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Mimic - are we underutilizing it?


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Context ... love to play around with builds and try new things.

Was playing around with Mimic a bit and it dawned on me, if I pair this with Signet of Illusions, I can refresh my shatters instantly twice in a very small span of time.


Assuming you handle your clone generation and just looking at our 4th shatter.

... Core/Mirage could Distort 3 times in short order for an immense amount of distortion ... quite a deal of time in which you don't get hit but those around you [likely] do.

... Chronomancer, this would be Continuum Shift 3 times in short order as well. That's 3 times to get to try to blow your rotation on folks.


Obviously there are other uses, but the sheer power of our shatters and being able to refresh them not once but twice in short order got me to thinking and curious about other's thoughts.

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I think Mimic is usefull when you want to do a very specific thing, for example Blink twice in a row, give quickness, revive allies with Illusion of Life etc. I really like to have this skill in our kit for niche use.


In your example I think thats not really worth it, since you also need the clone generation to make distortion worth it. Instead of Mimic you could take better alternatives.


And as pointed out, it deliberately does not work with Continuum Split, since that would be op.

Edited by Chrolo.8536
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Ah, I forgot about that when thinking about it with the Chrono.

With Core/Mirage, I was thinking I could do a decent amount of damage with 3 Distortions woven in with blocks, etc..

./shrug ... just thoughts and playing around. Doesn't seem people are too keen on being able to double-up on all 4 shatters (or 3 in Chrono's case).

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Mimic is great in 1v1s. Have you tried double domination for the double 3 second stun? Super useful if you want to use a burst twice. Beyond a 1v1, its only good for a specific action to be done to a greater extent solo. But in a group you can specialize in whatever role: Resurrecter, reflector, nullifier, etc.

Edited by Avion Blade.4869
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