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Posts posted by Cuks.8241

  1. Dont see any need. In a group scenario if youre getting cced for more than 1 sec with all the aoe stability and stunbreaks, there is something very wrong with your group.

    And in small scale I think its quite balanced. You first line of defense is anyway preventing a cc skill to land at all. And already there everyone has plenty of tools. Yeah its a spammy system but thats the case for gw2 combat in general.

    Cant compare to wow at all. There you have no CD spamable cc like polymorph with base duration of 10 sec. Very limited self breaks available only to handful of classes (outside of trinket) with substantial CD. Some CC that cant be broken/dispelled at all (again outside of trinket) or only by mass dispel (2 min CD). And breaks are not universal. So you need the correct ally class with specific dispel type to remove specific effect type.

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  2. 11 hours ago, Cirth.1543 said:

    For those of you that say it's not expensive, I'd like know what is expensive to you in game.  But since I went there for you @Mithral.8516 since you pretty much stated just use some elbow grease and Bob's your uncle, you'll get the gold you need to buy X item in no time. Let's look at the Permanent stuff on the Trading post bank access 7k to 10k gold, hair stylist 3.2k to 4.9k gold, crafting station 7.2k to 10k gold, black lion merchant 1.2k to 2k gold, the last one 3.5k to 5k gold.  I'm hoping you have each and every one of those then because like you said just use some elbow grease and you'll get there, any excuse saying too expensive, or you don't have the time or energy to farm for that is not a good enough excuse.  Just use your tag you're so proud of and use it to its fullest extent. If you already have all of them then I hope you have or just about every dye, wardrobe, novelty, miniature, finishers and maybe some or most mount skins, outfits, glider skins, skiffs and jade bot skins since you can do a gold to gem exchange.  

    If you want to argue that something is expensive, listing random items from the market that are valued at 10 times+ the price is not a good strategy. Looking at prices of those items that are actually not of much use for me personally, compared to the tag, maybe it's time to increase the tag price and get some gold sink going.

    I know your intention was somewhere else but I don't think it landed. 

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  3. On 9/5/2024 at 2:27 AM, Dark Red Killian.3946 said:

    They already explained that they can’t add skipping to dialog because it would break the instances. Certain steps of the instance rely on dialog to trigger, etc. People don’t have to keep making these posts. This has been brought up time and time again. If you don’t want to repeat story, just don’t.

    "It can't be done" is a really bad excuse.

    Of course it can be done, it would just require effort. Also I'm pretty sure there were cases in the past where you could start a dialogue with NPC and it didn't lock you in - you could trigger several dialogues. Especially when it comes to side dialogues that don't really trigger anything. 

    They could also do it in a completely different way. Before you enter Guild HQ a NPC would ask you if you want to participate in the Tyrian Alliance meeting. First option: Yes please. Second option: No, just debrief me on the mission and off you go.

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  4. Both coins and clovers with limited/gated sources cant be infinitely farmed and thus keep the legendary crafting in check and the price of it balanced to an extent. Basically if other materials get cheaper, coins will go up and sustain legy price.

    So I dont think they will add new sources. Or if they will, they will remove or reduce other sources which was already done in the past.

    Keep in mind legy prices in general are droping over time. So there is really no reason for additional sources..

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  5. I dont see the need for another traitline, we already have quite bloated. And a new traitline wont really have much impact for most classes.

    I also dont really see the need for more weapons although they can be fun and bring new, different gameplay.

    I do see a way to elevate core builds by giving them a new additional F# skill(s) that is not available when elite spec is equiped. While it may not be as fun and marketable as a new weapon, its definitely more mass appealing than a new core traitline.

    Also as far as I know you dont get elite specs with these mini expansions so it would be good for new players if core specs would be more competitive (just no minionmancers in pvp).

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  6. It's a good JP, but somewhere in the average in my opinion. You can figure it out easily, there are almost no really annoying or punishing jumps (gliding and checkpoints let you recover easily). But there's not really anything that stood out for me - from visuals to interesting puzzles. Ok the ship on the top is cool.

    There are some exceptions like Cot and maybe a few others that you can't really figure out realistically on your own without being super invested. But most are completely doable on your own. And some are really cool. Like the one above Lion's Arch when at some point all lights go out and you're in pitch dark afraid to move. And you don't know will they turn on again and what's happening. 

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  7. Well as far as I see from my limited point of view a lot of groups run alot of hybrid roles. I'll write how I see it but maybe other groups play another way. Also we still play a more "standard" power comp and it can work out fine, depends against who you are going against.

    You will have a minstrel healer. I think scrapper and tempest are the most sought after right now. Heal vindi I think has fallen out of favour.

    You will have a guardian or maybe even more than one (yes I said guardian, not FB). Different variants for different comps, a more classical minstrel FB, block DH or a cele FB. Their roles vary between more heal boon focused to more mitigation by blocks and to actually push out very decent dmg.

