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Can we make Auric Basin Provisioner NPCs less hard to access?


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They are too dependant on group events and the meta to unlock. Compare them to the ones in Verdant Brink that are pretty much available 24/7.

Or could we just get rid of them? This is definitely the worst part of Legendary Armour crafting and adds nothing "fun" to it whatsoever.... Like maybe make the component simply purchesable with HoT tokens?

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There is 8 provisioner npcs accessible at any time (5 in VB, 1 in AB and 2 in TD). 1 of these is quite expensive so might make sense to skip leaving you with 7 daily.

There is 4 provisioner npcs accessible after event chains (2 in AB, 1 in TD) which are being done hourly during primetime unless you decide to check on them right during or after a meta event (every 2 hours meaning you have a good 1.5 hours inbetween to turn in your stuff during prime time). Again 1 of these is quite expensive leaving you with 3 if timed right.

That's a minimum of 7 tokens per day and maximum of 12 per day. That's 43 days at minimum of 7 tokens (1 armor piece per week basically if you are starting after you have everything else) daily, 25 days with all 12 and 30 days if you get 10 per day.

I'm not really seeing the issue here. Arenanet could have had all of them locked behind events.

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Basically, those tokens are already pretty annoying to get, with each vendor requiring a specific crafted weapon, different for each, and with those not being stackable (a single crafted token with similar material requirements would have been way better). Adding an additional annoyance in the way of some of those vendors being hidden behind events that aren't that often done nowadays (which is likly to get even worse with each new expac) is an overkill.

I mean, time restriction is okay. The price i have no problem with as well. The method however is so tedious i'd think Anet designed it specifically in order to make it as devoid of fun as possible.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:They are too dependant on group events and the meta to unlock. Compare them to the ones in Verdant Brink that are pretty much available 24/7.

Or could we just get rid of them? This is definitely the worst part of Legendary Armour crafting and adds nothing "fun" to it whatsoever.... Like maybe make the component simply purchesable with HoT tokens?

None of the events required to unlock north and south is a group event. North takes two events to unlock and south 3, all of them are soloable. West is always available.

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@Miellyn.6847 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:They are too dependant on group events and the meta to unlock. Compare them to the ones in Verdant Brink that are pretty much available 24/7.

Or could we just get rid of them? This is definitely the worst part of Legendary Armour crafting and adds nothing "fun" to it whatsoever.... Like maybe make the component simply purchesable with HoT tokens?

None of the events required to unlock north and south is a group event. North takes two events to unlock and south 3, all of them are soloable. West is always available.

South is as much soloable as, for example, some of the dungeon paths. Yes, you can solo those, if you are good enough, but they are not designed to be done that way.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:I'm not really seeing the issue here. Arenanet could have had all of them locked behind events.

Did you even read my post? The "issue" is how the Auric Basin ones are disproportionately hard/annoying to get access to.

And I told you that there is a minimum amount of available token traders. Having some of the token traders locked behind events is no travesty. If you don't feel like optimising your token/day gain, you lose about 13 days. Not a big deal considering it takes 2 minutes per day.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:I'm not really seeing the issue here. Arenanet could have had all of them locked behind events.

Did you even read my post? The "issue" is how the Auric Basin ones are disproportionately hard/annoying to get access to.

And I told you that there is a minimum amount of available token traders. Having some of the token traders locked behind events is no travesty. If you don't feel like optimising your token/day gain, you lose about 13 days. Not a big deal considering it takes 2 minutes per day.

The number of tokens available per day is irrelevant to this discrepancy in NPC availability.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:I'm not really seeing the issue here. Arenanet could have had all of them locked behind events.

Did you even read my post? The "issue" is how the Auric Basin ones are disproportionately hard/annoying to get access to.

And I told you that there is a minimum amount of available token traders. Having some of the token traders locked behind events is no travesty. If you don't feel like optimising your token/day gain, you lose about 13 days. Not a big deal considering it takes 2 minutes per day.

The number of tokens available per day is irrelevant to this discrepancy in NPC availability.

And you have shown this to be a problem how?

Besides you stating that you want the rest of the merchants to be easier accessible.

As it stand, a vast majority of merchants 8/12 (66%) are availalbe all the time. 4/12 (33%) require the completion of events.

I'd call that a very favorable split between not having to invest any work, and having to invest some work to get access to extra traders.

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