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Everything posted by Gorkus.7496

  1. I'm not happy with the change either. What a punishment it is for the ways I like to play. I get that there are benefits for certain builds, but my PvE play is outright broken with this. Try to keep up with a horde in the silverwastes and tag enough creatures to grab a gold: Can't. While I'm waiting for my best skills to cool down from the prior battle minutes ago, others are laying waste to the mobs using their best skills. I'm only participating in every other battle. I liked the rifle, forge for up close and rifle for ranged. No more. Gotta change to the holo sword in order to take advantage of all that permanent heat or be left behind by the horde. Personally, if they just let the forge cool down normally while mounted, it would be fine or reduced the cool down time on switching. But no. So I'm forced to revert to melee only holo sword. It makes me laugh (to keep from crying) as my old main was a weaver that got her stability nerfed and made her super brittle. It seems whenever I find something uncommon I like about GW, they kill it for PvP reasons. Oh well, I guess I'll have to become a scourge like everyone else. *sigh*
  2. Merry 25th of Dec, it's still broken. I tried on a skyscale and all other mounts, on the ground, lying down, while dancing, while playing another game, etc. Nada. I tried reloading, attempting prior and after the concert, I tried at midnight, early this morning , sometime last week and multiple times in the future. Nothing. Thanks for the Black Lion Claim ticket though.
  3. Everyone else said unbound magic, but I say volatile. I bought those over a year ago and they have made me rich. The volatile magic can be traded for Trophy or Leather shipments that are very lucrative, more lucrative that the Magic Warped Bundles. Then again, you'd have to play the LWS4 maps to get those trinkets. But you could use the extra money you've made with the volatile magic to buy a LWS4 Black Lion Expedition Board for your home instance and then just sit back and collect the map currencies needed for trinkets without ever having to visit a map. Ideally, having both is better, but if I had to choose one, the volatile is better over all, just not specifically for getting trinkets.
  4. May I suggest Weaver. The thing is, it is the most complicated class to play. At least that's what everyone says. It may be due to the fact that the weaver class has more skills than any other, 26! For me, the (sword/dagger) weaver (human female, light armour) is the most aesthetically pleasing of all the classes. Everything she does is done with flair and a lot of colorful special effects. Her sustain is unreal. And though she doesn't do max dps, she ends up resurrecting many zerg players who do. To me, the advantage is that as a Weaver, you are a melee magic user. How cool is that? Then when necessary, switch to staff and have the biggest dps in the game. Another aesthetically pleasing class is the Holosmith. They do lots of dps and armed with a rifle, can be deadly both in close combat and at range. It's an ideal killing machine. My build is all out attack, so I need a friendly weaver to res me once in a while.
  5. Personally, I like the Condi Weaver. It's true, she does less dps than most, but here sustain is unreal. I don't do max damage, but I sure res a lot of players who do. As an aside, I've actually had players criticize my weak build as I'm resurrecting them.
  6. I recently stumbled across a group farming shiny baubles in the Pale Reaver section of Verdant Brink, and I joined. While playing, others spoke that the farm would last only until Thursday when the Map bonus changed. Fair enough, but I can't for the life of me find a list anywhere, including on the wiki, that shows the map bonus rotation by week for verdant brink (or any of the HoT maps for that matter). There is a simple list, naming of a few of the map bonuses in no particular order, but no definitive list of what and when like the Tyria maps have. Anyone know what the rotation is or know of a link to a list somewhere?Thanks
  7. Anyone know why the trading post price of Pile of Coarse Sand has risen so dramatically since July 28th 2020. I read the release notes from that date, but still, I don't see a clue why the price went from 2 copper to just under a silver. The price has been next to worthless for years, then boom.
  8. The stability from using a stance is gone, no? Just to reiterate, I now have to retool skills and I'm slow at doing that. I know this is a case of wanting some whine with my cheese, but it took me a long time to get used to playing and I keep getting cc'd where I wasn't before. I apologize if my (minor) frustration isn't worth listening to.
  9. Kind of a necro but here goes... I don't play PvP. I'm too old and slow (took me 2 1/2 months to figure out my weaver was broken - I thought it was me getting older and slower) and play on a standard keyboard and mouse. I loved, LOVED playing with the Weaver as it allowed me to stay alive long enough to enjoy the game. That's gone now. I'm back to when I first started playing, dying all the time just in PvE. All I can say is thanks Anet for only thinking about PvP and ignoring the needs of other types of players. It kind of makes me feel that if I don't play PvP, Anet simply wants me to find another game to play. As an aside, the Weaver was my main character, the one I started with, the one I've invested most of my time playing. I had come to love my little weaver, and now she is in traction in the hospital and I don't know if she'll recover. It took me soooo loooong to get used to the build and now I'll have to tinker with some of the suggestions from above, but like I said, I'm old and slow. It seems like my best option is to grab a staff and find a group to hide in. No more wandering Tyria on my own as a couple of veterans can down me once again.
