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Afkers problem

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3 hours ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

Um… yeah, that’s kind of the point. Right now, afkers just sit there doing nothing, or just auto attacking at best. This will force them to actually use damage skills on event enemies or heal nearby allies and actually contribute something. A leecher randomly spamming attack skills on event enemies may not be as useful as regular players actually playing, but it’s infinitely better than them doing nothing and scaling stuff up.

Alright so the argument is that ArenaNet should condone thoughtless spam (to discourage AFK) and to punish players for not contributing to the dynamic event during the entire duration of the dynamic event.  Leaving or not contributing for any reason at any time would lose participation credit.  This seems to be your solution to AFK players.


This is going to create an atmosphere where players understand they must dedicate time to the game and not engage in anything that they cannot dedicate their time to.  Any players with any out-of-game matters that could come up during their playing of the game will prevent them from playing the game.  This includes family members, phone calls, or really any number of an innumerable list of circumstances because life is far more complex than can be listed in a forum post.  This means the game is now designed for individuals with no extenuating responsibilities because the game is literally being designed to punish anyone who disengages from the game for any reason.

This atmosphere is created because there is no technological method for ArenaNet to determine why a player suddenly stops contributing skill-spam to an event.  Remember that your solution is for event participation to be skill spamming throughout the entire event duration.

Also, any player not using every skill for reasons such as "waiting to use their skills at an appropriate time" will lose event participation because they don't meet the skill[spam threshold throughout the entire duration of the event.  Any period of time wherein they do not use every skill would result in loss of participation credit. This is punishing skillful gameplay in favor of thoughtless skill spam.

This is because there is no technological method to determine why players choose not to use skills.  This also assumes that the threshold is higher than what can easily be replicated by current afk farm methods.


In essence, your proposed solution is to punish every player on the off-chance that they could go afk at some point.  Punishing the innocent for the crimes of the infinitesimally few  is something I cannot agree to under any circumstance.  This solution causes far more issues and negatively affects far more players than is reasonable.  

It also doesn't solve the AFK issue, because spamming skills in the corner isn't punsished.  The exception is if the system is designed only to grant participation for players spamming skills that hit enemies.  This means any player that doesn't damage an enemy because they missed their target or because of a line of sight bug will lose participation.  Again, your solution is for the entire duration of the event.

Because your solution is to track skill spam for the entire event, any player that misses skills at any point loses participation.


I could keep going but I won't because this should be more than enough to identify how this solution would not work at all.

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5 hours ago, Yggranya.5201 said:

I have been wondering why games, a souce of entrertainment, is something these people "play" while actually they just do it on the side for the rewards and do something else for entertainment. How can it be possible that a lot of people need a distraction from a game?

Operant Conditioning

If you are generally curious about it:

  • Wei L, Zhang S, Turel O, Bechara A, He Q. A Tripartite Neurocognitive Model of Internet Gaming Disorder. Front Psychiatry. 2017 Dec 14;8:285. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00285. PMID: 29312016; PMCID: PMC5735083.
    • Covers neurocognotive behaviors to identify associations 
    • National Institute of Health - National Library of Medicine:  Full text of the study
  • Gros L, Debue N, Lete J, van de Leemput C. Video Game Addiction and Emotional States: Possible Confusion Between Pleasure and Happiness? Front Psychol. 2020 Jan 27;10:2894. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02894. PMID: 32047450; PMCID: PMC6996247.
    • This one alludes to the neurochemical  interplay
    • NIH - National Library of Medicine: Full Article Text


Essentially, the in-game rewards trigger a neuropsychological reward response in the hippocampus(?) of the brain. Such reward responses of the brain condition the person to pursue those behaviors.  The more the condition is met, the less of a response it catalyzes.  This leads to greater frequency of pursuing the behavior to trigger the reward response more.  This sort of behavior has analogies to those of addiction-driven behaviors.  

See also, Skinner Box.



Want to note that the study,  Internet Gaming Addiction: A Technological Hazard, is just a case study and only identifies what should be further studied.  

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If you are reported  as  afk , for the rest of the two week you will need less reports each time (4>3>2>1>1) .

You will need to go in pre-determent locations (random generated cost money i guess (or 600 yard  in fron of you +400 on the side-left?)) , otherwise you  will loose 10% hp .

In both cases (go to that location or not)  you  get a stacking "heavy" DoT (1% hp loss per sec , 15min duration) .

Every time you deal 10k dps /or you apply 10x boons /or 10x condtions , you loose 1x stack of that DoT .


If you have been reported and have 5x stack (didn't perform anything  for 1  min)  and die , you don't get rewards


Edit:Is there any mathmatical way to calculate the boss to be killed by 8 people and at 50% HP the boss  will gain Rejuvenation for 2-6 sec , based on how many people are going to be alive ?

If there are going to be 2 afk from the first 2min , then the Boss will get 2 sec Reju.

If 10 legit player are doing the instance then he gets 6 sec Reju , because he is original claculated to killed by 8 people .

And a blog post saying " we created a new technology and bought a new hamster to counter afks"

Edited by Solitude.2097
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I don't know where you're getting this assumption that players must spam skills in order to get participation. It's not a skills-per-second competition. It's not a system where players who already actually play need to use moar skillz for participation. It's simply a check to ensure that leechers who don't use skills (whether they're just auto attacking or completely afking) must actually use skills and contribute. No legitimate player's going to be stupid enough to go, "ZOMG, I have to use skills on enemies, I'm not going to do any event!" Legitimate players already DO use skills on a regular basis. It does not affect regular players, at all.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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