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Looking forward suggestion for Alliances

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Honestly I don't think the commnity cares about "group of players" -> server packing. AKA Wvw World Restructuring.


They care about Alliances and how they will work.


My suggestion is that Alliances should work like this:


Alliance is a collection of guilds. It has a leader. A guild can only have one alliance.

Alliance leader receives requests from guilds... this could be verbally or via in game mechanics.

Alliance leader approves guild request, and thus bringing guild into the alliance (only takes affect at next matchmaking).

Alliance leader can remove guilds from the alliance (only takes affect at next matchmaking).

A guild leader should also be able to remove it's guild from an alliance as well (only takes affect at next matchmaking).


Alliance population is capped at some number that makes sense. Population is counted by unique players from amongst the guilds accepted in the alliance.

For example if a player is in three guilds and all three request to the same alliance, he or she only counts as one towards the alliance population, not three.

Accepting a guild that would put the alliance population too high is not allowed. Guilds that join an alliance become alliance capped meaning new members can no longer be invited once the alliance population is maxed out.


Player alliance selection. If all guilds a player belongs to request the same alliance, then the choice is automatic.

If the guilds a player belongs to are in conflict for alliance, then the player becomes "in conflict" and must select.

When a conflict determination is made, the player counts against all alliances populations (as it is unknown which will eventually be chosen).

A player can go out of conflict by selecting manually selecting an alliance. Note this manual selection cannot be changed until after the next matchmaking completes, so it should come with a strong warning. The reason to do this is people constantly changing which alliance they are going to be in makes it hard to figure out when the alliance is full or not.

Going out of conflict removes the player as counting against the unselected alliances.

Any time a guild is added or removed from an alliance conflict determination for the players is recalculated (player can get out of conflict is a guild is removed from an alliance, or go into conflict if a guild is added to an alliance).

A players should have a flashing wvw icon to indicate conflict so that it is obvious action needs to take place.

If a player fails to get out of conflict, at the time of matchmaking whatever the mostly recently repped guild is for that player will be chosen automatically.

This automatic guild->alliance selection may obviously be undesirable and is the price to pay for not tending to your alliance selection.


I know this seems like a lot. What I am hoping here is that both main guilds and lesser/secondary guilds can nicely be managed into an alliance, and also the conflict system will make it clear when a player needs to "make a decision" and not be randomly assigned. Players will want to try to get as many as their guilds as possible to choose the same alliance, to avoid the "hey my friends are scattered across various wvw servers" phenomenon.


Then Anet can parse out the wvw playing time from the alliances to try to form balanced sets of servers (groups of alliances).


This is my 2 cents.









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My only question then would rely on what about those that a. Don’t belong to a guild? And b. What happens to those that go in wvw once in awhile to be able to play or get their gift of battle.


I personally don’t apply to either of those but I do have friends that both don’t have a guild and those that go in for gift of battle. And we like playing together. Tis why we picked the same server upon creating our guild wars accounts.

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12 hours ago, cassiopeia.5068 said:

My only question then would rely on what about those that a. Don’t belong to a guild? And b. What happens to those that go in wvw once in awhile to be able to play or get their gift of battle.


I personally don’t apply to either of those but I do have friends that both don’t have a guild and those that go in for gift of battle. And we like playing together. Tis why we picked the same server upon creating our guild wars accounts.


If you don't pick a guild you will be randomly placed in a world at world creations every two months, there's still a slim chance you might be placed in a world with friends.


If you and your friends don't have a guild, then create one and you all select the same guild for wvw and you'll be placed in the same world with each other for as long as you keep the guild as the wvw one. Pretty much the same thing as you picking your servers together, you'll just be doing it through guilds for wvw instead.

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15 hours ago, cassiopeia.5068 said:

My only question then would rely on what about those that a. Don’t belong to a guild? And b. What happens to those that go in wvw once in awhile to be able to play or get their gift of battle.

from what we currently know, people that didn´t choose a guild/alliance will be randomly assigned to a team based on free slots. 

However, this still could allow solo-players to join an alliance, based on how alliance-organization will work. But we currently don´t have information about that yet, as we are not in that stage of the beta yet

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