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Everything posted by dandamanno.4136

  1. All rendering is done client side, so graphics quality are not affected by network speed (with perhaps the exception of FPS which can be lag in disguise sometimes). The "game client unable to access etc...) is pretty common and there is a thing here : https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/115015860488. I recently port triggered ports 80, 443 and 6112 on my router so maybe it will fix it. Ask your brother for more help if you don't know how to do it. It is not hard once you know how. EDIT: So after setting up Port Triggering for the above ports I still get the same "login server unavailable" message as before. No difference. As to your graphics, the first thing that came to mind was what Inculpus above says. I would go one step further and disable your on-board graphics card so it isn't even available for your system to use. Your new 1080 will blow whatever it is out of the water anyway so why have your crummy on-board card keep butting in accidentally.
  2. If you are disconnecting during Storyline sequences, you better get used to it. It's been a problem since HoT and there is a huge thread on the issue called "Storyline Disconnects" over in the Game Bug area. You will find lots of pseudo-solutions and placebo effect responses, but at the end of the day there is no solid, permanent fix for it.
  3. The Gem to Gold conversion ability means that is entirely possible. If you enjoy grinding out gold in this game (I mean that in a good way, like it is actually fun for you) then playing games like this is a real dream since you can convert everything to gems and get everything you want for "just playing the game". Of course, if grinding for gold is less fun for you, then that becomes a bad experience and it feels like the game is charging you for everything, lol. In that case though, I would just leave.
  4. I didn't know that. This must be pretty recent since I took a break in November and haven't been back since. Not having to buy any expansion and just a sub for all content is pretty insane considering many people like myself already subbed for the perks alone. Was there not a huge outcry from people who already bought the expansion(s)? I would be kind of ticked off if I bought it and the next day it was free with a sub. EDIT: I found it now. It's only until August 19, during Quakecon. So just a promo thing for new players. Cool, but not the same as a permanent choice.
  5. Gw2 is rather generous content wise if you actually tally up the cost for a new player to jump in with all content unlocked. $30 for HoT/PoF combo and around another $30-$40 to unlock all the 2,3 and 4 LW seasons. Early Icebrood would probably be a few extra dollars on top of that. ESO is around $70 ($50 on sale right now) for all expansions right now, then a sub will unlock all the smaller content patches like Clockwork City etc, as well as huge QoL stuff like crafting bag etc. Whether you prefer the sub to unlock loads of stuff that micro transactions would give you over here is a matter of preference. The main problem is that the LW mechanic includes tonnes of contiguous story that is actually required if you want to experience the story entirely and that mechanic is not well explained during point of purchase. ANET could do better in that respect.
  6. Without getting into skills or traits, 'cause I'm just too lazy to form an opinion (other than the overall idea seems fun), the thing I like most about your idea is that without any clones running around as distraction/agro it has a built in tradeoff already compared to other specs. Also, the Main hand skill names are perfect as is, do not revise ever.
  7. If you have to ask if you have anything like that, then it is likely you don't, since you need to purposely install these things. In your case I think you can safely ignore my advice.
  8. Alternatively, using a manager like this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/cxsxbz/gw2_addon_manager_for_arcdps_gw2_radial_and/ makes using several different addons much easier. And when updates happen and break your game you can just disable them, then wait for an update, then re-enable them rather than having to delete all the files (which requires remembering which files belong to which program), then reinstalling every time.
  9. If you haven't already, be sure to disable any mods, Reshade, or other additional programs that modify the game. These always cause issues after updates until the authors of such mods update their own programs.
  10. Power Chrono will be faster than Condi Mirage in nearly all overworld content. It will have higher overall DPS, and faster up-front damage. Chrono also has a built in speed boost for getting around when mounts aren't allowed or if you don't have them yet. The times when Mirage will be better is if you take on a large group of sturdier enemies that don't get insta-deleted by your opening burst, or if you are unlucky and Champions or Legendary enemies decide to ignore your clones and go for you instead. In these cases the Condi Mirage will have more evasiveness through utility slots, and perhaps more damage reduction/health through gear choices than power. Overall I go with Power Chrono for most content, but will switch over to condi Mirage if I want to try something crazy on my own. It's pretty easy to switch now with templates being a thing.
