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For any Dusk/Dawn fish (like Taimen), given that you only have a five minute window, my suggestion would be to arrive 15 minutes before time and find a sequence of three fishing holes that you can get to quickly... you have 9, 12 casts if you're lucky, so you want to ensure that you get them all in by planning your route in advance.  Beyond the planning, it's RNG... but at least maximize that opportunity with as many casts as possible.  

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I would not chase the World/Saltwater collections until they're the last fish you need... at that point, my success has been going to open water in Seitung and not using a specific hole.  This will maximize your opportunity as you're not moving between fishing holes.  This is not the most profitable as you're excluding opportunity at Rare+ fish as bycatch, but will get you the most casts over a defined time period.

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@ Garrison Storm, thank you for the reply.  They are the last fish I needed.  For the Taimen, I do camp a character in the area and usually getting 3 (if lucky 4) fishing holes done in that 5 minutes.  I have done no less than 30 times.  For the Red Herring, I will try what you suggested.  After trying many places, I just camp a character by the Deep fishing hole in Arborstone (suggested by Wiki) since I can cast many times there.

Aside from doing the normal fishing for all the AP's up to these 2,  I have spent about 2 weeks on them.  Getting very frustrated.

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Hard to know anything for sure, given the uncertainty in how the loot tables work and any specific correlation with Fishing Power.  30 times for the Taimen seems like really bad luck fur sure, I can understand your frustration.  


You can search and find someone who invariably hits the wall with any given fish... for me it was the Musky in Ascalon for the Avid collection... Took forever, but at least in that case I was also catching other valuable fish to offset some of the pain.  Also with a Legendary, you know there's no downside to upping your FP as high as possible...whereas there is speculation that when trying to fish some of the mid-range rarities, that it might be better not to maximize FP so as to lower the odds of getting the higher rarities. 


As mentioned, with the Herring, maybe try avoiding holes altogether and just fish open water.  The Deep hole is a good idea, gives you what 8 or 10 casts?  But it also includes all the Echovald lake fish.. If Open water excludes the area's specific loot table, does that increase the odds of hitting those other World collections?  Or just increase the odds of the open water fish?  Probably the latter, not sure.  My suggestion was based more on opportunity over time, and not having to move from hole to hole.


But if you are planning the Avid collections, then I would simply skip the herring as it will eventually show up while you work on the other collections.  

Best of luck and hang in there... you will get them both eventually.

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Thank you for the suggestions.


I have tried opened waters too, but because I'm thinking Open waters have more possibilities, that's why I'm trying my luck with that fishing hole.  I will reduce FP to see if my luck will change.  As for "it will eventually show up", I have basically done everything but still stuck on first rounds of those 2 fish and the related AP's.   At least once first round done, the Red Herring will be just daily fishing lotto.  I'm just curious if the Taimen actually locked on to some particular baits?

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Hey Chop Suey, Garrison makes some great points but I thought I would add a few tips too since I seem to have very good luck when it comes to fishing in GW2.

In regards to the Taimen (or really any other fish that doesn't require a specific bait), I suggest using baits that are not specific to any of the fish on that map.  For example, the Kaineng Fishing collection includes channel fish that specifically need to be caught using shrimplings or sardines.  Thus, you would not want to use any of those types of bait.  I'm not saying you won't catch the Taimen using those types of bait, but as they increase your odds of catching those other specific fish, they will also decrease your odds of catching the Taimen.

It also helps to figure out which maps have the most fishing holes and also (at least it seems to me) that some maps yield much better results than others.  One such map that a lot of people seem to overlook is Rata Sum (Port Waypoint).  You'll find access to saltwater fish for the Maguuma fishing collection, as well as fish from both the World Class fishing collection and Saltwater fishing collection on this map.

Another thing (especially concerning the dusk/dawn fish) is to arrive well before the 5-minute window (not only to find yourself 3-4 locations for when dawn arrives) but also to build up your fishing stacks provided you have unlocked that mastery.  I've seen some people suggest that having a lower fishing power can actually work to your benefit for catching some fish, but this has not been my experience.  I always try to maximize my fishing power by using food, and then, as I said, I will typically try to arrive 30 minutes before dusk/dawn to at least build up to 45 stacks (IV tier).  Don't worry too much about using the 3-4 holes you plan to fish at dawn, so long as you don't fish in them 10 minutes prior to dusk/dawn (as they reset every 10 minutes).

Hope this helps somewhat, and I wish you the best of luck!!

Also, 99% of the players I've encountered while fishing have been very friendly, so don't hesitate to ask when you arrive on the map if anyone is willing to share their fishing stacks!  Most players are happy to share (and you don't need to remain on their skiff or in their party to retain the stacks...just be sure to re-board your skiff quickly once you've left their skiff!).  Just remember to pay it forward! 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

For Red Herring (World Class fisher) best location is Polluted Lake pools in Kessex Hills, bait or time of day does not matter.
Taimen (Kaineng fisher) is from Channel Fish pools in New Kaineng City during dusk or dawn, use any other bait than Sardines or Shrimplings.

Edited by Jukhy.2431
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Well, after about 120 lures, finally caught red herring at polluted fishing holes.  Thank you again Jukhy.  Now if I can just spend 120 lures and get taimen, I'll be happy with that.  Can only do so many fishing within 5 minutes though.

Edit:  OMG, I didn't notice timing for dusk/dawn is off by 5 minutes in Cantha.  I was just looking at the first line at Wiki Timer.  Caught taimen just after 4 lures.  kitten waste of time for over a month.

Edited by Chop Suey.5860
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12 hours ago, Chop Suey.5860 said:

Edit:  OMG, I didn't notice timing for dusk/dawn is off by 5 minutes in Cantha.  I was just looking at the first line at Wiki Timer.  Caught taimen just after 4 lures.  kitten waste of time for over a month.

I had the exact same experience. I get why they wanted Cantha to have an even day/night cycle, but the subtlety of it is going to make these Canthan dusk/dawn fish a regular point of frustration for players as they'll only learn by luck or by happening to post/read the forums like this.

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Yeah. The Cantan timer is a bit annoying. I think the ingame time with /time does not even show this correctly. While for maps with fixed time like Draconis Mons it shows corretly a fixed time - and therefor the correct (permanent) part of the day (daytime) ... in Cantha it seems to just post the regular Tyrian (it says even "Tyrian" when you use the /time command) time.

A icon in the mini map to hover over (when you usually have real time from your computer shown at the bottom) that actually showed the correct (also for Cantha) time - would be nice.

For Dusk/Dawn: I usually started to fish randomly until a lot was done already. Then focusing on the remaining ones. Usually of daytime/nightime I had some left - and tried to include the dusk/dawn while doing other ones (gathering a few stacks of the fishing party buff - especially in Orr where you get yellow without at least t2/t3 of the buff - if using +100 bait as required and not the +50 buff from Seitung).

Edited by Luthan.5236
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