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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. Story achievements  is where this could be implemented very well. There are a few story achievs that are challenging. The problem is that most are not challenging because they would be hard but because they require you to repeat large parts of the mission which is annoying and takes a long time. I was just doing Bioluminescence collection from LS2. The achievs were mostly fine and you needed a few tries to figure them out but the problem was that some also required doing the whole mission from the start. It's really inconsistent, some missions will straight port you to the boss for the achiev (via purple star), some have a mote to repeat the encounter and for some you have to repeat the whole mission even if only the last boss is the achiev part. 

    While doing Bioluminescence I also played Soto story for straight comparison. Here the achievs are way too easy. I literary only missed 2 or 3 in whole Soto on the first playthrough (no repeats and no wiki) and 1 or 2 of them actually require you to take a different choice - so a repeat is a must.

    I am OK that the story meta achiev requirements being relatively easy. But they could add another layer of hard achievs (some AP, maybe a title and/or a mini for those who care). I think it would be best if these were on the boss fights (not something that drags through the whole instance and takes forever to repeat), maybe also a challenge mode like they did in LS2. And they should be easy to repeat - a purple star that takes you straight to the boss and maybe even a mote for a straight up reset of the fight if you fail.

  2. On 6/18/2024 at 1:14 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    So what are we realistically looking at here that even uses full cele or mostly full cele?

    1. Definitely Ele - imo this is the only class that really "abuses" celestial stats, both in roaming and zerging - doesn't even matter what build you run, if you run Ele and put cele on it, it'll be strong
    2. Druid - if you play it right, it has top tier performance with cele setups in roaming, but it's the only ranger spec that can truly utilize cele, it aint bad in a zerg either
    3. Harbinger - i've straight seen some cele Harbingers that feel just "too strong" in 1v1s, however, as I said before, they are BAD if caught 1v2, they die easily - not so optimal in zerg though, the blight stacks decreasing max health is like what you don't want while zerging
    4. Reaper - cele good in zergs but not so hot in roaming, gets out-kited too easily
    5. Scourge - cele is very very strong still in zerging, really no use roaming though, too slow
    6. Firebrand SA Burn - they say it's meta, but I aint feeling it tbh - almost didn't put it in this list
    7. Condiserk - I mean... good 1v1er, has bad kiting, gets floored as soon as it comes against 1v2, not so much utility in zerg
    8. Renegades - excellent roamer 1v1 with cele, but it just can't kite man, it gets chewed up by more mobile roamers, it can't live through 1v2/1vX ect ect, and not such an effective zerg component
    9. Mirage - old cele setups still in play that are now so watered down I rarely even see them nowadays, and when I do, I don't find them so threatening

    Cele renegade for zerging. Offensive support. Definitely meta. Alacrity, close to full uptime, alacrity enables some very strong alternative comps that just don't work otherwise. Huge unblockable strips via banish enchantment although a bit harder to execute because it's in a line. But if your group can focus it's a complete killer. Also can strip stability specifically with Brutality. Nice boons (alacrity, might, fury, stability) and utility (leap and aoe pull, 50% dmg reduction for party in dwarf). On top I still do about 1/4 of dmg of pure dps and I have lot's of room for improvement still.

    As for cele firebrand. I think it can work but in specific setups. But some think it's a replacement for Firebrand support. It's not. Also quite squishy.

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  3. 17 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

    FWIW I think the linking would have gone much better if the WvW fight guilds had NOT been allowed to group themselves into mega guilds for alliances. By doing that they have created a situation where many alliances won't have any WvW fight guilds on their side which is going to lead to very unbalanced K/D ratios. I can't see how it works for them either as surely it means they end up fighting very few other organised fight guilds? (since they are all grouped into probably 5 or 6 alliances, likely the same 6 alliances which have positive K/D ratios in NA).

    On eu the number of big guilds are not a problem. Most guilds/alliances grew substantionally because of WR and there are a bunch of 50 man guild blobs on in prime time on each world at least in our tier.

    We were trying to cap our core raid group at 25-30 but its just hard to compete against everyone having 50+. And also many players interested to join.

    Now many of these groups grew from fight guilds, so they dont really ppt much or care about score at all. Theres also wr hype and new guild hype and everyone is online more than usual and joining raid groups.

    I think things will settle down eventually. Hype will diminish, players will get bored of 50v50 fight all the time (I think most prefer lesser numbers especially in this support meta). And then we will see more realistic state.

  4. K/d has very little with war score I think. Why I think that? I've played for about 6 hours since the reset. All of it with my guild going against other guilds. My guild played much more than 6 hours. Ive accumulated close to 1000 bags in those 6 hours (no idea how many kills that is, more than 1k). I've taken almost no objectives in that time, made almost 0 impact on war score.

