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WvW with Wine

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I've had pretty good performance with DX9, wine-staging, and dxvk even in huge WvW zerg fights. However. when I moved from wine-staging-6.9 to wine-staging-7.2, performance takes a huge dive during the same fights. I've seen FPS drop to 1fps. This aligns with a huge ping spike. It's probably a long shot, but does anyone know what might affect performance between the 2 wine versions? Is there an option I can try?

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Newer Wine versions have serious regressions with the game sometimes. I'm still on a protonised build of 4.9, which was the last rock-solid version I had to run the game on my hardware without any problems.


This game is old so upgrading your Wine version continuously gains you almost nothing.


Since you mentioned wine-staging I presume you're doing your own builds. For testing regressions its better to use something like Lutris that comes with prebuilt versions so you can jump in and out of the game repeatedly with many different Wine versions, testing settings and framerates accordingly.


I wouldn't use DX9 in WvW regardless, it handles quite poorly and DX11 almost never crashes on PvP/WvW anymore if you have a good configuration and nothing wrong with your hardware/drivers/etc. The DX9 acceleration code in DXVK also started out as a separate project (D9VK) and isn't as well maintained.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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Even though gaming on linux is totaly posible these days. And huge respect for all people/developers that made it possible. Usually dx12/vulcan games runs as good as windows counter part. Sometimes even little better. When it comes to games/mmos with older engine that is heavily bound to CPU on dx9(11). Linux always deliver a bit degraded performance.


From my experience:
- Fist of all dx11 is huge improvement over dx9.(personally tested) Especially on linux BUT both linux and windows takes massive improvement using dx11.
- Im personally using newest but stable version of wine unless there is problem than i downgrade version. (and there are problems often times) But using bleeding/cutting edge distro with newest kernel, drivers and wine is usually (not always) best.
- As mentioned above use lutris release wine or very popular is: https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/releases
- Read comments here: https://www.protondb.com/app/1284210 ---> ppl share settings/tweaks/runners that may help to improve performance.
- But best fix is will all respect and love for linux... Use windows for gaming.


Gw2 is one of the games that at 1st launch at linux performance was terrible. After testing different runners and settings. I was able to get almost same fps as in windows. But almost! For example in WvW where my computer cant even keep solid 60fps and im glad for lets say 30-50fps with relatively smooth frametimes on windows.. At linux its about 20-40fps or less with stutter/very inconsistent frametimes (shader compiling). Another solution is to lower graphic settings on linux but i dont want my gw2 looks like counter strike 1.6 🤢

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