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Shadow shroud - more like reaper/core shroud, or scourge shroud?


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1 hour ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Yeah I think it scales to 150% of your vitality and absorbs dmg. Also it may bepossible to receive healing while in shourd. Teapot released a vid on YT. Check it for some info. 




46 minutes ago, Xukavi.4320 said:

Cal did say in the stream that it will take hits instead of your HP while you're in shroud. He even showcased this by having a golem attack him. I don't knoe about receiving healing while in shroud though.

Ahhhh, I missed that in the stream, evidently didn't watch long enough haha. That's good though, the spec is looking way more interesting than I initially thought it would. Thanks for the replies ^^

Edited by Jugglemonkey.8741
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