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Posts posted by Omega.6801

  1. 18 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    Quite the article (and not the first one she has written on the subject).  A noteworthy excerpt: 

    So by now, we all have heard about the drama concerning or return at laying on one hundred forty-three of their noise which is the studio directly connected to go towards too but for those of you that have an allow me to quickly address the topic and bring what your attention now on February twenty-first of this year to report that arena and at the studio in charge of both guild was the original and guild wars to was about the suffered largely off they stated add they’d acquired.

    Honestly, not a single source cited. It's all "our sources", "game experts" and "rumors say". Might as well have an AI write your articles. It's the journalism equivalent of "my cousins dad works at Nintendo. And he says..."

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    Oh, what's this WV special countdown you speak of? It feels like something I should be aware of.

    And for the record, I don't have these issues that people describe here. I'm fine with how it's going to work, I just want them to come out.


    Just now, Randulf.7614 said:

    No date confirmed, but the special tab in the wizards vault has a timer leading to end of the month, so prob the 27th Feb

    Basically this^^
    Last time was pretty accurate, i.e. the patch dropped the same time the special category was updated.

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  3. 18 minutes ago, Leger.3724 said:

    Remaster would be a conservative way of putting it. Entire new engine, entirely new scale of buildings, terrain, everything. They'll likely add a lot of what was in GW2. Given it's multiplatform for console there will have to be changes made to combat.

    They could dramatically change the story too. Keep the GW2 format roughly speaking for leveling via open world events as opposed to questing from GW1 and traditional MMOs. HUGE opportunity!

    I'm just an old and sometimes jaded person that, while rationally knows that HUGE opportunity can mean all the good things you mention, has also witnessed HUGE oportunities wasted to make a quick buck off of name recognigtion.
    It's become so common these days to get millions in funding if you promise the people the next [big name franchise] game, then slap together whatever cheap 3rd person arpg you finish in under 30hrs with zero replay value, pay nothing to the people who did all the work, pay loads to some star director and a bunch of share holders and then move on to the next piece of software.
    Sadly, HUGE opportunities don't mean much to me anymore. I need to see things before I believe them.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


    I was thinking of Guild Wars remaster being similar to Blade & Soul NEO Classic as a stand alone gane, instead as a server uprade. I can see your point as well.


    1 minute ago, Kiki.9450 said:

    I miss the remakes Nintendo used to do for some of their games. Not only was it a graphics update on a newer console, it was often ported to a portable console, and they'd add new levels and little features and such.

    Great example: Super Mario Bros. 3. Came out originally on the NES, got remade on the GBA as Super Mario Bros. Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3.

    It's true, not all "re-whatevers" are created equal. I do have fond memories of the GBA remakes f.e. or other compilation ports we usedd to get back in the days. So if it's well done and brings something new to the table, a new facett to GW1 sure,make a remaster. If it's just a 60$ graphic update thaen I'd rather have them do something else with those resources tbh.

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  5. The "Remaster" is just a creatively bankrupt industries newest way to flece money off of the nostalgia of fans. I'd rather have a GW3 than a remaster/rehash/reinvention/reborn. I've played these games already, I've literally been there and done that.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, Gorani.7205 said:

    I totally agree here. I expected to need them somehow for the Legendary Relic, but not even that needs it. Right now I don't even know why I should accumulate any other SotO currency, because all of those are linked to the legendary OW armour (I have that from WvW) or expensive collections for some obscure achievements (a trend ANet has fully embraced after IBS). The Essences should be something like Volatile or Unbound magic, which at least yo can turn into something useful.

    Tbf we don't know the recipe for the "legendary" relic yet, it will only be a freebee once on release for people who have a legendary rune. After that I assume it will cost some essences somewhere along the way. Making the essences function like volatile/unbound magic would be great but I doubt they would go that route.

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  7. 5 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    I feel like soon is going to be another case of the NcSoon™.

