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Best "Netflix and farm" profession/build?


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I've been tinkering and trying out all the specs as of late, and maybe i'm just a poor player after years of not really playing more than a few days at a time here and there, but i'm looking for something to do just map completion and i've just been getting rocked trying to do even the HoT content for some hero points. I know boosts start you at 80 with celestial gear, but even with some changing up of gear I've just been getting rocked, so was looking for something that was maybe minion based? Something to hold aggro while I dps away and can avoid.


Mechanist? I still need so many points to finish out the tree but it doesn't seem to hold aggro and the mace and being in melee i've gotten whooped up on when it doesn't hold aggro. Also throwing grenades from afar i've pulled aggro i guess and things come bee-lining for me.


Necro? This class i've barely touched, is there a decent open world minion build? Most things say scourge or reaper but then play through the shroud mechanic and not really based on pets.


Ranger? Soulbeast looked cool but i know you absorb your pet to do more damage yourself, and from what i've been reading some people swear by untamed and some say its the worst thing since unsliced bread.


I'd take definition recommendations for any professions for sure, but trying some of them i'm not outputting enough dps in testing to keep myself alive for anything past a veteran mob and groups basically obliterate me.


Thank you in advice, this community has been awesome and glad to be trying to rejoin and be a part of it.

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19 hours ago, mofackin.3902 said:

I'd take definition recommendations for any professions for sure, but trying some of them i'm not outputting enough dps in testing to keep myself alive for anything past a veteran mob and groups basically obliterate me.


Thank you in advice, this community has been awesome and glad to be trying to rejoin and be a part of it.

   If we are talking about staying on a place doing nothing while the A.I. farms for you the best choices are Turrets Engineer, Minionmancer or Mallyx Rev with the pulsating Embrace the Darkness upkeep (the first ones have better range).

   If we are talking about doing soloing content (Open World PvE, Story Mode, completing maps and events, even some instanced PvE content as Dungeons, Fractals and some Strike Missions) with low effort the choices would be:

* Condi Ranger: very good  for soloing and doing regular content since the pet can tank for you; condi Soulbeast is very powerful soloing hard content but requires high key strokes x minutes to work well.

* Flamethrower Mechanist: similar to Ranger but the pet is stronger and the gameplay has lower intensity. The disadvantage is that albeit the skill ceil is higher with the Ranger the potential for solo runs is also higher.

* Necromancer: Minionmancer variants are solid for regular content but in this game the minion aren't as powerfull or durable as, lets say, a pet Necromancer in DII. Very low input, propper core Necro and Scourge buils are superb for soloing hard content, but also more demanding than flamethrower Mechanist.

* Condi Mirage: very easy rotations, requires to accurately spam evades and invulnerabilities since albeit the damage output is amazing is more frail than the previous choices.

*  Condi Herald or condi Renegade: huge sustain with good to great damage, probably the best soloers in the game, but they lack pets to tank so require a very active gameplay and high imputs.

*Condi Eles: very good soloer with huge damage spikes, but probably the most demanding class in terms of key inputs x minute.

* Condi Willbender/Firebrand:  huge damage and tons of tools to del with any situation, but again no pets to tank and require a high level of gameplay.

* Condi Specter: tanky and durable, but a bit boring to play and works better vs single targets than against mobs. Low imput required.

* Bladesworn: the only "power based" spec I would put in the list (all others works the best with either full celestial or trailblazer or carrion or dire stats), very tanky, good damage, flashy style, is not as easy to play as Mechanist/Necro/Ranger but nost as hard as Ele/Guardian/Revenant. 

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Thank you for this list! This is awesome. I dont mind NOT having a pet if i can get the rotation down easy enough and muscle memory it, but for some of these its a lot more intense. Bladesworn seems pretty great.


I'm not gonna have the HP for most of these so im looking at basic builds first and then gonna try and solo my way through HP gain to get them, so it'll take me awhile

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