  11. Yah, which is basically what elite specs are for the most part. Hmm, just timed it and you can get 8 in about 1:02 for the first minute, 7 after that since you don't have 2 right off the hop. Vigor will net you an extra 3 or 4. My point was to compare extremes of both scenarios to show best case VS best case. It actually doesn't matter 12,10,8 or whatever, more just that they were the same numbers. Anyway I don't really care about the idea so much anymore since I too have become convinced we are just spitting into the wind at this point.
  12. I honestly see no difference between mirage dodging during CC. or ranger running 2-3 stun removing tools that are so low on cd that they might as well not have any.this dodge during cc thing, keep in mind that mesmer has 1-2 stun breakes, no access to stability and honestly blink is used for mobility anyways.End result will be the same as any other class. CC doesnt stick in 1v1. EVER.If you remove dodging during cc people will just run 2 or 3 ways to remove them and in the end kitten will be the same.In fact from personal exp CC impacts mirage more then almost any meta spec. I have NEVER NOT ONCE had any real value from landing CC on ranger. unless you 1v3 them, cc lasts 0,25s-0,5s and its removed. EDITand if you replace shatters with ambushes they better be REALLY kitten broken.Cuz you are not only removing dodge during CC, ambushes from dodges but also every shatter skill. I figured that for Mirage the difference would be that shatters would, in addition to their usual effects, activate MC for you and your clones (IH being baseline), clones would not execute an ambush but rather you would execute it (would need to be buffed to a point where it was better than an autoattack) and clones would go provide the shatter as well as additional effects to that shatter based on what weapon the clones are based on; extra torment for Axe clone, random boon/condition for Staff (thematically correct even though I hate random things), confusion for Scepter, Vuln/Might for GS, Precision/Bleed for Sword, etc.... Something like that. I think this works out to around 12 MC per minute if you use all your shatters on CD, ignoring clones. Right now with perma vigor you can get around 12 MC per minute with dodging. So not much difference there. But now you have in addition to that an extra 8 (or 12 if you have vigor) dodges per minute in addition to 12 MC per minute. Is that "really kitten broken" enough for yah, lol? I think this is where MC time per clone shattered would come into play. 1/4s per clone shattered for starters. I'm not sure, I can't really be bothered to think this through right now, especially since the document is all complete. But I think it would have been a highly tunable, Mirage style shatter gameplay that divorces MC from dodging.
  13. Story suffers from "It's the end of the world...again" syndrome that many mmo's suffer from. After a while the end of the world doesn't seem like a big deal anymore.
  14. Extremely overpowered. These skills are all like the best CCs on steroids. Get someone low on health, cast rewind and they are dead. No counterplay one way or the other. They do nothing they die, they heal themselves, you rewind them and they die. Frozen Time is like a Super Chill AoE that effects all actions, AoE projectiles and has a stun break? Sure, just needs a 240s CD. Fast Forward. This could be like a kind of boon rip that makes all boons expire faster. Not condition ticks though as that makes condition too bursty. Possible. Slowness Pockets could work if it was just Slow. Not what you are describing, as slow only affects activation and animation (opposite of Quickness).
