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Posts posted by TheGrimm.5624

  1. Actually still hoping we could get the EoTM map to replace one of the alpines so we have 3 all unique ones. You are right, servers react differently to the maps. Personally grew tired of alpine years ago so its either red or EB. Will go defend home if its alpine but just to block an attack. Based on the options we had before still think this is the better compromise since the rotation wasn't going to work and everyone has options the way we have it now. Said in the past, by now I would have liked 16 maps that rotate out weekly to keep the playing field fresh but we didn't get there.

  2. First off, welcome to the War! Glad you got your Warclaw! Wouldn't worry about ranks, they will come in time. I would recommend taking a look at what abilities and order you may want to unlock skills in. Forums will give you mixed feedback but if you find a guild I would check with their lead on what would help. As far as builds, theory craft first and then build, don't do like a lot of us and build and then theory craft, unless you like throwing in game currency out.

    There are a number of build sites out there, this one tends to stay pretty upto to date:http://en.gw2skills.net/Hit the build editor and change the mode to WvW. That way you can try and check your numbers before collecting gear.

    Good hunting!

    P.S. ANet, mount rentals please!!! We really could use some for people coming at this later.

  3. @"Whiteout.1975" said:I was just curious as a WvW player among other's... How have you guys went about finding a effective enough means to which you like; regarding making Legendary Weapons. I saw the New Greatsword https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exordium and it looks pretty amazing IMO. BTW whoever was behind designing that... You deserve a raise for how amazing that thing looks :+1: Of course though, it will only look best in my mesmer hands for starters ;) lol...

    Not sure if you are gw2efficiency user or not but I think this should work if you haven't checked out the requirements yet.https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-90551

    Having done some of the crafting generation, yeah have your materials ready first. Also you might be able to stock pile some stuff next week:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77959/weeklong-bonus-event-meta-event-rush

    Good crafting!

  4. Link:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77959/weeklong-bonus-event-meta-event-rush

    Not sure if the hints are correct and that a core week is planned for but I do know people that don't run any core builds and not sure how this would work. Anet if the hint is that we will have a core build week please give WvWers a heads up or some funds for respecing. Do appreciate the events and personally have a number of alts that are just core builds that work fine in WvW but I could see this as a system shock so heads up is appreciated. Again I may be miss reading the hint.

  5. @EremiteAngel.9765 said:I've fought my fair share of holosmiths from top roaming guilds in WvW.And usually on my necro, I am able to put up a decent fight.

    Earlier I fought a HOD Low rank holosmith and he left me feeling totally helpless. And he stomped me with a PvP tournament champion finisher.

    There used to be an old debate on whether PvP or WvW had the better skilled players.

    And based on that earlier encounter, I surmise that even WvW roamers from top roaming guilds still have a Long way to go to match the skills of PvP champions.

    And this has piqued my interest in PvP.I'm going there guys to hone my skills against the best.

    Adios and best wishes from your friendly Neighbourhood Necromancer.

    Might as well stick around, PvP ranked season has ended for a few weeks. And, why not do both? Outside of your availability they work well together. Admit some nights will roam and queue for PvP while roaming. After they added remote queuing and you retain your participation it's all the better.

  6. Do we have any idea why the trading post has been grinding to a halt? Just opening it to try and buy and sell stuff took minutes to open the first page. Been seeing this get worse over the weeks and this is from various connections/locations. Anyone else seeing this?

  7. @Donari.5237 said:Hmm, any suggestions on a quick way to document current chosen stats? I have over 20 alts in at least full exotics and a lot came from selectables. I don't really need to rethink my builds, so I want to have an idea how I've built them before everything resets :) (I know I can just go alt to alt and hand write out all their gear choices, I'm wondering if someone has a quicker but not spreadsheet method).

    Use the in game screen shots on your stats page for each alt and if you are using the same stats across hover over a piece with the screen shot. If you use gw2efficiency.com you can also go to the character tab and grab stats/images from there as well.

  8. I am not sure you can ever have a meta event in a sandbox environment. A meta event is something that is controlled and planned for and requires steps. A sandbox environment is one where player actions drive every thing. The closest we have to a sandbox in game is WvW but even that has defined game play events. Someone takes a tower the damage to the tower is repaired. In a sandbox the tower would remain damaged and players would have to repair those damages and would have the option to expand that tower into a keep. Your phases above are similar to a meta as in there are fixed steps that occur but again when you have fixed steps I don't see how they can apply since in a sandbox environment a third side could come in take over everything. GW2 living world has some mechanics of this but there are fixed paths that lead up to things. Whenever there is an NPC there is less room for player created content which is what defines a sandbox. GW2 creates our world thru NPC interaction and story, in a sandbox there is less of that and more people interaction and no story.

