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Make the spear on a main weapon with the next expansion.


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@Teofa Tsavo.9863 said:

@Arzurag.7506 said:If a spear is carried like staff then no defenitely not.Unique animations or it should never be implemented.

Anet managed Spear animations with Paragons. Why the class was not brought over mostly intact baffles me, it is a very good group support profession with short term buff shouts very similar to what they have done here.

If I recall right, Paragon was very unpopular in GW1.Dervish on the other hand, quickly became the most popular class in the game.

Both have weapons that are not present in GW2 (at least on land): Spear and Staff.

There seems to have been an intentional desire by the team that lead the initial design of GW2 to 'whitewash' Guild Wars. Both Cantha and Elona were 'nearly erased' and the Krytans had their ethnicity changed (they were originally a deep tan color, like Polynesians, with hair like Native-Australians, and a fashion sense that kind of looks somewhere between Polynesian and Ancient Greek).

I think Paragon, Dervish, Assassin, and Ritualist all failed to make the cut for very bad reasons... Monk was the only one of the classes cut that they explained their reasons for (no healer role)... and it's reason no longer exists (Druid).

Paragon and Dervish SHOULD HAVE been included with Path of Fire... except I suspect they then would have had to give their weapons to several other classes as well, and it would have been a major design effort. For example, Necromancer would be perfect for Scythe... In fact the elite class they got in HoT should have used a Scythe and not a Greatsword, they just didn't want to add a new weapon.

I would love to see Spear added a land weapon, and Dagger added a water weapon.

  • Historically both of these fit in those roles. If anything, Spear as a land weapon... was perhaps the most common weapon pre-gunpowder militaries around the world used.

Javelin and Spear - two related weapons - form the armory of most of human history.

And Dagger in water would be a good counterpart so that it wasn't just one weapon getting to be used in both land and water... divers almost always carry a small knife for cutting things, and many traditional fishing cultures have some set of people trained to go in the water and fish with a knife (usually cutting shells loose - I don't think anybody tries to 1v1 a shark except in movies).

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