  15. I like the idea of having MC tied to shatters, ripped from dodge completely. Mind Wrack would become the Ambush trigger, while the others can have utility. It allows for unique shatters for mirage, with the ability to tweak CD's, strengths and effects on a per shatter basis. I assume in your example shatters would no longer use up clones? Or how do you envision MW working, clones ambush, then shatter? What do you think about 1/4 s MC per clone, Mesmer included from IP? I think mirrors would need to go, as having 4 MC's (1 per shatter), 2 dodges and mirrors all available would be too much. But I don't think anyone would miss those. I would take on demand MC from a shatter over chasing down a mirror any day. Also, shatters may have to share a 3 second CD to avoid having 4 seconds of MC all at once (unless clones are used up by shatter, then no CD needed). You find it clunky after the IP change? O.o
  16. The only way it makes sense is if you substitute "not possible to change" with "too hard to change". Then it makes sense. Seriously, they created the ability, they can't un-create or modify it? Nonsense. You can do anything with code, even gasp removing the ability to MC while stunned!
  17. I am crying for nerfs in some other mains forum? What? I (and others in this thread) are suggesting improvements to the usability of Mesmers main resource. You clearly like it how it is, have no suggestions of your own, or don't like other peoples suggestions. That's fine. But please don't equate me to those who would see all but there own favourite class nerfed to death. Edit July 14: Looking through the Guardian forums I stumble across this from you: Unreal.
  18. Condition builds actually want to have 3 clones up at all times, meaning they only shatter when they can quickly get back to having 3 clones active. This is due to the conditions that clones will apply from auto attacks and Sharper Images procs. Only Power builds will shatter immediately upon reaching 3 clones (They also don't wait around for 3 sources of clones to line up at the same time and will use clone generation skills on cooldown to maximize their usage, meaning they can spend periods of time with just 1-2 clones up waiting for a 3rd clone. Especially Power Chrono that has to wait for Phantasms to attack twice and have that 1.5s of daze between casts before getting the Clone) Yah this is true. Since condi builds actually have clones that do damage (unlike power builds that do like 50 damage per hit or something) the "Shatter so fast it's not a problem" ideal doesn't really work. This would require a rework of traitlines I think to make shatters more usable for condi builds. Your example is exactly the situation I face all the time. Trying to get resource up to 3 clones for maximum effectiveness and while sitting at 1 or 2 clones up and waiting for the third, 1 or both go pop and I just end up shattering 1 or 2 since getting the third up is a pain. I haven't even gone into how clones can't be re-targeted if a target dies in multi target fights such as world events. You entire resource just instantly vanishes and you have to start from scratch.
  19. Pretty sure this could be coded around. Phantasm spawning with "invulnerable" buff could be one way. Yeah and after having the antimesmer community backlash will make Anet to nerf mesmer further. Look, now they gave us back the IP and nerfed shatters. If they give invuln to illusions they will nerf something else.I can 100% tell that aside pvp and wvw if you are having proplem with clones dying you are doing something wrong. Mirage and chrono both have fast shatter playstiles you get 3 clones and immideatly press shatter. If all your shatters are on cd and you have 3 clones up means you have shattered with less than 3 clones up or your fingers aren't used to doing the combos yet and you are too slow. And even there if you don't wanna learn combos and somehow get your clones die:if chrono or core it doesn't matter as clones do no damage anyway, they are for shatters only so you lost nothing, if mirage replentishing clones shouldn't be a problem at all, consider updating your build. I mean your clones even get invulns if traited, what else do you need ? What about phantasms: they are way tankier than clones. The slowest meta pChrono phantasm is Warden with chronophantasma on it takes whole 12 seconds for it to finish his animation and become a clone. Ironically that is also the phantasm hardest to kill thanks to his blocks/reflects. 2nd slowest is swordsman with 6 seconds. If your phantasm dies within those 6 seconds in PVE, it is your positioning that is the problem, and by saying I mean mean you must have chosen the worst place in the arena to stand on: like a lava or smth, just step somewhere without terrain hazards. Anyway they are changing the swordsman, after patch it will be cast on the enemy directly so you won't have problems with those too even if you like tanking lavas lol. If you still have some problems with the phantasms dying before doing full damage, you need "Protected Phantasms" or quickness on your phantasms. Anyway: for pvp and wvw a big damage reduction would be appreciated, for PVE: just learn to play or play something else. This should be problematic more for necros or rangers than mesmers, come on, be real.If Phantasms and clones survive just fine in PvE in your opinion, then what do you care if they are invulnerable? (other than dumb AI infinitely attacking a clone, which could simply be made far less likely to happen through code) I don't get it. In PvE you are arguing that you shatter them so fast and they survive great and I should just L2P, and yet if they were invulnerable to damage it wouldn't change in any way how they play since they were already essentially not affected by damage anyway (in your opinion). In PvP and WvW you essentially agree it is an issue when you say "aside pvp and wvw if you are having proplem (sic) with clones dying you are doing something wrong". So we have a problem with 2/3 of the game modes, and in the third game mode it wouldn't even make a difference? As for the aniti-Mesmer community crying if clones or phantasms are made unbreakable until shatter, well who cares? Those babies cry all day even with the current Mesmer state. They will continue to cry until the servers are shut down, and if we are scared of what might happen if Mesmer gets a buff or even a QoL improvement with their main resource then we might as well give up now and switch classes. Actually, I guess that's what a lot of people have done, given the state of this sub-forum.
