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@Zeghart.9841 said:PvE? Wut? Why would someone use Bull's Rush in PvE? I'm just going to assume your main concern is with WvW.

Even then, it's a single target utility skill that does negligible damage if untraited, and already has a pretty obvious tell that makes it quite easy to dodge. Against a decent player the only way to land it is to bait dodges beforehand, and even then they'll probably block it or something. Not to mention that when it does land, it can always be negated with a stun break, meaning at the end of the day you and your target basically trade the use of a utility skill.

The only reason it's popular is because Warrior lacks mobility and the ability to stick to targets to begin with. On its own it's not really an amazing skill, there are many more that are far, far more powerful, both in the Warrior kit and in other classes. But it's incredibly handy if you don't want literally everyone to be able to disengage you whenever they want.

Also, do people still play Berserker in pvp/wvw? Pretty sure right now Core Warrior is better nine times out of ten.

I switched off Berserker pretty much after the nerf to HB,SB, and Arc Divider. I knew it was only going to go down hill from there. We'll have a bunch of SB's for a month until they realize the burst is crap.

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