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3x4 mid point. Ranked


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There is no guarantee that your team will lose mid just because you're down 3v4 there. If the person going far is confident that

  1. you all have the team composition, builds, and skill to not immediately lose the mid fight,
  2. they can get to far fast enough to prevent enemy cap,
  3. they can actually contest it for a meaningful amount of time without dying (or outright win the duel), and possibly even
  4. pull one of the enemies from the mid fight to help far back home,

then the tactic actually works. Obviously item (1) is a huge gamble, especially when someone so new as you (who isn't familiar with the far tactic) is on the team. Makes it far less likely the team can pull off the 3v4 mid. However, item (4) happens a lot more than you might expect, especially if they can be spotted rushing far early on. Very often at least one extra person will stop from the enemy and try to help far, meaning that mid becomes 3v3.

But overall in a non-premade team where you don't know how good people are or what their builds are, the far push is generally a big gamble and is therefore very rarely advisable for someone not utterly confident in the list above.

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52 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

But overall in a non-premade team where you don't know how good people are or what their builds are, the far push is generally a big gamble and is therefore very rarely advisable for someone not utterly confident in the list above.

That’s the problem, I play with random guys.((

and in 90% it is a loose

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3 minutes ago, Revalent.4205 said:

That’s the problem, I play with random guys.((

and in 90% it is a loose

Yep, welcome to ranked. The biggest group size that an queue together is 2. Unless you participate in some of the wintrade and queue dodging shenanigans at the top of the leaderboard, everyone is in the same boat - we're all playing with randoms.

Since you can't control what others do on your team, it falls to you to begin adjusting. If someone says they're going far at start or you just notice that happens, don't overcommit to mid. Contest it as needed to stall the enemy cap for as long as you can, but your goal should be to not die on it. So for example, if your team shows up to a 3v4 mid and one of your teammates just gets nuked immediately, time to do some thinking: do you have what it takes to stall the complete loss of mid to a reasonable extent? Or are you fast-moving and damaging enough to actually peel off and help take far instead? Or do you just need to troll mid from a safe distance, keeping several enemies invested in trying (and failing) to kill you until your team can regain some measure of map control?

Overall simply not dying is underrated by new players, and I found the single greatest gameplay improvement I could make was to learn what it takes to just not die while running a reasonably damaging build. Even if you're not always able to decap or full cap an enemy node, constantly holding 2 players there who are tunnel visioning you can make a dramatic difference. That takes a lot of practice and experimentation with both your class and the map terrain.

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As far as I know, the goal is:

1. The player going far ties up the enemy player there.

2. You're 3v4 at mid for a short time. This means your team should focus on surviving and not fighting 100% on node.

3. Your home player (uncontested) quickly joins the team at mid, now it's a 4v4.

4. Your team scores points off home while the fights at mid at far rage on for a while.


Some ways this strategy can fall apart, ime:

a. Your team doesn't respect the 3v4 for whatever reason, and just dies at mid.

b. The player going to far is on an overly slow duelist type build, the enemy just decides to let them have it, now you're 5v3 / 5v4 on mid. Your team quickly discovers that getting snowballed cancels out the 2-cap they just got.

c. The player going to far is a roamer rather than a duelist type, so the enemy just caps the node while they're dueling. So now instead of a ((high-risk 3v4) into (4v4 with +1 node advantage)), you're playing ((high-risk 3v4) into (4v4 with equal node control)) — not worth it.

d. Your far-node player loses their duel and now your high-risk 3v4 continues into an unpleasant 4v5.

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