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How to tell if the raid boss needs condi or dps

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I usually run condi on everything other than CA and all of wing 3. 

Usually it's about burst windows. Fights that have burst windows seem to favor power builds. Condis ramping up and staying up is where they shine. Having to constantly let all your condis fall off and reramp them is a pretty big loss. 

Edited by Zalavaaris.5329
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For Wing 1-3   https://lucky-noobs.com/teamcompositions

W5 SH (confusion/torment) , W6 TL (confusion), W2 Matthias are usually condi.
W3 KC+W6 CA are power focused and arguably so is W1 VG due to low toughness and phasing (although you need 2-3 people on condi for red).

You can also look at archived old snowcrows site:

Edited by Infusion.7149
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