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  1. That doesn't sound good. Let's just hope taking the moral high ground won't cost you more than money in that case.
  2. Glad you're back, hope you had a great vacation. - Tags giving special bonuses is a terrible idea. What would prevent people from using a "Scouting Tag" while moving, then a "Builder Tag" while building, then switching to a "Regular" or no tag at all for fighting. Every system that can be exploited will be exploited, never count on the honor of people. - Making "Zerg Tags" visible to the enemy team may play to your special idea on how the game mode should be played but I can assure you that you are in the minority. What you are looking for is called GvG. There are guilds for it, because it is calleded GvG. Giving away your position is a huge disadvantage in regular WvW and also makes scouts kinda pointless. - The "Scouting Tags" are a good idea. However, on most servers scouts announce that they are scouting and then they will be invited into the squad and will be given participation, so most of the special treatment you propose isn't necessary. - I don't get the "players getting included and excluded automatically" stuff around squad sizes. Let comms make their own squads. Let people who want to join join and people who don't want to join not join. Also haven't you been harping on about comms not letting people join freely for quite some time now and wouldn't this sort of exclusivity work against that? - Having an option to port the entire squad would be nice as long as it's only to free waypoints of course. - Having more variety in tags would be nice, especially guild tags would be cool. - I doubt that tags are a big thing of pride and prestige these days. Usually it's people who have recently aquired theirs that run around with it 24/7 for two days but then tag down when the find out that some sort of responsibility comes with it.
  3. Currencies never really carry over or else players wouldn't be incentivised to played the new content apparently...it's a curse really... Also, when I read "Rift Essences" I want to throw up. The rest sounds good on paper, we'll see when it's released.
  4. No one has time for this. Just buy the new stuff - they're doing land-spears now, zomg! /s
  5. I've written a lot about SotO but to give the gist of it, and of course this is just my opinion/experience... I've been an investeed player since launch; 20k+ hours played, 45k+ AP, did Raids, did PvP, did WvW, did almost everything PvE. I was there when the game was at its peak (imho) with PoF to Drizzlewood, I was there when the game was at its (again imho) lowest, dev being laid off, the abandonment of WvW and PvP, Kourna, IBS, DRMs and so on. Ten plus years I've been playing for five or so hours per day and rarely I skipped doing my dailies, my weeklies and I was laucky enough to find friends to raid and WvW with to get those things done as well and it never felt like it was a chore. Sure there were better times and there were less good times but over all I had fun working towards my goals like Legendaries or Achievements or Titles or having a good time with my friends. So what's different now since SotO launch? I was invested at launch and did my thing, where I hunted for AP, completed the maps, did the story and for the first release all was well. I wasn't going for the armor, since I didn't have to, so a huge part of the "expansion" fell flat for me right from the start. Now you can do rifts for essences to convert those essences into other stuff, but at release up until its final content batch rifts were only good if you wanted to go for the armor, i.e. not for me. Anyway, the second release hit, we went into Nayos and left behind everything interesting of the first release and replaced it with Krypris. Everything looked the same. Everything felt meh and small, because it was. And so were the subsequent releases. I found myself playing less and less, to a point where today, I log in twice a week, to do my weekly raid clears with my static, because I like the people and the content. I'm up to date with AP up to the last release, so I know, If I had to play the game, I had to play SotO and the sheer thought of it makes me want to play something else. Not to speak of the travesty that is the Relic system and its implications for the future. Now sure, I don't blame it all on SotO. I was having this feeling of disenfranchisement since IBS and definitely since Gyala Delves, it's been ten years and 20k hours after all. Nevertheless SotO has given me the final push. Within a year this "expansion" has turned my engagement from "playing 5hrs/day and enjoying myself" to "playing 8hrs/week because of a social group that plays legacy content". Maybe SotO "wasn't for me" and that's a fair point; I didn't need Legy armor, I didn't need a Skyscale and so on, but seeing the comments and going from the dev's "we're looking back and trying to improve" PR-speak post, I think that I am not the only person who has issues with SotO, so there is some legit critizism to be made. Is it the worst thing ever to be made since the advent of man? Probably not. But it's not a magnificient masterpiece of MMO entertainment either. It did very little for me in terms of rewards, in terms of story, in terms of exploration and it felt rushed. I don't think this new business modell will produce quality content because there is time to improve on existing content, it only churnes out relaese after release and no one has tie to fix anything. The decision to make everything look like barf for 3/4 of SotO, the enemies, the allies AND the environment made it very boring. Rifts were boring. Convergences were boring. Binary bosses that either do nothing or oneshot you are boring. Bringing back Zojja only to lobotomize and leave her behind is boring and heavily advertising her is outright deceitful. Relics added nothing to game but frustration and broken promises. Overall just very few good things came from SotO like the easier Skyscale, to some the Armor and the Weapon Mastery maybe. Well, that got longer than expected. tl:dr: Long time invested player, plays the game 5hrs per day for ten years, is now playing only twice a week for raids with his friends because SotO is the worst thing ever made by a human being since the invention of the wheel. Everything is bad. Where's my Golemancer Relic?
