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How is sPvP for new players?


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The MAIN reason PVP is NOT good for new players is that Anet allows these high burst, virtually one-shot from stealth builds.  Over the years, I think fighting Mesmers (with tons of AI too) and trap DH has run off more new players than anything.

While these builds are hardly viable in high level PVP, they serve as griefing builds to new players.

When you put new players with experienced players in PVP, you inevitably have those who will run those meme builds even in unranked just to grief newbies.  This makes new players quit fast.

Those that have patience will sometimes stick it out, but that not only requires them to understand these other builds...it requires them to learn certain specs and professions that can counter it best.  In some cases, they keep trying to fit a square peg into a round hole even if they have patience.

If a build isn't a legitimate high end PvP build and mainly serves as a griefing build for new players, ANET should see the forest through the trees and not focus ALL their effort on "balance" for high level PVP only.

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54 minutes ago, SPESHAL.9106 said:

The MAIN reason PVP is NOT good for new players is that Anet allows these high burst, virtually one-shot from stealth builds.  Over the years, I think fighting Mesmers (with tons of AI too) and trap DH has run off more new players than anything.

While these builds are hardly viable in high level PVP, they serve as griefing builds to new players.

When you put new players with experienced players in PVP, you inevitably have those who will run those meme builds even in unranked just to grief newbies.  This makes new players quit fast.

Those that have patience will sometimes stick it out, but that not only requires them to understand these other builds...it requires them to learn certain specs and professions that can counter it best.  In some cases, they keep trying to fit a square peg into a round hole even if they have patience.

If a build isn't a legitimate high end PvP build and mainly serves as a griefing build for new players, ANET should see the forest through the trees and not focus ALL their effort on "balance" for high level PVP only.

You can 1shot new/unexperienced players with pretty much any berserker ammy wearing power build, even with the low dmg numbers we have today. Maybe thats the games fault for doing a bad job at teaching basics mechanics like dodging and stuff

Edited by lotus.5672
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7 hours ago, lotus.5672 said:

You can 1shot new/unexperienced players with pretty much any berserker ammy wearing power build, even with the low dmg numbers we have today. Maybe thats the games fault for doing a bad job at teaching basics mechanics like dodging and stuff

No no no. That is not about berserker gear player one shoting other berserker gear player. That guys has a point. I remember how frustrating these builds were. Mesmer is more or less an auto win against every new player with not enough cleaving.


Dodging isn't as easy a veteran player make it out to be. Dodging the new warrior spec sure. Rev burst no problem just die  couple of times to it you figure it out. But between 27 elite specs and Visual clutter dodging is quite hard.


Look at league of Legends Yorick(noob killer) died so the game could life.

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8 hours ago, lotus.5672 said:

You can 1shot new/unexperienced players with pretty much any berserker ammy wearing power build, even with the low dmg numbers we have today. Maybe thats the games fault for doing a bad job at teaching basics mechanics like dodging and stuff

  You can...but it's not NEARLY as frustrating as being one shot out of the blue via stealth or traps...then, even if you can survive, you have to sift through AI, immunity, more stealth, etc.  It creates a toxic experience for a new player and the people that run these builds do it mainly against new players for this exact reason.

Yes...experienced players after many hours can deal with the burst and know the weakness and get better intuition, but that's a ridiculous "ask" of new players.  

I guarantee you that mesmers and trap DH have run off more new players than any other professions.  I know it did many people I referred.  Nobody should create builds that aren't viable in high end PvP but grief newbies.

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  • i looked  at playing  pvp  I tried  it  out, and  unranked there  are  only  some   people  who  decide  insulting  players  is  a good  way  to motivate  them, then i  tried  ranked  hoping  that  these  people  would  be  helpful and  inciteful and  help me  learn the  game  better.  boy I  was  wrong  I played  10  matched   one  torment and  only  2 of  the matches  where  full of  help  full people  and those  helpful people  happened  to be  the  enemy, otherwise  you get  comments  like  noob (we all start off as  noobs lol) go bk  to unranked  (well that doesn't  help me learn)  other  comment  like  idiot  and    the  r  word now  having  learning  difficulty   i  would  of  took  a fence  for  that   but  it  illegal 😄  but  no if  ur  looking  to learn  pvp   find  a help full guilds  and  go into  one  of  the  many  servers.  if  you  bring  it  up  with  people  in the  pvp  area  that  this  is  going  on you  get called  a wet  wipe, so  no pvp  isnt  new  player  friendly and yes  its  completive  but it  doesn't  give people the  right  to harass  and  literally  be mean  i had  to block a person  from the games i played  as they  wouldn't  stop. So do i think pvp is  good  yes int  the lay out  and  the  structure  no  in  chat  control 
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On 5/5/2022 at 4:59 PM, SPESHAL.9106 said:

The MAIN reason PVP is NOT good for new players is that Anet allows these high burst, virtually one-shot from stealth builds.  Over the years, I think fighting Mesmers (with tons of AI too) and trap DH has run off more new players than anything.

Thief and mesmer were hardest for me to learn to fight, definitely felt like major bs when I started.

But if you don't have patience to learn, pvp is probably not the best for you in any game.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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This is why we need at least a month of the off-season. Turn off the ranked button @Anet.

As of now, new players have no room for growth. They can't learn in ranked, and yet they don't have the chance to play with experienced players in unranked (where most of the learning happens).

Anet is sabotaging its own game, pvp'ers, and new players to reward pve'er and legendary farmers.

Edited by Fivedawgs.4267
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