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It's been a lot of years, and our leaps needs to be fixed


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Yes, i know this is not just a warrior problem, but warrior is the one that uses leaps/dashes the most.

GS3: A dodge with a precast doesn't makes sense.

SW2: Sometimes it's just scuffed.

Axe F1: A REALLY annoying and unnecesary aftercast.

Rifle 4: Another dodge with a precast, doesn't makes sense.

Dagger leaps: Notorious desync problems, half of these 2 leaps uses are useless, literally roots you.

Pistol 4: Annoying aftercast (but not as hard as Axe F1).

DT2: Probably the smoothest one, but still has an unnecesary aftercast and sometimes happens the same as warrior dagger leaps, roots yourself in the same spot.


It's been a lot of years, and we really need a check to the leaps of this game, specially on warrior, the most telegraphed class of the game.

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A big problem here is superspeed aswell. Sword 2 or dagger F1/2 will not hit targets that run in circles around you while they have superspeed. Those skills were not designed with superspeed in mind but today superspeed is so abundant that this is a really big problem for those weapons. Sword 2 is alot more unreliable in general but even dagger will never hit a target moving with superspeed.

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I mean, tacking a 240 radius AoE at the end the melee leaps would solve the superspeed kiting problem (this is not a serious statement).

Brutal shot needs to evade before the fire.

Savage Leap and Rush need their jankiness fixed. They joked about 'fixing Rush' for the vindicator skill, so flow those changes to the other leaps already.

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