    There has been lots of gvg these days, lots of kills and deaths that didnt impact score at all. You could balance around that but Im not sure the result would be what you expect.

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  5. Its hard to look at. If I would ever watch a stream of gw2 I would probably never tried it.

    Flashy over the  top  skill effects that cover half the screen. Crazy outfit and weapon effects that serve no gameplay purpose. Silly accessories like angel wings and cat ears. All these immediately make me think of Korean cash grab mmos with overload of kitten and not much substance.

    Watched a streamer yesterday looking at new Dragon Age gameplay. After a few minutes he concluded game will be bad because of over the top flashy effects and low visual clarity. Will it be bad? Who knows. But thats the first impression.

    • Confused 4
  6. Well I completely understand wvw guilds are cleaning up rosters now. Guilds will actually matter now.

    On the other hand if you are an active member, friend... from my experience most guilds would be completely fine having you on roster and/or in discord for chats or non wvw stuff. But if youre just one random guy, why would they keep you if you cant play with them. 

    And I never saw players care about spying. Are thete even guild that care about ppt?

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    • Confused 4
  7. I like it, the first activity I did this season. Took quite some time to get my gold path down, still don't make it every time. The skill set is really fun. I wouldn't mind an even crazier version that would require huge blind jumps and soars. Maybe in Divinity's Reach, seems a good place to jump over buildings. Hey maybe during Wintersday we would have an option to deliver presents as Hulk.

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  8. Play whatever you like most. On the other hand having the ability to switch to heal support is really nice in fractals since you can just carry anything all the way up to t4. Pug groups before t4 are pretty much all a random bunch of something and just having a boon healer is overpowered. And heal supports are really fun in this game imo. In general if you pug having a few options available will get you groups faster.

  9. 6 hours ago, TheThief.8475 said:

    I explained that the fail timers can still exist but they should not start on their own, but when a player starts contributing, for example 

    What you want is basically standard quests from most games

    Gw2 intentionaly did it differently with events that take it's course with or without you.

    You may not like it but it was a deliberate decision to make the world feel more random.

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  10. I really don't have such experience at all. If anything I'm more annoyed with some events having too long timers that you have to wait out till the end. I mean sure, maybe sometimes you will fail a group event if it's only 2 mins left and you're there alone but I wouldn't say that's often. 

    Especially lately the events cycle quite fast so it's really easy to wait out till it starts again if you really want it now. And I think most events are part of a chain so someone already had to start the chain. 

    Anyway I would recommend you don't worry too much about random OW events. They are there to make world feel alive. And that means some will run out and cycle again or go to next phase. There is really no need to worry about specific event. Even if you're after achievements, it's just a few AP, nothing really important, you'll get it eventually if you play the game. And if you don't play the game well they aren't of consequence for you.

    • Like 5
  11. Spirit watch is  not CTF.  At least not classic CTF as most games have it. Here I mostly think about fps games.

    2 flags, one for each team, you can only cap if your flag is at home. Wow WSG is what I would say a classic CTF.

    Spirit watch is more of a mix of bombing run and 3 point king of the hill. I dont  know how Spirit watch played at competitive level but it seems a bit  of all over the place, very dispersed.

    UT2k4 (and other iterations) had great game modes.  Its definitely a game I compare others often. A good Assault map could fit any  game but than its really about the map itself.

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  12. Emboldened doesn't really mean much with the power creep. Anyone that did a few strikes and understand the basics of his build can crank well over what's required from his role. And that's an understatement. New players don't fail because of lack of stats. They fail because of mechanics. 

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  13. CTF is really good with organised teams and not so good with randoms. Im not sure Anet wants to go into such competitive team mode.

    You can always solve unkillable or super mobile carriers with disadvantages for flag carrier.

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  14. There's a threshold at which the game becomes unplayable. And it's pretty much at the server player limit now. At a full borderland 3 way fight the skills just become unresponsive. Anything beyond is unplayable. 

    There is nothing wrong with having some low populated maps. People play wvw in many different ways and even if some just want to ppt in piece on empty border, that is completely fine. 

    What kind of fights are you looking for? If you're looking for squad fights I would highly recommend joining a guild. It's possible there are fights happening on a map but you don't know about it because the squad is running under a hidden tag. In any case, whatever kind of content you prefer, it's more fun with a guild. Just ask your favourite commander or in /t chat or your server discord for recruitments. 

  15. Wait, what? New pvp mode!? I never belived this would happen. Awesome.

    WSG is a great map in wow. The other ctf map wasnt that good in random matches though, too big imo. People like to fight in pvp modes and if the map has too many paths they tend to ignore the flag.

    CTF and similar modes with runners and roles really shines when organised and on voice. Than its one of the best modes.

    I do hope we get 10vs10 or 15v15 BG like maps.

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