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My new favorite core build - Hybrid Condi/Power, big health

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Summary: Hybrid using sword/board and longbow. Armor and weapons are Carrion, with accessories being Valkyrie. 


Runes are Rage for Fury uptime, sigils are (for sword/board) Torment and Celerity. Longbow uses Smoldering and Fire. 


Defiant Stance and Adrenal Health keep that massive Health pool up. 


Shield Bash + Flurry with Quickness melts pretty good. 


With so many strikes (Flurry hits 11 times in 2 seconds, Fan of Fire shoots 3 piercing arrows, Combustive Shot with a huge AoE pulses 9 times, etc.), crits are happening even with a 25% crit chance. 


The gear is cheap, excepting Rune of Torment, you only need one. 


I dunno, just having a blast with this in WvW and open world PvE. Obviously not a roaming toon, but great in WvW group fights small or large. 

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You'd be better off with Celestial when you can afford to do so. Hybrid can be fun, and I'm glad you are enjoying it.


Also, combustive shot has the initial explosion followed by one pulse per adrenaline level on a three second interval.

That is something that we've been asking the devs to update. It should last 3s per adrenaline level and damage and burn on each pulse.

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