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Is there room for staff healing tempest?


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I see that nobody wants a tempest in fractals as its 5man content and people rather to have booms from hbf instead of a tempest, but is it really necessary? or people just get used to play in ez mode?

I dont want to re role to hfb just because of that but I do want to do T4 fractals with pugs.



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1 minute ago, Kuronca.4138 said:

I see that nobody wants a tempest in fractals as its 5man content and people rather to have booms from hbf instead of a tempest, but is it really necessary? or people just get used to play in ez mode?

I dont want to re role to hfb just because of that but I do want to do T4 fractals with pugs.



They want quickness, 25 might, fury, aegis, stab.........

Not having quickness is a giant dps loss. 

Tempest isnt Welcome in fractals. Druid also not and so is every other healer without quickness. 

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Tempest is mostly a dead class for healing support. Anet did the death blow with the 10 target nerf alone but now with more quickness and alacrity from other classes means your never getting to use it for content. Your best best is to be an stander dps tempest who happens to have some might support. Ele over all is in the saddest state it has ever been in.

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Just now, Infusion.7149 said:

If you're going to say tempest is a healing support class so is firebrand? What are you getting at?

Firebrand is an overload classes that anet felt the need to give it books an dps weapons on-top of another set of support skills to the existing 2 other support skill set it has. In no way can we even get close to comparing them 2 sadly.

My point is tempest is an support healing class yet every thing you post about the class is its dps and how to max out that dps. Its as if you forgot it was an support class to start with.

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Just now, Jski.6180 said:

Firebrand is an overload classes that anet felt the need to give it books an dps weapons on-top of another set of support skills to the existing 2 other support skill set it has. In no way can we even get close to comparing them 2 sadly.

My point is tempest is an support healing class yet every thing you post about the class is its dps and how to max out that dps. Its as if you forgot it was an support class to start with.

In a solo scenario you need to have sustain. That's why it's relevant. You should read what Fennec from qT writes sometimes instead of going on tirades all the time.

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5 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

In a solo scenario you need to have sustain. That's why it's relevant. You should read what Fennec from qT writes sometimes instead of going on tirades all the time.

What class dose not have sustain of any type that the way the game is made. If any thing i think weaver has beter sustain then tempest has. The point of tempest is that (use to be 10 target) 5 target support healing. If you happen to brake the game with some fights or some events by maxing out something anet did not see the class doing that fun and all but that just not what the class was for and will never be. Tempest is not a dps class weaver and catalyses (till the next 3 or so nerfs lol) its an support healing class that due to hits ele back grond is able to do some burst dps if you go all in.

This is a chat about an healing staff support tempest not an dps tempest. The roll of healing is gone for ele effectively over night with the 10 target nerf in raids and its was gone some time ago when they buffed scraper to the mess it is now (they just buffed it agen too such a joke of a game).

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16 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Except it isn't gone, it just isn't an optimal solution in fractals. Also 10 man shouts were never a thing in fractals. Never has been in fractals.

Its gone in an real use way that why ppl are asking is there room. Also 10 target shouts where good for fractals due to number of targets you could hit with thoughts shouts. Not just the boons but the aggressive side every one forgets that the nerfs was both to the support side and the aggressive side. Anet never thinks that far out with the ele class it seems.

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9 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

Its gone in an real use way that why ppl are asking is there room. Also 10 target shouts where good for fractals due to number of targets you could hit with thoughts shouts. Not just the boons but the aggressive side every one forgets that the nerfs was both to the support side and the aggressive side. Anet never thinks that far out with the ele class it seems.

Do you have screenshots of it hitting 10 enemy targets or are you making things up?

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I never had an issue getting in fractal groups running Tempest.  In fact, there really isn't much need for elitism in fractals considering they nerfed the rewards prior to EoD launch. 


I will say Healing staff tempest isn't as good as the condi build though, because the Anet nerfed the traits that made it worth running a few years ago(a la when Geyser could bring people back up.    You still might be able to get it to work, its just not as impressive as it used to be. 

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10 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Do you have screenshots of it hitting 10 enemy targets or are you making things up?

As its no longer in the game and you often do not screen shot a one use skill no.

But from what you posting its a hard no for if there room for an staff healing tempest.

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1 hour ago, Jski.6180 said:

As its no longer in the game and you often do not screen shot a one use skill no.

But from what you posting its a hard no for if there room for an staff healing tempest.

You could just use any video from before this patch. I knew the answer I just wanted to know if YOU knew the answer or are just spouting philosophy.

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10 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

You could just use any video from before this patch. I knew the answer I just wanted to know if YOU knew the answer or are just spouting philosophy.

I dont sower the web for videos that fit my arguments. I like to let my argument pointing out other actions and points of views logic lead to. If your videos to proves your argument that "yes there room for an staff healing tempest" are nothing but tempest doing dps with an WH i think you may want to rethink your point of view.

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10 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

I dont sower the web for videos that fit my arguments. I like to let my argument pointing out other actions and points of views logic lead to. If your videos to proves your argument that "yes there room for an staff healing tempest" are nothing but tempest doing dps with an WH i think you may want to rethink your point of view.

There is no reason to run heal tempest in fractals in PUGs since it was druid+chrono before healbrand +ren, and we are approaching the age of mechanist heals (with barrier). I never said that the topic creator should run heal tempest. Go read the thread. The point was tempest is usable in fractals.

P.S. The reason why I refer to videos by experienced players other than myself is to constantly challenge myself to perform better and not stagnate. If all you do is argue on the forum like a certain person, never refer to the countless resources at your disposal, and don't have objectivity your argument is flawed. Also are you even fractal god, how qualified are you to answer the topic creator?

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5 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

There is no reason to run heal tempest in fractals in PUGs since it was druid+chrono before healbrand +ren, and we are approaching the age of mechanist heals (with barrier). I never said that the topic creator should run heal tempest. Go read the thread. The point was tempest is usable in fractals.

P.S. The reason why I refer to videos by experienced players other than myself is to constantly challenge myself to perform better and not stagnate. If all you do is argue on the forum like a certain person, never refer to the countless resources at your disposal, and don't have objectivity your argument is flawed. Also are you even fractal god, how qualified are you to answer the topic creator?

Then we agree tempest is nothing more then an generic dps now cool to know.

@Kuronca.4138sry there is no room for healing staff support tempest.


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Just now, Jski.6180 said:

Then we agree tempest is nothing more then an generic dps now cool to know.

@Kuronca.4138sry there is no room for healing staff support tempest.


If you're playing with a healbrand there is no reason to play ANY other healer. That goes for alac mechanist , heal scourge, heal renegade, heal specter (not really a thing atm), heal scrapper, etc.

If you're playing with people you know then you're free to play hybrid tempest or something akin to that, with -70% healing on agony there isn't a strong case to play a non-barrier non-aegis healer in general.

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4 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

If you're playing with a healbrand there is no reason to play ANY other healer. That goes for alac mechanist , heal scourge, heal renegade, heal specter (not really a thing atm), heal scrapper, etc.

If you're playing with people you know then you're free to play hybrid tempest or something akin to that, with -70% healing on agony there isn't a strong case to play a non-barrier non-aegis healer in general.

I am not disagreeing with you.

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