    To me games that support a sandbox environment would Minecraft and Eve. I would say Guild Wars has more of a feel of sandbox in its events impact on the local map and is in a similar style that Warhammer Online had in its PvE and is more fluid than WoW or ESO are. Still not a true sandbox but Ashes of Creation is trying to go with similar structures in their population drives local area changes style, but still it will be fixed meta based on player activity. Camelot Unchained trying for player created structures and evolving war fields is still closer to a sandbox but than less meta since players can't control NPC actions.

    For Guild Wars to evolve into more of sandbox environment ANet would need to allow for monster play. That being allow players to play as the NPCs and World Bosses. A monster play mechanic has been mentioned on the forums in the past. They haven't gone there yet. Other games have had this and some upcoming games are attempting more monster play. Image that Teq is controlled by a player, that would change each event every time. That would be closer to a sandbox but in a true sandbox that player would be able to attack Lions Arch as Teq. Long story short, not sure if the environment here fits with what you are picturing.

    I have to agree with some of the above, WvW & PvP is where we compete with others, in PvE we play against NPCs and work together. Destiny 2 has a PvPvE mode in their Gambit where two sides work against each other and an NPC side and the game mode is fun, but it wouldn't be so if everyone switches sides and mobs rule. Which the biggest risk that Ashes of Creation will face since it will allow side switching. GW2 and WvW controls this today via population limits, PvP via fixed teams, but if rewards are equally weight regardless of numbers than you will end up with zerg wins and that would lead to unbalanced game play.

    Keep the suggestions going since even if something isn't applied to a game it might trigger a spark in someone that says, "oh my, what about this" that can lead to some serious good gaming. Good hunting!

  9. I will have to disagree. The flow of the vendors made sense as soon as I interacted with them. Now may be that I did some events first and didn't go straight to all the vendors but the first one I interacted with was locked and I knew what I needed to do right off. I didn't hit the middle vendor until later so maybe that was the differences in experience but I liked the flow. I needed influence with each faction before I could use the vendor for that faction. Be that other game experience or what not I didn't blink an eye at that, it made sense. Know someone before you trade, ok. All the living story maps have that same general interaction, you know more about them as you play them, this didn't feel any different in my experience. Wouldn't recommend any changes here.

  10. @Ayrilana.1396 said:I routinely craft amounts of that size weekly. What I usually do is refine them in the background when I do other things such as eat dinner, watch a movie, go grocery shopping etc.

    Is this something you’re able to do too? I only ask because it’s very unlikely that Anet will reduce, or eliminate, the refinement times.

    If we have to keep the wait another QoL would be to allow us to select a build list. 1000 iron ingots, 1000 darksteel, 1000 elder....

  11. @WingLegacy.7159 said:Dear Anet,

    It is not fun to refine 19k mithril and 18k elder logs to make a leggy and there's nothing glorious about it . Kindly speed up or make bulk recipe for refining mats. Thank you!


    A player since Prophecies

    +100 here. I am also fine with queuing things in and then having to come back later to pick them up if there has to be a time association to it. But watching a bar cross the screen..........

  12. @Tyncale.1629 said:

    @TheGrimm.5624 said:I disagree. There are a number of sources of crystal, as stated in this thread winterdays is one.

    So how abundant were those Charged Quartz crystals in those Wintersday Gifts? I participated some in the earliest events and must have opened at least 50 Wintersday gifts, but can not remember ending up with lots of Charged Quartz crystals.

    Charged, low enough that I wouldn't recommend buying them, getting them from the event and finding one was a plus. There were a good number of crystals and Wintersday gets you enough crystals that you will want to make sure you are doing a conversion a day.

  13. @"Tyncale.1629" said:I do not think that being a veteran automatically means you have;

    a) participated in Wintersday events and opened up lots of presents; I play since day 1 and hardly ever participate in these events.b) earned/bought a quartz node for your home instance; lots of people can't be bothered with their instance and nodes;c) actually harvested that instance consistently;d) turned normal quartz into Charged quartz regularly;

    I am sure lots of players had some need for a few Charged Quartz crystals at some point. However having a stock of Charged Quartz (rather then a bunch of regular Quartz crystals) in your material storage for me is an indication that you are a little more then just someone who played for a long time.

    We probably could argue what we would consider a "stock" though. I had like 9 in my storage when I decided to make my first set of Celestial. I guess we could consider that a stock.

    Doesn't matter if you have 9 or 2000. You can go and acquire as many as you want. There is a time to be spent in collecting them, some people would have already paid that price in the past unknowingly and some people will have to spend that time now. This is in balance. I am not gathering green wood right now. If I encounter something that requires it I will have to go do so. I am not going to ask the requirement to be changed because I didn't have something I could have been collecting and just wasn't.

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