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Gw2 and the community has lost a great friend and player


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It's with a deep sorrow and pain that i am informing the gw2 community that a great, passionate, dedicated, extremelly helpfull and day 1 WvW and PvE player has passed away last week.

He was an officer in [Kill] and goes by the ign: Treliss (andreas.7081).


He had a HUGE impact in the creation, improvement and success of the guild in the WvW scene, he was a great friend, very fun and talkative person to be around with, always available to help in any way he could always spoke his mind and was always the first to theorycraft when a new balance patch arrived. He dedicated thousands of hours on these past almost 9y to this game and to the community, as it was his passion.


There was a ceremony and a funeral ingame, and for those that took part of it, my deepest appreciation for being there for a final goodbye to him. He will never be forgotten and has now a final resting place in our Guild Hall, hoping at some point to be able to eternalize him in a more public place so that anyone that wishes can pay their respects.


I will miss you my Brother, thank you for everything you did and for everything that you were over these many years. The world was a better place with you in it.





Edited by Botinhas.2018
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I saw you Bez online few days ago and I hoped that one of the biggest vets of WvW finally came back from break but you didn't enter WvW and just kept staying in Divinity's Reach and then in Windswept Haven...


So sad to hear such news. 

I feel sorry for this loss


hope to see you soon on the battlefield. 

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Treliss was one of my good friends in this game. I had the pleasure of being in two guilds with him for a few years, though I wish it could've been longer. It would mean a lot to us in [Kill], and our close friends in other guilds, if he was commemorated in WvW like some of our fellow fallen soldiers in the Mists.


Rest in peace, Treliss. I will always remember you, my stalwart brother-in-arms.

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