    Cele renegade. This is very common. They really bring alot; many boons, mitigation, strips and dmg.

    You probably want this in every sub. Maybe add also Scourge.

    Cele scourge. Again they bring alot because they are Scourge after all. From strips to barrier to some dmg and all in between. And of course transfusion. But I'm sure people play other variants to cele Scourge also.

    Than you have a bunch of other possible hybrid builds that you might not need in a such abundance like cele spb, chrono which is anyway a swiss army knife. I'm not sure cele reaper fits here, not very familiar with it.

    And on top pure dmg.

    The compositions are actually quite interesting right now. I think there's plenty variety and this is only from my limited pov. Personally I also enjoy this hybrid playstyle as far as how many things I actually do and contribute to a group. As far as the dynamics of the fight, well that's another story, it can be very much a "Chinese" meta. I like a burst oriented power meta more.

    But this will be shaken up with the upcoming nerfs anyway. 

    • Confused 2
  8. 15 minutes ago, Anekto.8391 said:

    So lets assume the playerbase is a pyramid form in regards to skill. So the top guilds would be at the top of this playerbase pyramid making up the smallest amount of guilds decending down to the biggest amount of guilds at the bottom of the pyramid? Then lets assume we divide the pyramid from top down to bottom in slices with the same angle. Creating patches of the same area and stuffing those areas each into one world slot.


    This sounds pretty balanceable to me? What do you think about it? What can you tell me would make no sense about it and why?

    Factor the amount of players that are willing to manage and lead a guild. And maybe also command squads.

    In addition if you have most dedicated on the top. How active would the bottom guilds be? 

  9. 48 minutes ago, Anekto.8391 said:

    Additional thought. A Commander right now can lead a squad of 50ppl so a wvw guild slot should maybe consist of 50 or 100 ppl at max. To enable a guild tag to have their guild with them and some leeway maybe for different times for players to be online and participate. But i dont think it should be more than that.

    This would immediately lead to guilds greatly increase the requirements. So only the most active and dedicated would get spots.

  10. 22 hours ago, Funky.4861 said:

    If boon application frequency is the problem, then boon strip/corrupt application frequency is an easy answer. Make boon strips much more available across every class (they can make it a competitive mode-only thing) AND make boon strips prevent re-application of that boon for, let's say 5 secs. The problem with boonball meta in wvw as i see it, is that anet wants players to enjoy that power fantasy. Until this flawed thinking is fixed, boons will always be a problem in wvw. Other power fantasies, such as area denial, control and debuffing seem to have fallen out of favour.

    Disagree. You don't fix spam with more counter spam. Well you can but it just makes combat even more spam spam spam.

    It's what we have with condi applications vs cleansing. There is not much tactics at all. Maybe in spvp but even there it's degraded.  Anything at larger scales is just as long as you spam more cleanses than condis you're good. Otherwise you're probably just dead.

    And while strips are currently too scarce or at a minimum threshold for the most coordinated groups, increasing strips is imo a bad solution. We would be just adding more spam to counter the boon barf. Boons need to be cut down. Both in the number of available boons (each boons that is off the table has big impact on strips effectiveness) and in available applications. 

    While Occlusion seems like a great tactical condi I'm not sure it would have much impact in this game and how spammy and low cd the overall combat is. They were trying to bring some tactics already with Torment and Confusion and I doubt it had an effect they wanted. In a slower and more tactical games this could work great. In this game if you catch your enemy with no cleanses available, whats your priority? Prevent 5 boon applications or just burn him down.

  11. 16 hours ago, Dreamonology.8362 said:

    Where does Anet get their info from? "We noticed conquest is overwhelming" no it's not just boring after 12  years, most games update their competitive mode with regular updates, maps and diff game modes, not 1 every 8 years lol.

    not to mention the balance is just atrocious and not paid attention anymore. They have not kept up with other games and mmos that do regular balance updates for their competitive modes. Conquest is not some hard complicated game mode in 2024 lol....

    I dont get that either. I was playing wow for many years. The casual pvp mode there were battlegrounds and imo they were huge success. Ive lvled  alt characters through bgs and even at lower lvls people played them.

    And BGs were  just as if not more  complex than conquest.

    Yeah there is depth at highly competitive  lvl but  that is true for all games.

    As for  Push. Most games I've joined devolved into team dm until someone decided to win.

  12. 16 hours ago, Gladamire.8436 said:

    most everything else I am trying to figure out still or can not do due to X reason, dying, can't jump correctly, not playing class correct, wrong build, etc etc etc

    There is no wrong build or wrong way to play a class. Its worth to step back and look at it as it can have big impact on how easy or hard it is. But there is a reason ppl say everything goes in open world.

    I went through Hot first time with a fully berserk geared staff ele in yellow gear, all dmg, no mounts and no clue. And I somehow managed. Hey at least I learned to dodge because everything one shot me.

