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Posts posted by Omega.6801

  1. 5 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    The issue with infinite is there will be players will increase it to mind bogglingly high levels. Hundreds of thousand %. It’ll be a speed competition as to who can grind the most luck. I’m not sure that’s a healthy idea for the game

    In the current system, I agree the cap is too low. I’m surprised it isn’t 1000

    On par with the rest of the stupid ideas that get thrown around on the forums these days but sure. I guess you're right and "infinite" is in fact too high. So a raise to, I don't know, 10'000% or something would be nice.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    Dont forget that it is 4 in one so atleast 25% of current legendaries for each weapon if not even less

    True. It should also come with legendary sigils pre-equipped and do 10% more damage, just for good measure. Know what, I'm feeling generous, make that 25% more damage and it gives the player a free T-shirt on top.

  3. 4 minutes ago, kiroho.4738 said:

    I see what you mean.
    But the question is, is this good or bad?
    I mean, if you want to play certain builds (like meta builds) you will only want certain relics, like 3 or 4. Not all 150.
    If you want other relics, you can just get them. You don't need to get all 150.

    If you don't like the content or don't find people, it's like any other reward in the end. If you want Obsidian weapons, but don't like PvP/WvW, you either have to play it anyway or have to accept that you won't get that reward.


    My personal experience with EoD (as someone with full legy gear) was, that anything in terms of gear was boring, because I had access to everythign immediately after release.
    I saw my friends doing this and that event and stuff for collections, but I just had no reason to do them.
    Getting an advance for great work (like a legendary) is good, but missing content because you already have the rewards is kind of a let down.



    It's neither good nor bad. It just is what it is and people have their feelings about it. In the end ANet will release whatever they will release. I feel bad about it because I would prefer it to be different for the reasons I have posted in this thread. You probably feel positive to irrelevant about it if I understood you posts about correctly.

    Were it only about the let's say 10/150 relics that I actually needed I wouldn't even bother with legendaries in the first place. I would just get the ones I need and that's it. But I want them all. I know, that is my choice and with that choice comes, that I have to do what is necessary. So far, crafting the legendary was one way of doing it. This is no longer an option. And I do not like that.
    Besides lgendaries I have other carrots I go after, AP being probably the biggest. So if there's an achievement for it, I will probably do it anyway. Also, if it's fun I will probably do it a few times. For others it's skins or titles. ANet could put any kind of reward to their content and keep their legendaries legendary, it wouldn't change anything.
    I also have full legendary everything and my experience for EoD was different. Sure I didn't have to unlock the two new stats they gave us (granted having a ritu backpiece early was very convenient but ANet just slept on that one). But I still went for AP, skins, collections, story, map completion, masteries, the new legendaries and later the variants. I never felt like I missed out on content. Same with PoF. Did I have to unlock grieving stats or the rune of the firebrand? No. Was I still busy for more than 6 months doing AP, skins and so on and so forth? Yes. Legendary gear is a privilege, but it's one you earned. And while we don't know yet how much the relic will cost and for now it feels like it's free. One or two years down the line it will feel less worth because you will spend 1k gold(guessing from how much trinkets cost now) for a legendary that will need maintainance every three months.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, kiroho.4738 said:

    I mean... there is a definition of "grind". That's not a matter of opinions.
    Just google it.

    "to make something into small pieces or a powder by pressing between hard surfaces"
    Doesn't really apply to videogames, strange.

    But in all honesty. Grind means different things to different people. In GW2, a game that generally doesn't do the kind of repetitive chores you see in other games, i.e. do this event 1000 times or pay 50 bucks to progress, grind can mean do a meta 50 times. For someone who really doesn't like WvW, having to do the reward track for the GoB once is a grind, even if it's only like 8 hours. For me, in this discusion, it's more of a conceptual grind I am talking about. The kind of grind that exists relativ to "no grind at all" as you ca see in my example I wrote a few posts back with the regular legendaries.
    I'll repeat it, don't worry. The legy scepter I crafted ten years ago has never lost its relevance and never will (assuming ANet doesn't change how legys work). If I take a five year break today and ANet releases twenty new stat combinations, it will be ready the day I come back, not a single minute of playtime required, I can jump right back in and can play what I want to play. That is not the case with these relics. If I take a five year break today and ANet releases 150 new relics in the mean time. The day I come back, I will have to "grind" through five years worth of content before I can get to what I want be playing. Content that might be buggy. Content that may be dead by now because it's unopular. Content that I may not want to play because I may not like it.

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  5. 27 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    I think that part of the point of tying new relics to content is to prevent that content from becoming obsolete or unplayed. The relic unlocks may not keep that content as fully populated as it will be at release but it may make it easier to find or make groups and justify maintenance of the content.

    Ot at least that is what I think ANet is hoping for. Prolonged relevance of content.

    Not saying that I agree or approve.

    I mean, if it keeps stuff populated and maintained that's at least something. However, I prefered if content was populated because it's engaging, maintained because ANet cared and if legendaries stayed legendary.

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  6. 32 minutes ago, yann.1946 said:

    While that is true, doesn't it depend on the severity of the grind?

    If the only thing you had to do was complete the story, I don't think anyone would complain.