  6. Cool. Now people can camp three useless mounts while doing 1k DPS. Please start dismounting players again when using abilities, combat mounts are a bad idea.
  7. Now let's see how the market explodes on the materials needed, making a simple chair cost 50g anyway.
  8. 1. No. For the date check out https://buy.guildwars2.com/en-us/janthir-wilds?tab=0 2. We don't know, it's not out yet. 3. It's a two-handed weapon and will remain a two-handed weapon. 4. We don't know, it's not out yet. 5. See https://buy.guildwars2.com/en-us/janthir-wilds?tab=0 and the blog to find all official information. Everything else is speculation.
  9. They're doing land-spears too. Are you hyped-up now?
  10. A Narrative Lead and a Story Design Lead dev are not the people who come up with mechanics for a raid boss or the pacing of an open world meta event. Afaik those are the people who write the story, set story beats and maybe have a say in the rough design of story steps and instances. They are the people who write "and then the Commander will fight an army of Kryptis alongside of their new ally, general Nephus". They are not the same persons who answer to that "sorry we don't have the resources to realize an army Kryptis in this shor amount of time, we can give you three groups of five". Narrative Leads and Story Design Leads are visionaries, they imagine grandiose and epic things, which is why they are perfect for such a video. But they are not responsible for implementing them. So unless I've seen something else, I fully expect this "expansion" to be 75% about Homesteads with everything else being an afterthought. I think it willl be like the Legendary Armor in SotO. Probably the whole reward structure of the "expansion" will be designed around Homesteads and if you like this key feature, you'll be fine. If you don't however, well, rewards will feel boring and useless. Like in SotO. The "fill a green bar"-steps will most likely return as well, not because of Homesteads, but because of the new distribution model that leaves no time to develop actual gameplay, aftre all, people are probably already working on next years "expansion", so no one has time for anything. Got to churn out those "expansions" every year now, you know.
  11. The battles couldn't be realised. Just use your imagination and keep buying half-baked yearly "expansions". Look they're doing land-spears, housing and kodans, aren't you excited?
  12. "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with North America and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject. You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page, or create a new article, as appropriate. (September 2021) (Learn how and when to remove this message) A sign at a garden center asking people not to proplift, which it defines as taking cuttings Succulent leaves being propagated Proplifting (sometimes written prop-lifting[1]) is the practice of taking discarded plant material and propagating new plants from them.[2][3] Some proplifters engage with the hobby as a form of self-administered horticultural therapy.[4] Etymology and origin The word is a portmanteau of 'propagate' and 'shoplifting'.[4] However, this derivation is misleading as ethical proplifters are advised to seek permission first to take such floor sweepings.[4] Though much of the material would be thrown out, it is technically the property of the store or business where found. Also, ethical proplifting excludes the practice of removing leaves from living plants as such unauthorized removal is theft.[2] The term was coined by Sarina Daniels, the founder of the r/proplifting subreddit, as a joke, while she was participating in r/Succulents in 2017.[4][5] Though what started as a joke quickly became an on-line community of dedicated practitioners that has surprised its founder.[4] Even so, proplifting practitioners have been accused of being common thieves by people who have misunderstood the practice.[4][6] Practice Practitioners often gather fallen leaves of succulents and other plants from the floors of big-box stores.[7] Proponents state the practice rescues something that would otherwise go to waste, and gives the plants a new chance at life.[4] It is also touted as much more economical than purchasing full-grown plants.[4] Some chains have even publicly approved of the practice.[8] Proplifting from smaller stores is discouraged as often these stores will propagate the material themselves.[7] Cutting from live plants Clipping off pieces of living plants for sale is a discouraged practice even among proponents of proplifting.[9][7] This practice is becoming more common, and not just at large corporate chains.[7] Smaller stores also have lost revenue when they cannot sell plants that have been damaged by cutting,[7] and even the San Diego Botanic Garden was targeted by plant thieves cutting living plants.[1] Enthusiasts are strongly encouraged by the community not to clip live plants and to trade or buy rarer cuttings within the community instead.[7][9] Despite communities of proplifters encouraging asking permission and discouraging cutting and outright theft, others see it as a slippery slope from one to the other.[5] Legality Some plants cannot be propagated legally at all, even if purchased. In the United States such actions may violate the Plant Patent Act of 1930 or the Plant Variety Protection Act of 1970. In the United States, there is no common law expectation of privacy for discarded materials,[10] making the collection of plant material from garbage legal." Not exactly sure how this would work but if it makes your wife happy, I'm all for it. Let her steal all the plants that she wants.
  13. 1) Just asking for gold is not a scam. 2) If you send these people gold you are incentivizing the bad behavior. 3) Unlike in the real world, being a beggar should be a bannable offense. 4) Since it isn't, just block and move on with your live. They can't be bothered to play the game so why should you be bothered by them.
  14. I also miss the quaint days in that place of refuge that was not a den of iniquity.
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