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SOLVED: Need a bit of help with Joon's mansion in weight of the world

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Ia m also stuck here.

  • did the room that changes with the lever, than moved to the room with the pressure plate that pops up for another battery cell, than grabbed the cell out of the shockwave room.
  • I even did the upstairs room (top left on the map) lever

Now I am stuck since i only have 2 cells (need 3 for the main hall door) i cant seem to do anything in tiami room

SOLVED: its that kitten mirror, or what i thought was a mirror

Edited by Outcast Creatures.5327
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  • Outcast Creatures.5327 changed the title to SOLVED: Need a bit of help with Joon's mansion in weight of the world

This was by far my least favorite chapter so far. The puzzle aspect was ... okay, but having to whip the bot out and put it away constantly was getting to me and it zips so quickly that I found it hard to pilot precisely in that small space. Piloting it for the Jade tech quest heart was fine because the targets were big and there was a lot of room between them..


I eventually just looked up the puzzle part on Youtube when I got stuck because I was getting frustrated with the jade bots. I suggest anyone who's stuck do the same - trying to explain it via text is sometimes a challenge.

Edited by Shaaba.5672
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2 minutes ago, EllenH.9674 said:

I got terrible motion sickness trying to move the bot round and had to stop and throw up.  Dreading having to go back in.

Me too.  Unfortunately, the chapter also has some major bugs - if you die in the end of it, you get teleported OUTSIDE the barrier with no way to get back in - so I guess I'm stuck here until they roll out a fix.  No point in getting that sick doing the puzzle if I can't get past the battles afterwards.


2 hours ago, Herot.8723 said:

how do you get into the main hall? i have the main 3 lit up. just dont understand use the laser from the voice acting?

You use the three to get the stairs open, then you can pull one charge from the stairs (when you are at the top, of course) and use it to open the door, if I'm understanding where you are correctly.

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3 hours ago, Herot.8723 said:

how do you get into the main hall? i have the main 3 lit up. just dont understand use the laser from the voice acting?

Use the laser means to use the turret beam to break the jade surrounding a console. It will fire at either you or your bot.  Sometimes you must use your bot while you stand on ground panels to open doors.

The absolute worst part for me is on the second floor in the console room with levers and ground panels.  I could not for the life of me figure it out.  I eventually tried to pull a lever with the bot and it worked.  Felt real dumb, but not really cause there was not lever training for the bot.

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