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So... I got my Zhaitan sword a few days ago and now it's 75% off...

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16 hours ago, Lucifer.8514 said:

While what you're saying is perfectly true, if ANet are going to play the dictator in a top-down economy by making drastic changes without warning (something they haven't done before to my knowledge) then they risk people losing confidence in their in-game economy.

The price practicaly didn't change, so there was no drastic economy change with this patch.


There are often very good reasons why these things aren't done. In real life, a government could dictate the price of a certain item or impose some arbitrary new tax on specific trades tomorrow, but they generally avoid doing it because suddenly every business owner would eye them suspiciously thinking "are they going to dictate my prices next? Am I going to get hit by arbitrary taxes next?"

But those "arbitrary taxes" very much do happen irl, so even if they're not straight up "setting the price", they are indeed influencing it.

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19 hours ago, Lucifer.8514 said:


You are forgetting to factor buying the items off the trading post, buying the research kits, salvaging 30 stacks and consuming stacks upon stacks of papers. It's menial busywork that isn't fun, isn't challenging, isn't rewarding. It's a chore.

It costs time, and that time is worth a lot more than the few gold I supposedly "saved" even if you don't want to factor in "fun".

I could get more gold fishing. I could get more gold doing meta events. I could get more gold doing literally anything else in the game. Why is it so difficult to empathize that I don't like my time being disrespected in this way?


I'd make the 75g->7,500 research notes trade not once but ten times if I could, and I bet everyone else would, too.

But you are the one who decided that the pay out was worth 10k notes and all of the time/hassle that goes into it.

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On 6/28/2022 at 1:57 PM, Lucifer.8514 said:

I asked the support team to give me back my 7.5k research notes. I think, it's only fair since they didn't communicate the change earlier and 7.5k is a lot of notes! That's dozens of ascendeds!

But instead of being understanding, they gave me a soulless, canned corporate response:

This is just so heartbreaking. I got it literally three days before the patch. I would've waited instead of breaking dozens of ascendeds for it, and the sheer indifference with which they treated me is just mind-boggling...


Actually this is not heartbreaking, they confront you with reality

They can't doublecheck with every single player if they are good with a patch before releasing it.


I actually appreciate that they are straight forward with their answer

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