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Looking for LGBT+ friendly casual guild for new EoD stuff and getting back to raids actively as well as other content and just hanging around. [EU]


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Since there's no point continung my previous post anymore because everyone blatantly ignores it I thought I'd make a new one as I also made a new one on reddit as well but so far nobody pitched in there too sadly... I'm just really lonely and I want to find more like minded people again to have atleast a little bit of fun😞

I'm a veteran playing since 2012 and I have my fair share of game experience including raiding experience but I prefer a more casual and friendly atmosphere for getting back into raids (I can play heal druid best as this is my main class in raiding but I also have a bit of experience with power dh in fractals and a few raid backups. I also have a bannerslave ready. Everything is full ascended to partly legendary and I'd like to finish at least one set of legendary armor and the fractal backpack after all these years.)
However I don't mind if raids aren't a thing yet in your guild but planned based on interest. I just want to hang out with people again and maybe do some community events on the discord server if such things exist. I'm also happy and willing to give advice to new players and help out with stuff whenever and wherever I can.
I'm looking for a LGBT+ friendly guild for several reasons because I'm a gay trans guy and back when TeamSpeak was popular I had my fair share of bad experiences where people mocked me and stuff. However your guild doesn't need to be 100% LGBT+ focused. It would suffice if it was LGBT+ friendly at least.
I might not be as active on discord like I used to because of past experiences and private things getting in my way right now. However I will participate at any event as much as I can (if I can't I'll let you know in time). Although I'm pretty shy with a low self esteem and I might not be active in voice chat at first. I just need to take a little time to be more comfortable for that.
I'd rather stay away from too much interacting at the moment as it turned out to not being so good for me and those around me.

My discord is always open for everyone (no need to add me unless your settings are friends only because then I can't reply unfortunately): Hunter#9090
You can always also shoot a message ingame: Cynder.2509
Or you can contact me here.

However unrelated to this I wanted to wish everyone happy Holidays. 

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Hey Cynder!

I know how hard it can be when you feel like you don't fit in. My guild is small but we have really friendly people in it. Right now, we're running some T1 fractals, a couple people run strikes (I wouldn't mind getting into them but I don't have the spoons to pug amymore so it'd have to be in-house) We have someone who's doing raids and even got us some fragments for bronze teir trophies. I'd love to run them when we get enough people. We're casual, I don't have any rep requirements. We are lgbtq+, I'm transfem so I get it. We're not the most chatty guild, we do talk but most of the time we're playing the game. We do have a discord, it isn't super chatty and we don't use voice that often. The guild is based in Gate of Madness but if alliances comes out, hopefully, we can all play together and have some fun in Wvw. Anyway, the name is called Shadows of the Veil, I have a post somewhere around here that explains a bit more about the guild or if you have any questions feel free to drop me a line. It's always good to make more friends.  Have fun!


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On 12/25/2021 at 11:14 AM, Xana.9453 said:

Hey Cynder!

I know how hard it can be when you feel like you don't fit in. My guild is small but we have really friendly people in it. Right now, we're running some T1 fractals, a couple people run strikes (I wouldn't mind getting into them but I don't have the spoons to pug amymore so it'd have to be in-house) We have someone who's doing raids and even got us some fragments for bronze teir trophies. I'd love to run them when we get enough people. We're casual, I don't have any rep requirements. We are lgbtq+, I'm transfem so I get it. We're not the most chatty guild, we do talk but most of the time we're playing the game. We do have a discord, it isn't super chatty and we don't use voice that often. The guild is based in Gate of Madness but if alliances comes out, hopefully, we can all play together and have some fun in Wvw. Anyway, the name is called Shadows of the Veil, I have a post somewhere around here that explains a bit more about the guild or if you have any questions feel free to drop me a line. It's always good to make more friends.  Have fun!


Hey, thanks for responding. Your guild looks interesting but sadly I'm on EU (Abaddon's Mouth to be specific but for WvW I have my own little non guild committed community) while your guild is based on NA. 
Since there's still no cross NA and EU play I doubt it would be very helpful. 
But still thanks for replying and offering. 

PS: You can call me Hunter actually

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6 hours ago, Cynder.2509 said:


Hey, thanks for responding. Your guild looks interesting but sadly I'm on EU (Abaddon's Mouth to be specific but for WvW I have my own little non guild committed community) while your guild is based on NA. 
Since there's still no cross NA and EU play I doubt it would be very helpful. 
But still thanks for replying and offering. 

PS: You can call me Hunter actually

I must have missed that part. Sorry, good luck in your search though. Have fun.

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Hey, have a look at [Pro], I think we sound more or less exactly what you're looking for.
Currently small (around 50 member +/- 5), but working towards slowly building a solid foundation. Just got our guild hall less than a week ago and already at lvl 6, so devoted members. Looking to run all types of content depending on what members want, and preferably doing so on a somewhat regular schedule.

We have members from "all over the world" (Hong Kong, Europe, US), play on EU-servers and invite all kinds of people, young and old, experienced or not and make no judgements against who you are. 


Feel free to send me an in-game msg, I'm usually on for socials when working, on Discord (Foxmire#3361) or just reply to our post and I'll get back to you asap. ^^


Merry meet!



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