    It's not just doing the story now, I doubt it will be in the future. Let's think about a few scenarios:
    - Relic of Nayos f.e. needs you to do the map meta. Not a big deal now when the content is fresh. What about three years from now? What when the encounter bugs out and ANet stops caring about it?
    - Relic of Nourys wants you to do 10 Convergences. Easy to do now when everybody is grinding them for AA or the legendary armor. Will it be the hot content everbody does a year from now? Again, what if it bugs out?
    - What if a Relic wants you to do a certain story step that used to work on release but then buged out at some point? We know that this happened and we know that ANet has left these instances unfixed for years.
    The system we had worked and was future proof. The system they are going for now will not improve things. I'm not complaining about having to play the game. If the game is good, I will play it anyway. That is not the point.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Blade Syphon.4325 said:

    You still maintain the QoL aspect of the Legendary Relic

    No I don't.
    It's also not about how hard it will be or wether or not I wil do it or not, I probably will. It's about principle and about meaning. The >>>L E G E N E D A R Y<<< scepter I crafted ten years ago has never lost relevance and unless ANet changes how those legy work, it never will. I can take a break for five years, ANet can release twenty new stat combinations and when I come back my scepter will be ready to go. That is not the case for this "legendary" relic. If I take a break for five years, then come back, I will have to grind through five years of potentially dead and empty content just to get up to date again. That is a difference.

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  8. 13 minutes ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

    It doesn't matter what Anet does, it appears people will complain.

    Yes, people will always find something to complain about. Also, you will always find someone to complain about something.
    That doesn't automatically mean that every complaint is made without reason.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Will.9785 said:

    I'd rather have partial progress toward an actual, bona fied legendary relic that's future proof than a free "legendary" relic that isn't.  For a lot of people the future proofing is the point, and its what we had before they added relics to the game, which by the way, nobody asked for.

    I mean it was nice they told us that it was coming so I, like many others prepared by gathering stuff, gold and mats to be ready when it launches. I was ready and willing to spend something around 2k gold on a legendary relic although I already had 7 legendary runes for years. Now sure, I get to spend that on something else because I get a free legendary relic. But it's not a legendary now is it?
    Also yes, no one has asked for relics in the first place. They set a sad precedent for vertical progression ANet has been avoiding for over a decade. Relics have taken away functionality only to sell them back to the players and seeing this only convinces me more that we will see more of this with future living worl...i mean, expansions. Be prepared to repeat the same with belts in six months and with toerings a year later.

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  10. 12 minutes ago, Kalendil Istarion.4103 said:

    Bonus: what about a legendary aquabreather? When?

    Don't worry, ANet has you covered. It won't swap stats, won't transmute for free, won't be an account wide unlock and won't be able to change upgrades for free; but they will call it a Legendary, its name will be dark purple and it will be a hell of a grind to craft so it's all fine. Words mean nothing. It's all just PR speak.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, GalenWolffit.3842 said:

    It's just FUTURE relics (that don't even exist yet) that won't be unlocked automatically.


    We understand that. And I understand WHY thy changed it. I even understand that it probably is an improvement. However, one of the huge QoL things of legendaries for me was to HAVE ALL THE THINGS ON RELEASE WITHOUT JUMPING THROUGH ALL THE HOOPS. If ANet wants people to jump through some hoops for the new Relic of Awesome attach it to a collection that is fun to do, gives a skin and maybe 5AP and people will do it. If ANet wants people to jump through some hoops for the new Relic of Awesome hide the hoops in engaging gamelpay so the hoops don't feel like hoops.

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  12. 1. If you want the rewards from those game modes you should play those game modes.
    2. No. Many such threads have been made in the past if you want to find out why I don't like the idea feel free to use the forums search function. Your suggestion adds nothing to the discusion so I will add nothing to it either.
    3. No. Many such threads have been made in the past if you want to find out why I don't like the idea feel free to use the forums search function. Your suggestion adds nothing to the discusion so I will add nothing to it either.
    4. Sure. More ads. Why not.
    5. Such events would require those "game masters" to exist. They don't and ANet has nver shown any interest in establishing anything like it. Also, people weren't really positive about events that happened only once in the past. People felt left out or felt forced to play so I doubt this is a good idea.

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  13. 45 minutes ago, Aurora.9347 said:

    Why.... most players have trouble getting into cm's, the communities gate keeps this crappy content locked un heavy requirements not having any chances to get in, so why put it in the special of the wizards vault... unbelievable, cm gives higher rewards already... it's supposed to be a stepping stone when a person has gotten a fair share of experience how many new players that recently reached end game are actually going to do the cm... ah screw it not like i'm playing the game much lately...

    It's crappy content and you don't play the game much lately anyway yet it's unbelievable how unfair it is to put this super rewarding content that is so heavy gate kept into the WV special tab. Sounds like sour grapes. Don't pretend you're doing this thread for new players.

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  14. 37 minutes ago, Gendalfs.7521 said:

    But WvW you need to grind gear and then you show up a little, its more interesting for invested players. Its like an engame?

    Or I miss something?

    Well, WvW (and to some degree PvP) was intended to be the games endgame but in eleven years it never really took off as it should. ANet really missed out in the early years and is only now making slight efforts, if you want to be optimistic, in developing the game mode.

    As it stands now, GW2 is a classic PvE theme park MMO, where open world, story and instanced PvE content is the end game that progresses along the companies release schedule. These things are very popular with big parts of the playerbase so it's safe to say that ANet chose their focus well. WvW is still fun and it's more of a missed opportunity that ANet didn't do more with it.

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  15. MMOs aren't the most streamable of games because they're more longform when compared to battle royale or fps. So twitch is not a great metric. That being said. Had you looked at the actual game and not twitch you would have seen a WvW event going on just last week. Raids, yes raids have been discontinued years ago and will never come back as ANet is doing strikes now which is basically the same with a different name, call them raids if it helps you.

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