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Arborstone rested bonus mechanics

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  I have Arborstone masteries maxxed for the 25% inn rested bonus. I am a little confused on the way the rested bonus accrues. I had 29 minutes of rested bonus left when I logged out (in the part of the inn on the blue carpet where I have always gotten fully rested when logging off there for the night). When I logged back in around 2 hours later, I had 4 minutes left of rested time which counted down to zero at which point my counter said I needed to rest for 4 hours to get the rested bonus. I had expected the bonus to go up to 2 hours & 29 minutes.

  Maybe you have to use all of the rested bonus to start a new 4 hour logout to rebuild it, or maybe I do not understand how this works. I did read the wiki on it, but I cannot make sense of the exact mechanics. Any enlightenment will be very much appreciated :)

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As far as I have experienced, the rested bonus, once acquired, will count down until it reaches zero. No "refreshing", e.g. by AFK'ing in Arborstone is possible. Once you have spent a full 4hours period in Arborstone, the bonus will reset to 4 h again and will start its new countdown.

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18 minutes ago, Gorani.7205 said:

the rested bonus ... will count down until it reaches zero. ... Once you have spent a full 4hours period in Arborstone, the bonus will reset to 4 h again and will start its new countdown.

This. Resting for less than 4 hours doesn't add to the bonus. It's all (4 hours or more continuously in the inn, regardless whether logged in or out, to reset the bonus) or nothing. As long as you have been in the inn for less than four hours, your previous bonus will keep counting down as long as the character is logged in.

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When you are at the inn you start 'resting'. If you rest for 4 hours you will get a 4 hour long buff to exp.

If you leave the inn earlier than 4 hours, you will have another timer - 5 minutes. You got 5 minutes to return to the Inn in order to not loose progress on any 'resting' you done so far. Example - you rested for 2h35m minutes and left the inn. Now, if you return withing five minutes, the resting will resume from 2h35m, untill 4h is reached and then you get the well rested bonus re-set for 4h. If you do not return within 5 minutes, the resting time accumulated so far is gone. When you go to the inn it starts from 0 all over.

Maximum well rested bonus is 4h. It resets to 4h after every 4h spent resting.

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