  10. Using many of these suggestions, I was able to gain some nice speed and get close (to the end of the Not So Secret JP). I got to the end chest, but can't past those last two spinners along the diving goggles path. I'm stumped as to what I'm doing wrong, but I just can't land on the second spinner pad. I've aimed a little left, a little right, dead center and everywhere else in between, and always miss. This last time, the time that drove me hear with my tail between my legs, I aimed dead center and hit the bullseye perfectly, only to fly right over the top, past the pad and into the chasm. I haven't a clue how to make those last two spinners work right and I'm embarrassed to say how long I've been trying. I've watched several videos and even witnessed a few players just whiz past me perfectly hitting the mark. What do they know that I don't?
  11. It would, but then I'd have to ask how to get 100% boon duration. I suppose that would require a whole new set of gear. Hmm... Food for thought. Thanks. It would be cheaper/less hassle to pay for a port (instead of gear/etc). I say this because, having made quite a few legendaries (and getting mounts)--doing some of these JP's are for only the mentally insane. Seriously, if you ever decide to TRY 'Chalice of Tears' JP--please come back to this post and update me on how much hair you have left, lol. I say that because, I am TERRIBLE at JP's--and while NSS JP is tough--I was able to do it--but Chalice---WOW.....designed by the devil himself! In any event. gl mate.LOL, I started my mesmer character specifically after watching a video on Chalice. There seems to be no logical reason to even attempt that JP without a memser's portal. I hear what you are saying about the costs of gear vs a port. I'll probably end up buying a port in the end, but I wanted to try, once again, to beat the NSS on my own. It's kind of my nemesis at this point, Chalice not withstanding. I am so used to JP's with my swift ele, that the slow mes really throws me off.
  12. It would, but then I'd have to ask how to get 100% boon duration. I suppose that would require a whole new set of gear. Hmm... Food for thought. Thanks.
  13. Perhaps not, but it sure helps. What I do know is that swapping between two speeds really messes me up. :)
  14. Hi everyone. I have a mule mesmer that I wanted to use to get through the Not So Secret Jumping Puzzle. I have done 90% of the JPs in the game, but never completed that one on my own. I paid a mesmer 10 gp to get me to the diving goggles about a year ago after trying for a few weeks to get to the top with my very swift elementalist. The thing is, I am having trouble with the mesmer because I can't get constant swiftness and my lack of focus means I loose swiftness mid jump and fall. Is there any way to get a good (time) amount of swiftness with the mesmer without having to use skills to get it up and running? If not, which is the simplest way to get a longer swiftness boon? I am currently using the signet which procs 5 secs of swiftness every 10 secs. The on and off feature of this method is not working for me at present. Any suggestions?
  15. "So I did that. However, in doing so, I got to play through like 30 minutes of stuff with characters I had no idea about referencing things that were basically spoilers unbeknownst to me at the time. I also can't guarantee that's what fixed it, because right around the same time I did that, I'd gotten enough central Tyria mastery points to finish the Pact Commander line and begin training something else. I haven't seen the popup since however, despite running around Central Tyria with my Legendary Crafting line ready to be mastered (despite not having points for doing so, which is what caused the popups in the first place.) So perhaps their suggestion fixed it, or perhaps finishing the Pact Commander line fixed it, or perhaps it somehow fixed itself. Or perhaps it'll come back some day and I'll kick a chair through the wall. Who knows. I hope their suggestion, paired with what I did, helps someone out though. Good luck, guys." I have 4 unused PoF mastery points, didn't buy HoT, and the pop up keep returning every few seconds for me. It doesn't happen for my friend, and he does have HoT. So maybe the person who responded to you (Windfreeze), isn't aware that having PoF Mastery points has little to do with making the pop up stop. Maybe I have to buy HoT and get a mastery point there. It wouldn't shock me that the solution was to throw money at the game and forcing people to buy both expansions. That would explain why they are so reluctant to fix an annoyance that is easily addressed.
  16. This popup is driving me absolutely nuts too. Did you ever get in contact with customer support, and if so, what did they say? Yeah, I did. The response was something like "sorry we aren't doing a thing about it, but know it's driving me nuts too."
  17. spamming seems to have worked, had to hit F maybe 6 or 7 times! Thanks for all the help!
  18. New question, what exactly is spamming to commune? Just keep trying over and over? Or does there need to be a few payers hitting their F keys at the same time?
  19. How does one complete this hero challenge? Maybe I'm dumb, but I've scoured the wikis and forums and internet in general for literally days and can't find a clue as to how to get the poison bubble that surrounds the underwater commune point to subside. Even after I kill everything, I can't commune because I'm getting interrupted by the area's auto-poison semi-sphere / bubble. It's the only thing I have left on the map, and I can't do it no matter what I try. It also amazes me that this hasn't been raised by any other player over the years Guild Wars has been active. The fact that it looks like I'm the only one who ever inquired reinforces to me that I must be dumb. I read that the statue of meladru in Graven Cay requires the Pact to control the Cathedral of Verdance as well as the Cathedral of Silence to make its poison sphere subside, but that's on a different map and doesn't help with the one I am stuck on.
  20. OP = October 7, 2017Today = November 15, 2018That's over a year with no resolution.I bought the expansion 12 days ago, just got to level 80 today.Then I ran into this unaddressed bug and find it game-breaking. I am getting a refund.
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