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People dont know the difference.. Multiboxing / Botting?

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Me, the concerned player trying to legit play the game on a single account, against.. Some dude running 5 accounts on the same spot, performing the legit same actions on all of them at the same time. Even using 3rd party programs to use a key once in a while on his one of many turrets since he got about 3 turrets per account set up. 
Why am I met with scorn from players who believe this is multi boxing?? 

I cant compete with progression against someone with 5 times the farm when new content is released. 
I read the Anet rules on Multiboxing, and even though I think it is stupid, Fine.. let Anet sort that out. 
But Players setting up 3rd party programs to farm spots with automatic key uses (which is not allowed according to Multiboxing) using another 3rd party program to make 5 accounts follow each others footsteps like clockwork (Again, NOT allowed) 
I am the one being harassed in map chat after I stated my curiosity about how they are not being removed account wise. 

Solution? : There is like 20 decent spots for these farmers to set up. Have a GM run around these spots ONCE every few days / once a week to remove these completely obvious botters.. 

Im so sick and tired of seeing 20 engineers set up with turrets around the world map at certain key places when I go exploring or doing map completion. 
Who does it even hurt? Certainly not the game since it frees up space for actually playing accounts, not for the those botting as they shouldnt even be doing it in the first place.. 

Here is my Tinfoil hat idea, Anet is letting them do this because they still want the extra daily log-ins to count toward the overall GW2 stats and make it seem more active than it actually is. 

I have submitted so MANY reports on these botting accounts and many I still see around, even entire guilds which half consists of non-main account activity as they are only there to farm some easy money. 

I got tons of screenshots after World bosses of entire platforms of Turrets being active at Teq / Claw of J and other world bosses and even Expansion "endgame" content. And funny enough, shortly after the boss is dead, they all disappear suddenly and I "Funny enough" find them at the next world boss...  
They are not even trying to hide it, but somehow they cant be punished for completely disregarding Anets own guidelines?? COME ON! 

Edited by KukoDane.1327
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18 minutes ago, KukoDane.1327 said:

got tons of screenshots after World bosses of entire platforms of Turrets being active at Teq / Claw of J and other world bosses and even Expansion "endgame" content. And funny enough, shortly after the boss is dead, they all disappear suddenly and I "Funny enough" find them at the next world boss...  

well that could seriously just be people farming bosses lol

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Engineers are dropping turrets during a World Boss train; who could imagine?
Why do you feel you need to compete against anyone in PvE? This isn't WoW; there is no loot stealing. Whatever these players are doing, they are helping you progress. Killing the WB quicker leaves you more time to do other things.

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