  20. Pretty sure this could be coded around. Phantasm spawning with "invulnerable" buff could be one way.
  21. Wow, it's hard to believe your experience is so different from my own. It's basically a daily thing for me. It doesn't even have to be a huge amount of AoE, just a stronger than average enemy will delete any clones next to it with a good AoE smash. I mean sure most times at the start of a fight you can quickly create and shatter 3 clones but while your shatters on on CD you have to wait, and waiting means dead clones. It's just a constant thing with Mesmer:Big hit AoE kill clone-> goodbye resource for shatterEnemy dies too quickly-> goodbye resource for shatterBig event with tonnes of red on the floor->goodbye resource againWvW big fights-> you will never, ever have more than one clone up at a time -> goodbye resource for DPS, utility, healing etc... No other class has this unreliable resource problem. I love the Mesmer aesthetic, but as I play other classes more these days it really makes me wonder why I put up with such a problematic mechanic. I mean your last statment is VERY true, welcome to the constant and consistent double standards of mesmer; it gets even worse in PvP. But it was quite a long time ago when they decided to make illusions (and pets in general) immune to AoEs in PvE. There are some exceptions, particularly single target skills that cleave when already targeting your illusions. But the vast majority shouldn't be cleaving your illusions away. I may be mistaken, like that may only be true for bosses or something? but personally, I still have the old habitual mentality to stagger as to try and not keep them clumped together, and that bleeds through from PvP and long ago before any changes like that existed; so I might be mitigating it and not recognize it. But I'm fairly certain they are just flat out immune.I just tested and they most definitely take damage from ground based AoE. I tested on some risen giants in Orr that spit these little AoE pools everywhere and the clones took steady damage from them. They are immune to environmental hazards like poison clouds and lava and such. Eidt: Looking at the GW2wiki page for clones at the bottom they have all the changes over the years and there is no mention of clones gaining any damage immunity at any point. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Clone
  22. Wow, it's hard to believe your experience is so different from my own. It's basically a daily thing for me. It doesn't even have to be a huge amount of AoE, just a stronger than average enemy will delete any clones next to it with a good AoE smash. I mean sure most times at the start of a fight you can quickly create and shatter 3 clones but while your shatters on on CD you have to wait, and waiting means dead clones. It's just a constant thing with Mesmer:Big hit AoE kill clone-> goodbye resource for shatterEnemy dies too quickly-> goodbye resource for shatterBig event with tonnes of red on the floor->goodbye resource againWvW big fights-> you will never, ever have more than one clone up at a time -> goodbye resource for DPS, utility, healing etc... No other class has this unreliable resource problem. I love the Mesmer aesthetic, but as I play other classes more these days it really makes me wonder why I put up with such a problematic mechanic.
  23. In addition to the "login server unavailable" I also got the "invalid code" on one attempt. It's just the login server unable to verify anything.
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