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Power Builds: Rev vs Warrior


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I like using power classes in open world. I know that makes certain things harder to solo and I'm okay with that, I just like power builds more. I like running into the fray and smacking the kitten out of stuff. So I got really excited for vindicator to come out and wanted that to be my main, the class that I use to get into raids/etc and grind with in open world pve. Even went so far as to craft a legendary sword for my rev to use, as we'd finally have a good power DPS class to use in this type of content. 


Fast forward to now where power rev is still not considered for raids/etc bc it's somewhat of a jump happy core rev.


That said, for a main pve content class, would it be more worth it for me to pursue using a warrior rather than a rev for power builds? Don't get me wrong, vindicator is fun and the dodge is meme for sure. But I want to get into more high level endgame content and really grind with this game (I really enjoy that process haha). 

Any suggestions/input would be super!

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Not sure I quite understand the question. Anyway, the main difference between rev and warrior is going away when banners get reworked. The main thing that will get you into raids is then the same, Alacrity on rev (power or condi renegade) and banner on warrior (power), which may be quickness or alacrity (we don't know yet).


Both those specs will probably pull ~30k DPS at that point because I can't imagine anet giving banners uptime without having to run concentration. Both can swap to a reasonable pure DPS (warrior edges out here a bit I guess) if their boon is already covered. So, their flexibility as a single profession is going to be exactly the same. Which is what matters. Make a support alt that covers the other boon and you would be set for anything.




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4 hours ago, ShazaM.2583 said:

So I got really excited for vindicator to come out and wanted that to be my main, the class that I use to get into raids/etc and grind with in open world pve.

   For raids and so the power based Alacrigade probably won't be replaced by the Vindicator because the shared alacrity is more important than the dps advantage from Vindicator at the current moment.

   For OW hard content (soloing legendary bounties for fun, HP champs, etc.) power Vindicator will probably be fine but different: way faster at killing minor mobs (that sigil of endurance restoration after each kill combined with Forerunner of Death is brutal), but slower and riskier vs champs and bounties than condi Renegade.

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Warrior has the better power DPS builds. Vindicator is Reaper levels of bad DPS, with less CC on top and a single dodge.


For condi both are irrelevant because they went and nerfed condi rev down to 37k DPS while being a supremely harder spec than the flavor of the month faceroll 40-41k DPS condi specs like Harbinger and Specter.

Edited by Zenith.7301
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