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Why are we obsessed with Mesmer PvP


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The problem with celestial is you dont just add 2 whole stats without balancing the base. What in the near future if they ever come up with new stats its just going to be added to celestial without checking the overall base stats?

ATM celestial can be abused by anything that can stack might, with boon duration it increases the uptime of overall boons, not only are you sustaining but you are dealing damage similar to glass cannon. 

Mirage is a prime example of this, GS ambush instantly stacks 25 might, along with the vuln stack it inflicts its not uncommon for celestial mirage to do glass cannon dps while being full celestial. (Competitive)

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On 4/5/2022 at 5:44 AM, Daddy.8125 said:

The obsession with keep going on about PvE is more annoying then the spvp uproar. Purely because the PvE obsessed chanting aims to achieve nothing for the proffession. They have nothing to give it. 

 A lot of Support Mesmers quit over the changes that happened in 2019-2022 such as changing SoI from copying boons to other players to extending Boons by 3 seconds and then more recently making it only work on the caster and now people are just calling it a "dead skill". Tying Distortion to CS effectively removing that as a utility only to then remove it entirely anyway. Requiring clones for shatters which they then took off, but the damage to the interest in this class is already done at this point. And then making all their 10 person skills work on only 5 which was one of the few remaining reasons you would take a Mes over a FB/Ren and even then you wouldn't. And all this happened right after their shift in management. Someone at Anet has a clear bias against this class. But back in 2019 when this class was overpowered gifting every boon in the game, all the other support specs were still relevant because what they lacked in healing they made up for with boon support and utility. And despite this, few people played it because despite being meta, it was hard for a lot of people to play. Now Chrono/Mirage have both been reduced to pure damage builds only and are only taken over other damage builds for their niche utilities

Edited by Vincenzo.3145
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