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Major disconnecting issues

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Yep, why aren't there more posts complaining about this? Region chat has been complaining about lags and disconnects for three days now. Kind of sucks to go through a 20+ minute story quest just to get disconnected right before the end and then have to do it all over again (because for some reason, you don't work in save points in many of your stories). Kind of makes the game unplayable.

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I'm having the same issues - it is absolutely infuriating that there are no save points in the story - I've had to repeat several missions over the last couple of days because the client disconnects usually right at the very last cut scene. I can't even believe that you don't get some kind of grace period to pick up where you get dropped. Very poor design.

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Just went through the To Kill a God in Living Story - Completed the fight, go to cut scene (and was apparently at the end of the cut scene) and before the next little bit of after the fight chit chat... Code = 7:11:3:191:101 Dumping me on the character load screen. Very frustrating to find when I logged back in that I was expected go through the final fight all over again!

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@Sanus.3502 said:Just went through the To Kill a God in Living Story - Completed the fight, go to cut scene (and was apparently at the end of the cut scene) and before the next little bit of after the fight chit chat... Code = 7:11:3:191:101 Dumping me on the character load screen. Very frustrating to find when I logged back in that I was expected go through the final fight all over again!

I've been having this issue from PoF Launch I haven't been able to play for months now :-( Just to mention I can be in teamspeak and not disconnect from that yet the game gives me this error Code = 7:11:3:191:101

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Hi all,During this weekend, I too have started experiencing huge lag spikes and tons of rubberbanding, shortly followed by a disconnect.A quick traceroute has shown that there's quite a high percentage of packet loss towards ncsoft's end(addresses are partially omitted):

Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address

 13  ---      50/  50 =100%    28/  50 = 56%  ncsoft-ic-317391-dls-b22.c.telia.net.xx.115.62.in-addr.arpa [62.115.xx.xx]                                 0/  50 =  0%   | 14  ---      50/  50 =100%    28/  50 = 56%  64.25.xx-xx.ncsoft.com [64.25.xx.xx]                                 0/  50 =  0%   | 15  ---      50/  50 =100%    28/  50 = 56%  64.25.xx-xx.ncsoft.com [64.25.xx.xx]                                 0/  50 =  0%   | 16  211ms    22/  50 = 44%     0/  50 =  0%  64.25.xx-xx.ncsoft.com [64.25.xx.xx] As of posting, the game is totally unplayable for me.
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Just put me as a plus one on this. Ive been experiencing disconnects as well. Not immediate either. None my actions do anything for about 1 minute then I get DC'd. It happens often but not consistently. Maybe all is well for a couple hours and then sometimes a few times in one hour. Seems to be in busy places like LA or DR not when Im out and about.

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