I just can't get it. I have a lvl 80 guardian with all of the Dragonhunter elite traits, and I'm using longbow and scepter/torch for ranged attacks; I've also tried longbow with sword/focus and sword/shield. I admit that I am not the most coordinated player, but trying to dodge bombs, rocks, and dragon-smashing in a very small area seems impossible. I've gotten as far as getting the divine light ring all lit, which brings the dragon to the center for the final kill only to find out that FOUR smothering shadows spawn to kill the light and I find myself back to Square One killing tendrils. Visual overload. I've looked up youtube videos, etc., but I'm feeling very frustrated. Any advice or encouragement would be greatly appreciated!
  19. Will do, thanks. Wasn't sure I could restart, but it worked, so I'm back in action.
  20. I made the choice to search for salvage and got to where Mr. Sparkles is found. There is a green star inside the wrecked ship; we got to it, were attacked by tendrils, went back to the star and nothing happens. The star remains, which doesn't allow me to move on. I went all around it, over it, moved a distance away and came back, still nothing. What do I have to do to collect the salvage and move on? Sometimes I wish there was a reset button.
  21. Yeah, now I wish I had chosen to hit the supply ship.
  22. So, I'm running a lvl 80 Guardian Dragonhunter and I'm at the Mouth of Zhaiton (I almost wrote "Mouth of Sauron") event. From previous experience, I think this event is a pain in the backside and I'd like to skip it if I could and maybe come back to it later. Is that possible? Or do these things HAVE to be done in order?
  23. The border was barely visible, but it worked. Thanks a million! She is back in business...8 )
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