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Do something about your trash matchmaking


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On 8/20/2022 at 3:35 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

hen somehow, the other person or two who did not yet hit accept, get some massively enlongated time frame to decide if they are hitting accept or decline. I've sat past the 25-30s timer and seen the queue box linger for upwards of almost 2 minutes before someone either declines or the match maker throws us back into "match making in progress", and then it immediately somehow finds another player to go back into queue.

Hello Trevor,

i experienced the same thing lately. I firmly believe that these "prolonged Accept-times" is a bug with the Userinterface. This happened to me and my brother on thursday night. We were having the same issue as you just described. The queuebox was lingering around forever. My brother was in another instance of Hearts of the Mist as i was, so he pressed "join in Heart of the mist" to get to my instance. The second he swapped map, it disbanded us from the Queue and the acceptwindow disappeared, as if the timer already ran out and we were searching again.

I believe, that your UI is still showing you the "accept-screen", but in the background the system already canceled that game and is searching for a new player already. The second he found a new game, the "accept-screen", vanishes and a new game is suddenly ready to accept.


On 8/20/2022 at 3:35 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Unusual frequency of the same players being stacked on the same team, game after game, against a team of clearly much lower rated players being stacked on the same team, going against each other for several games in a row. I'm not even talking alt smurfing here. I'm talking like a plat+ duo who has a bottom 1500 or two with them and some top gold 3 vs. some lone 1500 who has 1x gold 3 and a few bottom gold 2s. And the team with all the plats in it are known main accounts that are somehow landing in the same team together for 3 or 4 matches in a row vs. a full team of people that are like 200 to 400 average party rating lower. And you can see that it isn't even throwing, they are just actual new or casual players who are trying hard that can't keep up. Please explain to me quite exactly how or why the algorithm would do this SEVERAL times in a row. I know I'm not the only one who notices these easy to spot patterns in the low population. If this were various alt smurfs it wouldn't confuse me, that would just be a big team of synch queues landing on w/e side they land on and choosing to throw or play. But when RED team has like 4 stacked known main account p1-2 material vs. BLUE team with one p1 and a buch of middle to low gold for 3 or 4 games in a row, what the hell is that? It should be skewing those ratings across both teams, not stacking one side for easy 500 to 80 win. Something is wrong with this lately.

 noticed this aswell! BUT..... I was the one profiting from this...   I was duoQing with another p1.

3 Games in a row, it paired us with another p1 and p2 duo... we were facing clearly worse opponents in all of these 3 games.

Every game we were like.... why are we again a double duo in the same team? while the enemy is just a pug of Gold players at best.... wouldnt it make sense, to give every team a duo? but nope...

so we had 3 games in a row, a stacked p1+ team against some pugs..... needless to say, that it was landslides.

Something is off...    this was Primetime EU, btw.   Either the other Duo, did something to force this matchmaking.... or it is the matchmaker being complete garbage.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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