    For once a vague and meaningles PR-soon™ is not the issue. We probably know "when", in about 17 days if we can go by the WV special countdown like last time.
    The issue mostly is a "how" or a "what".

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  8. 11 hours ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:




    I've just updated the poll with sPvP and WvW options for the other two questions that go into the same direction.

    About the other limitations:
    Achievement hunters, mini collectors, fashion wars, ... duelists in WvW are also a separate group of specialists, as well as the whole GvG sub-community, ... RP is not a single section as well, they have sub-genres ... we have the racing-content ... the instanced content section is also something that should be split into all sub-sections: Dungeons, Fractals, Raids ... on a second thought, the raids should be separated into their wings ... etc. etc. etc. 

    We can make this poll extremely complex, addressing every single sub-content and sub-community. What is the perfect size? I do not know. I have drawn a line where I thought most of the content was covered. The idea was to have a detailed, but not too complex poll to give people struggling with the content a nice overview.

    I've seen the complaints and added extra options for sPvP and WvW. I know I have missed a lot of sub-groups and I am sorry about it. You are free to make a new poll. The polls on this forum have limits with options. Which means you have to skip categories anyway.

    Thanks a lot for the feedback and everyone for participating so far!

    Thanks for the update but people who already voted can't change their vote. Not your fault, I know. But still. Like almost all forum polls, this one too, will not tell you or anyone much of statistic value. It's just not possible with the framework the usual forum softwares offer.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Kiki.9450 said:

    They have never once said elite specs will never happen again. Just don't expect them every expansion. Maybe expansion 5 or 6 comes with them, or maybe they explore other methods of freshening up combat.

    I think that's a fair approach. Seems like elite specs may take longer than one year to develop, if they can't crank 'em out each mini expansion. As long as they can keep something interesting coming down the pipeline we'll be fine I think.

    Sure, they didn't explicitly said "We will never, 100%, under no circumstances what so ever do elite specialisation again not even if it was a matter of life or death." They didn't. And no one ever would as part of a PR bubble give a 100% yes or no answer to anything these days. What they did say however was:

    "In the current design and implementation of elite specializations, we feel that with every new expansion there’s been increasingly limited “design space” left to add new and differentiated roles for each profession. In other words, most of the playstyles that we’d like to see supported for each profession already exist or should exist within their existing elite specialization options." Studio Update Spring 2023

    Granted, they were talking about SotO and not about GW2 until the end of time. So sure, expansion 12 could have elite specs again. As I said, no one ever gives 100% yes or no answers as they tend to backfire. All I'm saying is that the elite spec, the OP was mentioning, is probably not going to happen in the next few years. A shield wielding thief however may very well happen in the form of a weapon mastery.

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  10. 21 minutes ago, Quasidivine.2591 said:

    Luck has not always functioned the way it does now.

    Ok, I found the date when they reworked the Magic Find stat and made it an account wide thing. --> 03.09.2013
    Other than that, there was a minor adjustment/fix in 2022. --> Magic Find

    All in all the thread is very strange. The OP asks a rather straight forward question: "What's with all the unsatisfying loot?" That question has been answered within the first page I think. Loot in GW2 just feels like this because it's meant to be sold or salvaged 90% of the time once you're past Lvl80. And while GW2 does have the ultra ultra mega rare drops worth thousands of gold, you can play thousands of hours and still not drop them even with maxed out Magic Find, so it's best not to count on those drops. The upside of this sywstem is, that almost anything in the game can be bought, so if you want a certain piece of gear or a skin you like, you don't need to grind a boss or an event to get it.

    Now the whole discussion about OP's MF resetting or not, well, if OP cares they should open a ticket and or make a thread in the bugs section idk. Discussing it here doesn't seem to help anyone.

