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Coming back after 3yrs, tired of Condi, Power Chrono worth the effort?


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title kinda says it all. Returning to game and was almost always a condi build before. Sure, Harbinger looks sweet but thats a ways off and  who knows what the other elites will bring so am wanting to step back into game and go power. From what i could find (SC, LN, them guys...) Power Chrono "seems" to be decent and viable for most raids? Class feels fun so am leaning that why, that or Condi Rev.

Anyways, and tips appreciated!


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Nope, I'm a power chrono main, and with the latest change, power chrono is currently dead.


The Time Warp (TW) changes makes it playable in extremely niche scenario. Not many class gives a good amount of slow, Renegade gives descent slow uptime but you'll need at least 2 to achieve 80%+. "TW" now only giving 6s of slow it making it too short to throw in your burst whilst having slow on the boss. Danger Time also got a nerf and now only provides extra 15% extra crit chance.

You can play Improved Alacrity (IA), but that's significantly lower DPS, and due to how Chrono work (most of your DPS being your Continum Split). It may not be ideal on a lot of bosses.


I would just advise to stick to condi classes sadly, condi ren can more or less be played everywhere, with the exception of a few power bosses, or be versatile and have multiple power DPS ready to play.

Edited by tim.4596
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