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RECRUITMENT CLOSED || Claîr De Lune [Luna]


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13 minutes ago, Jauari.5649 said:

Heya! I'm a fairly new player, and I've mostly been just going through my story and doing things solo, but I wanted do get into some group play in a chill setting with nice people. If you would have me I would love to join:D

18 minutes ago, senator.7243 said:

I am a returning player that is interested in learning Fractals, Strike and Raids. I would love to join and see if it is a good fit.

  • Hey folks! Hope you both are doing great this day! We would love to have yall join us. Invites to our guild have been sent over to you. Please let me know if there are any issues/questions with receiving your invite or about our guild. If you're unsure how to accept the invite, hit G and you will see the request under "Account Guilds". Make sure our guild chat is on via your chat tab settings so you can see what we say!
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Im a newplayer, started about a week go on the 10th or so. I own all LW seasons and expansions tho I wanna play the story in order and have currently done the personal story and LW season 1 and 2 and have started HoT. Im looking for a bigger size but not to big guild I can be apart of for more group stuff in the game. This one sounds nearly perfect. With myself being a night owl and the little requirements, willing to teach, discord usage, etc. Im very interested in joining

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3 hours ago, ZeldaTheoi.6342 said:

Im a newplayer, started about a week go on the 10th or so. I own all LW seasons and expansions tho I wanna play the story in order and have currently done the personal story and LW season 1 and 2 and have started HoT. Im looking for a bigger size but not to big guild I can be apart of for more group stuff in the game. This one sounds nearly perfect. With myself being a night owl and the little requirements, willing to teach, discord usage, etc. Im very interested in joining

  • Welcome to the GW2 community @ZeldaTheoi.6342! Hopefully you're enjoying the story. My favorite is by far Living World, Season 4. I've gone ahead and sent an invite to you. You can find the invitation in the Guild [G] Panel.

2 hours ago, Ellesmera.1094 said:

Hi! I'm a returning player interested in checking out some of the more challenging group content (raids, fractals, strikes) looking for a patient guild willing to teach a casual.

  • In that case, welcome back! An invite has been sent over to you as well. Let me know if you have any questions for me about our guild and I'll answer anything I can! Welcome to [Luna]! ❤️
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Veteran, but not elite player here. I am on the older side, with a school-age kid and am looking for a later-evening guild; my other two guilds seem to be all about 'at reset'. My main problem has been getting blocks of quality time to perform this kind of group content. Hopefully, your night-owl side could help there.

I am about to break into T4 fractals as a tempest and would love to eventually get into raiding as a revenant--time permitting.

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2 hours ago, Harfang.1507 said:

Veteran, but not elite player here. I am on the older side, with a school-age kid and am looking for a later-evening guild; my other two guilds seem to be all about 'at reset'. My main problem has been getting blocks of quality time to perform this kind of group content. Hopefully, your night-owl side could help there.

I am about to break into T4 fractals as a tempest and would love to eventually get into raiding as a revenant--time permitting.

  • Happy we caught your interest and hope our times end up working out! I've sent an invite to you. Please let me know if there's anything else I can help ya with. Welcome to the guild!
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On 11/23/2022 at 3:10 PM, RodyMC.3865 said:

Returning player who hasn’t played since 2015 trying to get back in the game and learn raids, Fracs and strikes and finally finish the expansion stories.

  • Hey Rody! If you're still interested in joining us, you have been sent an invite. You can accept it via the Guild [G] Panel!
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@val.5138@bentroll.8124@SkullViper.7501Super sorry for the delayed reply/invite, everyone! Invites have been sent to all of you. If you're still interested, you can accept the guild invite in the Guild Panel [G] under "Account Guilds". Also remember to turn on our guild chat from your chat tab settings so you can see what we're saying. Type /g and the number of guild [Luna] is for you in the Guild Panel to type to us (EX: /g1, /g2, /g3) as well!

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19 hours ago, dobby.3629 said:

Can I join?

  • You sure can, Dobby! I've sent you an invite to our guild. Please let me know if you have any questions for me about Luna and I'll answer everything I can! If you're unsure how to accept the invite, hit G and you will see the request under "Account Guilds". Make sure our guild chat is on via your chat tab settings so you can see what we say. Type /g and the number of guild [Luna] is for you in the Guild Panel (Example: /g1, /g2, /g3) to talk with us!
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