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Everything posted by Sanus.3502

  1. Unable to land on top of, or interact with Lesser Arcane chests at the top of dome or 2nd chest and "Foxes" chest on rings. Being pushed away by unseen force.
  2. The beauty, craftsmanship, and environmental emersion definitely hold up against the passage of time. I think lower ratings on HoT stem from the tremendous jump it took in game play when it was first released. If you approach from the original release, GW2 forward progression, the leap in game play and map layout is staggering. By approaching it from reverse, you have the benefit of experiencing the content with the latest specialization builds and the inevitable power creep, putting you in a better position to handle the maps complexity and challenges. In addition there is the invaluable assistance mounts give for navigating the maps. Imagine starting out those maps on foot. No gliding (although basic gliding was picked up pretty quickly), or mushroom bounce abilities, or nurloch wallows, etc.. All that said, there are still many that question the mental stability of those responsible for the tangled depths map. 🙂
  3. I was very excited to be a part of this, and although joined in and had fun, was SO disappointed that back pieces don't show. It takes away from a lot of my character's looks. Still, it was fun and it was great seeing the effort and creativity that some folks put into their looks. It would have been nice to have some sort of take away or vendor offering like with previous April Fools events. Love the idea of an "emperor's new clothes" tonic where we all get pixilated/blurred naked effect! (maybe add a crown to your head as well).
  4. Perhaps I should not have used the term "reward" as it seems to have side tracked the point I was trying to make. What I am trying to express is that there are issues with fishing that I feel could be resolved. I am interested in understanding the reasoning behind some of the development choices the Dev's have made. I am in general a PvE player (not that I understand what that would have to do with my issues with the over all fishing experience). AgentMore.9453 seems to have understood the general direction and meaning behind my post and I thank them for bringing up additional issues that could be improved upon.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I clearly love fishing. I am propsing greater incentive and recognition for those who put in the time and effort.
  6. I know fishing has been discussed on multipul occassions, but I feel compelled to bring it up again. Today's fishing daily was in Orr. I am max lvl, using max bait, max lure, max food buff, I am "A Cod Swimming Amongst Mere Minnows", I even went to the expense of spending 10 spiritwood planks for the "vanity" fishing rod... to still have my fishing skill level at "yellow" when casting into a pool in Orr! Why is there no bennifet, no reward, no consideration, of the time and effort I have put into fishing? Why is Orr still "yellow pools of grind" until I can build up at least 25 stacks (using my skiff) for the skill lvl on pools to go green? Why does fishing in Orr feel the same as it did when I was a less experienced fisher? Where is the "reward" for all the time I have put into fishing? In other words, how about a +10% (something!) for those that have put in the time and effort to become "Cods". Maybe add a (+) stat to that pricey fishing poll that is already acheivement locked? And while I have your ear... How about making a "bait bucket" even if it's just a bag that can be crafted to hold bait and fishing gear? Something similar to the junk bags or crafting bags. Please.
  7. I guess my suggestion should have gone here. So, you've created the Maid Outifit and the Teapot Focus... Please make a Feather Duster Scepter!!!!
  8. You've created the Maid outfit and you have the Teapot Focus... Please, make a Feather Duster scepter!!!!
  9. Not sure if this can be truly classed as a bug or more of an oversight.... But imagine my suprise (after paying so much for my Cuddly Cat skin) when I go to do the "...jade test and promote jade tech" heart in New Kaineng for the daily, I find that when I merge with the remote control console to light the lamps, I don't see my Cuddly Cat! I see the original Jade Bot skin. I am very disapointed. For a skin that is very cute, and already seen so fleetingly, here I thought would be a great chance to see the kitty in action. Please! do fix this so we can enjoy more time with our Cuddly Cat!
  10. It's so floppy. It looks like seaweed in a current. The wings have bone structure which now makes no sense. I'm VERY sad about this change and really, really, really hope anet changes it back!😢
  11. For the Carved Path achievement and subsequent daily... Using the Mac 64-bit client, the runes do not show up on the table no matter my settings. I am able to get the runes to show up when I use the old PC/Mac "friendly" version prior to the 64-bit client, however it crashes like crazy. So for now, I load the old version (pray I don't crash), look at runes, mark them down, switch to Mac 64-bit... knock on trees. There are many wonky things about the Mac 64-bit client. This one is just really aggravating since it involves map completion.
  12. How about 'tails'? Maybe try it out as tonics similar to halo and horns. Something like Bunny-Butt and Cat-Tail tonics.
  13. I have been having this problem off and on since the launch of PoF. I reduced my settings to Low and that did improve things a bit. I have no other connection difficulties with other programs. The situation got worse once Halloween launched. Today has been especially bad when trying to get into harvest guild halls in both HoT and PoF instances.
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