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What Specs have good ranged dps options for pve and pvp?


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On 3/15/2022 at 1:07 AM, Zenith.7301 said:


Encounter design would be so much better if they reworked boon application to not be only melee range. They could actually create multiple simultaneous mechanics for melee and ranged builds.


But this is Anet we're talking about. They make Blizzard look like hard workers.

Im going to guess the large reason would be its impacts in other game modes i dont know how easy it'd be to Split the way boons work among multiple game modes.

tbh, the Design of permanant boons was the mistake, the moment you make something permanant is the moment your forced to balance around it, effectively your characters pushed 3 steps back for boons to carry them 3 steps forward. you've not gained Power via boons. its created the idea that you have by making proffessions not function properly without them effectively.


The problem is. GW2 is Clenches to what it has and doesnt innovate, they effectively hold the concept "oh we got a better Combat design. we Have a Better open World experience double down on that". and hasnt redone ALOT of what needs to be done.

If we are looking at encounter design theres a far Larger discussion that'll need to happen realistically, as This games Skill Curve hasnt Moved in years, and Nothing is forcing players to improve at the game.. meaning the same mechanics arte getting facerolled each release and the Same players are getting crushed to the same mechanics.



Edited by Daddy.8125
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On 4/17/2022 at 7:24 AM, Daddy.8125 said:

Because all of its attacks work from ranged?

The entire game doesn't allow you to stay away from the boss. The moment you run ranged you lose all boon and healing applications in PvE content. 

So I don't understand why you would bring this up as a argument. As this is extremely irrelevant as the requirement to primarily stay in melee has always existed in raids / fractals. 

Again, games built off of weapon swap, you are melee and ranged in your build. And you use that. 

Ranged weapons should do less DPS but high uptime

Melee weapons should do more DPS but have lower uptime 

That's how this is balanced in litterally every mmorpg. You are equipt with the means to be both ranged and melee simultaneously excluding warrior and elementalist who have no ranged builds. 


I would say that this comment is saying that Melee vs. Ranged is NOT balanced in terms of actual gameplay / encounter design. You could say that the damage of each balanced in regards too each other. Being ranged in encounters causes the player to become selfish in that they cannot buff others nor receive buffs from others. I would say this is a stark oversight by the ANet devs, but its been this way for as long as I remember, so its a design choice that limits player choice. I agree there are plenty of ranged options, but once you step into group content it seems you're expected to play as Melee for boons.

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On 5/18/2022 at 7:28 PM, Zindan.4138 said:

I would say that this comment is saying that Melee vs. Ranged is NOT balanced in terms of actual gameplay / encounter design. You could say that the damage of each balanced in regards too each other. Being ranged in encounters causes the player to become selfish in that they cannot buff others nor receive buffs from others. I would say this is a stark oversight by the ANet devs, but its been this way for as long as I remember, so its a design choice that limits player choice. I agree there are plenty of ranged options, but once you step into group content it seems you're expected to play as Melee for boons.

no its actually. Encounter design that is the issue.

Lets take WoW For example

Melee do higher DPS Ranged do lower DPS. but uptime is Increased when playing Ranged and the enviroment allows you to freely move Without a Penalty, this allows your Ranged DPS to Actively do Raid mechanics and deal with things happening during the fight while holding a higher DPS Score then a Melee trying to do DPS and doing the additional Raid Mechanics.

this is how you create a Raid or Group structure that brings a Requirement for both Ranged and Melee without causing one to replace the other.

Melee have to do higher DPS Then Ranged. thats how its effectively always been balanced. however Encounter design has Always made Ranged Stronger at several other things bringing a requirement for them to exist among a Group.

GW2 has No Ranged Combat Design.

- U can move away from the Boss and deal DPS. However your going to lose all your boons so ur DPS Will be nerfed by over 60% Anyway..

- you could move away from the boss, but Why? Theres no Threatening Mechanics which Make you need to Move.

- The fights are balanced on Stacking Tactics. Which means Outside of maybe Hand kiting. a "Ranged Role" Simply Doesnt exist in the game.

Now sure you could say "oh but then why not buff ranged DPS then? if the advantages dont exist". Simple. Because this argument REVERSES the problem you have. by Buffing Ranged Weapons. ur Just replacing Melee At that point. you creating the EXACT Same problem. Just the opposite way around.

Now you say "ranged roles are too selfish"


Renegade is a Ranged Proffession and was the Meta alacrity choice for a LONG TIME.

Mirage is a Ranged Proffession which is meta on Some fights as a alacrity choice due to confusions strengths.

Scourge was a Ranged Proffession that was Meta in PoF as a Support / DPS Hybrid.

Staff Tempest was a Ranged Proffession that defintly had its Place.

Druid brought Ranged DPS as a Meta Raid Support option.

Spectre is a SUper strong Ranged Option. So is harbinger. both can bring boons / Support.

Soulbeast has Ranged DPS. and was a Meta Power DPS.

DH Runs Sceptre for Ranged DPS Capability.

Ranged Proffessions Do actually exist. theres LOADS OF THEM. the problem is. the option doesnt exist in One Proffession its Several Scattered, There are LOADS of Ranged Gameplay options. Which are very strong,

the problem is Proffession X has No ranged Options. not that the game has no ranged options.

Because Ranged and Melee do the EXACT Same Role. and they have 0 Unique Benefits. it means they Replace each other. If the Ranged Weapon sets Do more Damage then the melee Weapon sets. u play ranged. if the melee weapon sets do more damage then the ranged Weapon sets you play Melee

The issue isnt "MElee weapons bring more utility. or More this or that". the Issue is these Roles Simply Replace each other Entirely. because Raid design doesnt create the Demand for Both to exist simultaniously. They simply Can never Exist Simultaniously.


Edited by Daddy.8125
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11 hours ago, Kalatarus.7243 said:

The reason I like to be ranged is so I can see my character. I don't like being stacked. It ruins it for 

Your going to struggle there, 

Boons have a super short radius if your not stacking you won't get boons and will drop over half your dps doing so. You don't have to stand ontop of each other. But yeah stacking is the common strat. 

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