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  11. 20 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

     I don't remember Anet saying this.  They could have, and I just don't remember it.  Regardless, maybe they meant that these types of things would not be required to progress in the game?  I mean, they're only needed for map completion and even then that's really only needed for GoE and legendary items weren't around at launch (IIRC).  /shrug

    I very vaguely remember this being a thing before GW2 being even launched into alpha/beta. But during testing people got really lost on what to do and where to go, which is why they implemented heart quests into the game. Something along those lines.

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  12. I'll just cheat on some of these 😛
    1) Exploration and movement. Just the way you can traverse the open world from map specifics to gliding and mounts, the freedom of movement is just awesome.
    2) Open World maps. Some are better some are worse bute some are simply breathtaking.
    3) Combat and Classes/Elites. The combat system is still one of the best out there. It's fluent and flexible and with the way gear works, new classes/elites can be triedd out with ease.
    4) WvW. Although basically forgotten by ANet and alliances are a joke by now. The game mode is still hanging in there and is still great fun.
    5) Fractals. I'm not doing them much these days, but the concept is great and should have been developped a lot more imho.

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  13. 37 minutes ago, Jeydra.4386 said:

    There is a pragmatic reason for the relic change. Currently there are several achievements tied to unlocking relics (e.g.: Relics - Secrets of the Obscure 1). If legendaries provided immediate access to all relic effects past and present and future, how would these achievements work? Do you instantly unlock all of them? That would also break new ground, since it trivializes the effort that some might already have invested into those achievements.

    Which doesn't mean that the new legendary relics are justified. If you ask me, ANet made the bed, now they have to lie in it. But reasonable people might disagree with me.

    Not really. If the legendary relic had everything unlocked like a regular legendary. The achievements would still incentivize people who don't go for the legendary, people who don't have it yet and people who just generally go for achievements(AP).
    On the other hand, having the relics unlocked on your legendary would probably not count towards having completed the achievements. That's just not how achievements work. Achievements follow the formula "is requirement met?"-->Y/N-->"If [Y] then get reward." not the other way around. In cases, where people got rewards without completing the according requirement, through bugs f.e., it usually took ANet a hotfix or two to set things straight.

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  14. 6 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Looking at the overall "confused" resposes to posts that aling with what you just said, i guess Anet did it because they believe they can get away with it. Because some people will not notice, some will simply refuse to acknowledge reality, and some, out of some sort of misplaced sympathy for poor, overworked devs and their lot, against their own interest will even defend this kind of design.

    I mean, why anyone would be willing to defend a gamedesign that aims to replace (potentially good) content with enforced gear grind is beyond my ability to comprehend, but it is clear that some people are willing to buy it. Of course,  whether they realize they, in fact, allow devs to give them less/poorer quality content is also something i have no idea of. And, honestly, i do not know which would be worse.

    People also bought into "games as a service", "full price DLC", "day one DLC", "Lootboxes" and other industry shenanigans and will defend those just as vigorous. I mean people actually bought horse armor. It's sad to see how easy it is, to sell the illusion of "we are doing this to improve your experience, we are doing this for you, the customer. Because we care so deeply for you and for the quality of your time with us". They never do, it never is and they couldn't care less.
    Why people fall for these things, well your guess is as good as mine and I'm sure there are even better guesses out there in the fields of marketing psychology. I'd assume it's some combination of "sunk cost fallacy"/"whiteknighting", "not my problem", "actually falling for the sell" and "not understanding the ramifications"/"drawing different conclusions".

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  15. I still think the name is terrible trailer trash. The whole rainbow dragon thing just never really clicked for me, but that's a matter of taste and it at leat fits the game. I'm not a big fan of game merch, game companies should get money for making good games not plushies or plastic stuff to bother the environment with. But that's my opinion. You may proceed to confuse-bomb this post now.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    First, Anet is already working on the next Guild Wars 2 expansion. Secondly, they're hiring people for Guild Wars 2 and an unannounced product.  It's not like companies can't have two IPs at the same time.  WoW still gets support even though Blizzard has other games.

    Activision Blizzard is a very different company though.

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