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  13. 12 hours ago, Gladamire.8436 said:

    I mean your right, I should have a better attitude, but after getting 3 characters to level 80, and hitting a brick wall and not being able to move forward with the game

    I mean this week alone I have tried to complete Season 1 story and failed at least 17 times, even with youtube telling step by step what and where to do/go, same with jumping Puzzles

    and If i can not complete story mode to unlock the rest of the game and the game only gets harder and harder, but your the same, same level, same gear,  then I am not making progress

    You dont need to play story to progress with exception of maybe first mission of expansion or LS chapter.

    Some story missions can be challenging for a new player.

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  14. What is a DPS gear you mentioned.

    Keep in mind that DPS builds (if you  followed a guide) that are  meant for group content like raids do not work well in solo open world. Many rely on other group members to survive.

    My advice. Pick one character you like. Play that and try to understand it, what skills and traits do. Necro is the most newb friendly if you want suggestion.

    Learn to dodge. Do not double tap to dodge, that option should not exists its very bad. Bind a separate key to dodge and use it.

    Understand the difference between power/strike dmg  and condition dmg and what stats influence which and which weapons should be picked for which. Your weapon and stats and traits should  be aligned otherwise you wont do much.

    You can choose your utility skills. I wpuld recommend you pick some defense there. I would have at least one condition cleanse and one stun break skill and learnn to use tthem. Mobility can be also enhanced through them

    Use runes and sigils. Big stat boost.


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  15. 4 hours ago, devastoscz.9851 said:

    For example, borrow some Skyhammer mechanics for keeps, where a smaller ring needs to be fought for and capped and only 5 players can join from each side and that would have some impact on the main keep cap. I'm not sure if a giant laser from the sky should down 50 people in a keep, but at least properly delay an attacking force; they could make it a tactivator with a short cooldown.

    This is how Planetside does it. The whole concept is very similar to WvW. I proposed something like that in the past.

    For example in Planetside 2 big structures have 3 side objectives in the outer area that you need to take down to power down the shield to access inner. And defenders can repair them. So you have to split and also defend those objectives.

    In general P2 has lots of stuff wvw could learn from. 

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  16. 53 minutes ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

    It's called being self-sufficient. Don't count on others to take care of you. Do it yourself. Do some basic math and don't be obfuscated. It's quite something when people blame others when they've not done their own due diligence themselves.

    Oh I dont really blame anyone. I completely agree with you actually. Im quite liberal in that regard, I dont like limitations and regulations much. And I can manage myself well enough. If people want to destroy and bankrupt themselves let them as long as they dont hurt others.

    Just limit it to adults only and it's a fair game.

    And as far as I read the notion it's emphasis is mostly on children.

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  17. 17 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    I agree that it would be helpful to show the real cost in-game, but it's not difficult to work it out. You divide how much you spent by how many gems you got, then multiply the result by the cost of the item. (If you're using gems you've already got you can just use 10 (for $ and €) or 8.5 (for £) divided by 800, because there's no discount for buying larger packs.)

    So for example if I buy something for 700 gems thats:
    £8.50 / 800 = 0.0106
    0.0106 x 700 = £7.44

    If I know it'll be close I estimate it in my head (like that one, I'd call it £8 because I know it's around that and 16p isn't enough of a difference to know about), if I'm not sure or it'll be a lot and I want it to be exact I use the Windows calculator.

    It's not difficult but it is still a deliberate obfuscation. That's like going into a store and all the prices would be in "apples". "Excuse me how much does this loaf of bread cost in EUR?" "Dear Sir, you can find the price of an apple on fruit department." Oh and you can only buy a full apple. But a chocolate costs 0.5 apples. "I'm sorry sir we only exchange full apples, no change"

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  18. On 9/11/2024 at 7:20 AM, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    This thread seems like spin, the playerbase is actually advocating that they don't want streamers to stream gw2, and they definitely dont want big streamers to stream it because of (insert random reason here).  Some serious copium.  My guess is anet doesn't have the money to pay said streamers to stream it and hype it up and you know... influence people to play it since they're influencers.  So this thread is damage control.

    I mean its like saying this:

    gw2 player: man you know what would make this game great? ... if nobody streamed this game, man the skies the limit then, there'd be so much hype and the game would know no limits! I mean it just seems like streamers wreck the game by showcasing the game to new players...... AND WHO WANTS/NEEDS THOSE?

    VERY believable.

    they tried to do this with sPVP back in 2016 when they tried to make it an e-sport and its safe to say they firmly gave up, thus the thread response.

    Well if streamers attract crowd that communicates like you Im glad gw2 doesnt attract such crowds.

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  19. Nothing against small scale modes personally. But if they want to bring in more players they should increase the team size to reduce individual responsibility.

    GvGs are fun but very inaccessible for an average player. And theres alot of prep  required because  there  are almost no dedicated support systems and interface to accomodate it. And guild arenas have plenty limitations also. It needs to be 2 clicks and youre in.

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