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Hope Legendary Armory Unlock

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I have tried to find an explanation on the Wiki, and asked in game chat, but I can't find an answer, so maybe someone in the forums can help...

As I read under the Wiki about dual wielding characters, should I not have two unlocks for Hope on my dual wielding Thief?

I have two Frostfang unlocks, mainhand and offhand, for my Ranger, as expected.

What am I not comprehending?
It's not a big deal, though, I just skinned one of my Ascended Pistols with Hope.

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19 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Do you have 2 Legendary Axes?  Do you have 2 Legendary Pistols?  You need 2 for dual-wielding.

Yes, two axes on my Ranger, one legendary pistol and one ascended pistol on my Thief.


12 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

I guess you have twice told legend from frostfang then OP?

I must've presented an actual second Frostfang to get the twice-told legend, then.

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5 minutes ago, NIGHTHUNTER.5139 said:

you can't craft H.O.P.E. twice, so you only have one unlock on this item.  But you can craft Aurene's pistol and apply Hope's skin to it. 

I'm not ready for that journey, lol!

I just put the skin on the Ascended Pistol I have equipped already, same stats as the Legendary.

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