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Miscellaneous issues observed today

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On the whole things are going better than last beta, but there are both old and new bugs with team UI:


* The bug from last beta where objectives would have correct colors on the supply depot but wrong colors on the main icon is much less prevalent but still around.

* I can confirm that people were landing in the wrong spawns sometimes, though in some cases they were eventually able to die. I’m on Moogooloo; we found a green team ranger at our green border keep waypoint, dead. Didn’t see this last time.

* People in my squad reported that they were getting ported to the wrong borderland (green instead of red or vice versa) but apparently at our spawn on those borderlands when taking a WP. I’ll see if any of them can follow up here with more details. Didn’t see this last beta either.

* Team chat seems very buggy. I was getting team messages with intel that was clearly from another matchup—other members of my squad reported they were not seeing those team messages.

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Some issues we observed

  1. Some of the folks in our guild were on the opposing team on the same map. We could see their "yellow" guild dots which made it easy for us to track. Some folks reported they could see us and some not
  2. We tried adding one person person into our squad and they showed up as Green filled out i.e. they were showing as being on the map and in squad
  3. We tried adding them into participation and they could receive participation for the squad.
  4. If we claimed something it would remove their claim from the map and vice versa

These should be addressed otherwise fairly could be abused

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The repeating queue issue also reared it's ugly head again.  After waiting in queue and you get the popup to go to the map you queued for you then are requeued back to an even higher queue number than you were originally set at  before.  I gave up when I saw this bug was not addressed from the earlier bug reports of it.

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I've been reading by people in map chat and actually have seen a whole guild that were enemies yesterday but friends today. It seems like there is an exploit/ bug with the red bl map where you can be sent to the wrong team colors map and wind up on the enemy team.

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Some more issues (on EU, german language client):

- Team names in guild member list or friend lists are still partially wrong. I talked to some people and know they are playing in other teams than shown.

- Capture messages in-game still show the old server names (these 'structure got captured by server xxx'-messages)

- I took an emergency waypoint on another map, and the resulting loading screen said "Muuguuloo" - sure enough when I arrived there, it was the intended boarderland and not Muuguuloo.

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