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LF Mirage Open World Build, Help


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Guys, I'm a bad player. Please don't yell at me. I asked for help on reddit and snowcrows and I got yelled at.


I'm just looking for an open world build (I'm gonna start working toward the skyscale) and I want to try mirage for the first time. When I go to metabattle I don't see a rotation, opener, or priority list: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mirage_-_Condi_Staff


So is that the build you'd recommend? If yes, can you give some guidance on an opener and general priorities? Or link to a video? Thanks!!!


PS - I tried this and thought it was really fun, but it made people on reddit really mad, so I'm trying to stick to metabattle now:



Thanks again!

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You can literally play anything in the open world, but anything you do will be more efficient if you have better damage. 

With Mirage, I tend to run one of the following:

Full Berserker gear | Greatsword Sword/Sword | Domination, Dueling, Mirage

Full Viper gear | Scepter/Torch Sword/Pistol | Dueling Illusions Mirage

Again, it really doesn't matter.  Just play something with a relatively high damage output that you find enjoyable. 

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5 hours ago, Alsandar.7420 said:

Guys, I'm a bad player. Please don't yell at me. I asked for help on reddit and snowcrows and I got yelled at.


I'm just looking for an open world build (I'm gonna start working toward the skyscale) and I want to try mirage for the first time. When I go to metabattle I don't see a rotation, opener, or priority list: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mirage_-_Condi_Staff


So is that the build you'd recommend? If yes, can you give some guidance on an opener and general priorities? Or link to a video? Thanks!!!


PS - I tried this and thought it was really fun, but it made people on reddit really mad, so I'm trying to stick to metabattle now:



Thanks again!

Open world is a very broad topic, what do you usually do?
For the most part you cant go wrong with dps condi mirage
its even on metabattle more or less, if you use this build focus on weaving ambushes in between phantasm casts, make sure the clones finish its ambush before you make them do anything ( axe 3 or shatters stop their ambush attacks, creating new clone replaces a clone so avoid generating new ones during an ambush )
You dont need complex rotations for open world, just focus on getting 3 clones on your target, and having both you and 3 clones ambush.
Example of an opener would be
1 Axe 3 to get in range
2 torch 4 ( its instant )
3 torch 5 ( to make a phantasm )
4 axe 2 ( damage and a clone )
5 ambush ( both you and 1 clone )
6 weapon swap ( it gives energy for an ambush )
7 axe 2 again ( another clone )
8 ambush ( make clones do the ambush attack while you cast pistol 4, follow by your own ambush afterwards )
After that just try to use torch 4, 5, pistol 4 and healing signet ( phantasm reset ) as often as possible.
Also try to be at ~ 50% energy at all times, use it for ambushes ( main damage source )

When you get good at the build, and feel comfortable with the survivability or just want to have more burst/dps in general use self-deception in mirage traitline
With DE in dueling its very easy to shatter and instantly get 3 clones, but that is more advanced and not needed in open world at all.

Try to keep jaunt for mobility, while it can deal decent damage its better used to simply get in range, if you finish one enemy you can instantly teleport to another.
Another thing, axe 3 changes focus of your clones, if an enemy is about to die, you can use axe 3 on another enemy, retargeting your clones, and letting previous enemy die while you are instantly ready to blast ambushes.
You can jaunt in the middle of skill casts, you can for example start casting torch 5 and jaunt into range at the last moment, you can also use it to clear blind ( so your phantasm casts dont get blinded )
You can even use jaunt in the middle of axe 2  ( it will still deal its damage in the location you teleport to ) but it will create a clone and phantasmal axe in its old rotation, its good way if you miss, or simply want to retarget or even just cast the skill in place.
DONT shatter unless you can get the clones back instantly, unfortunately its a DPS loss. Even if you get them really fast its going to be DPS loss, so unless you really know what you are doing dont shatter ( does not apply to f3 and f4, if you need invuln/bar damage just use it, dont be stingy )

Edited by Leonidrex.5649
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My usual approach to shattering with mirage is to do it when I have at least one phantasm already out, a clone generation skill ready to go (ideally shatter JUST before the clone appears) and follow with a dodge. When in doubt, though, it's better not to shatter with condi mirage, since the clones will still be applying conditions even if they're not ambushing. Power mirage is a bit more complicated since power clones deal almost no damage outside of ambushes, so it is worthwhile to shatter as long as you'll replenish your clones before your next dodge.

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Here's a link to a post outlining my Mirage build for OW:


I still find it immensely fun, and I think scepter is a highly under-represented weapon in most mesmer builds. It has a HUGE amount to offer.

To give you some idea of how good it can be, I've been using it to solo champs in Bjora these past couple of weeks.

Edited by Mungrul.9358
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I rarely swap to it, as I find scepter covers most scenarios.

It's mostly there for when I'm fighting enemies that have anti-range phases, like bounties or the Drakkar sub-bosses.

The build gets dramatically squishier when using axe, purely because of the increased melee hate, but I find the option needs to be there.

I suppose I could spec another pistol or scepter into the second weapon-swap slot to take advantage of swap mechanics, but the build doesn't really need to be swapping on a regular basis.


I like to make sure I always have the option to engage at range or in melee in all of my builds, which is why I find Weaver (and Ele in general) quite limiting.


My builds always tend to be generalist toolboxes as previously noted, as opposed to full-on dedicated to one aspect or another. And that fits well with the content I play the most, Open World.


Edit: regarding Drakkar, I hate doing it, as I love the skill so much, but if I'm leading the run, I'll replace Crystal Sands with Portal and take the responsibility of creating one for the last sub-boss. Always stings, as I love Crystal Sands soooo much!

Edited by Mungrul.9358
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